Plot hole: Cleaning out the Bureau: At the garment factory, Michael arrives, agent Dave Norton arrives and later in the scene, agent Steve Haines arrives at the building, walks up the stairwell and says hello to the others. Apparently, the plot has completely forgotten that Steve had shot himself in the leg in the mission "Monkey Business" a few missions prior, to make himself appear as a double agent - he is walking around completely fine in this mission as if nothing happened.
Casual Person
8th Sep 2015
Grand Theft Auto V
Suggested correction: Maybe he quickly recovered? Sometimes injuries heal quickly.
31st Jul 2015
Grand Theft Auto V
Plot hole: Trevor Phillips Industries: After arriving at the Meth Lab, Trevor tricks Mr. Cheng and his translator into entering an ice freezer. The translator then asks for Trevor to let him out and starts banging on the door. Trevor never locked the door and there is nothing restraining the door as Trevor had just opened it a second ago, so the translator could have simply just pushed the door open if he wanted to exit the ice freezer.
31st Jul 2015
Grand Theft Auto V
Plot hole: Marriage Counselling: Michael destroys Martin Madrazo's girlfriend's house, believing it to be owned by the tennis coach. Within the 0.6 mile drive back to Michael's house, Madrazo's henchmen are suddenly firing on Michael and Franklin because Michael destroyed the house. Even Madrazo's girlfriend's told Madrazo about the incident, there should still be no way for Madrazo to know what Franklin or Michael looked like, track down their location or find them that quickly.
Suggested correction: Although Madrazo would have had to have had men very close by for it to be possible he could have found out about Michael from the tennis instructor.
Even if Madrazo was told about Michael and Franklin by someone in or near his house, the amount of time it takes for them to reach him is far too quick. They find him around a minute or two after driving away from the house, and they had no way of knowing which direction he will be going in. This is far too unlikely, as it is far too quick after destroying the house for Madrazo to have tracked down and found Michael's location.
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