Plot hole: Anytime an SG member starts acting weird or something happens that is "impossible", SGC personnel always act skeptical about it. Considering what they have seen in the course of the show, "that's impossible" should have long ago fallen out of their vocabulary. And while I realize that Sam and Daniel are scientists, they have seen enough examples of incredibly advanced technology that they should be far more open-minded when looking for explanations.
Grumpy Scot
8th Mar 2004
Stargate SG-1 (1997)
16th Feb 2004
Stargate SG-1 (1997)
Touchstone - S2-E14
Plot hole: The NID guys escape because Jack can't kill them. He fires his MP-5 around them to try to make them stop. Is there a reason he didn't bring a Zat gun along? The whole point of this mission was to stop the NID rogue agents without killing them and to capture them if possible. The Zat gun seems tailor-made for a mission like this.
2nd Jan 2004
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991)

Plot hole: The assassin cuts a hole in the glass to kill the Federation president. But with the size of the hole and the placement of the scope on the phaser rifle, the assassin would not have been able to see out of the hole.
26th Aug 2003
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Plot hole: Why doesn't Reliant know that Khan is exiled here? The Federation is so terrified and opposed to genetic engineering that it's still illegal 300 years after Khan. So why is there no warning along with the data on the Ceti Alpha system? Kirk logged what happened with Khan and his solution of marooning him. Starships use nav data to navigate star systems. Ceti Alpha 6 exploded, yet the helmsman or computer never noticed that there is one less planet than there was when Kirk was there? There is no debris from the explosion? Ceti Alpha 5 is the exact same size and was conveniently blown into the exact same orbit as Ceti Alpha 6 used to have? So there is nothing whatsoever to make the crew even suspect that it's not 6? Enterprise would have to have scanned the planets in the system to know that one was habitable for Khan. Did Ceti Alpha 6's destruction somehow magically turn Ceti Alpha 5 into its exact duplicate? If Starfleet ships have been there to map after Ceti Alpha 6 exploded, none of them bothered to check on the exiles? Pretty callous for Starfleet, don't you think? With the technology and amounts of information available to Starfleet vessels, there is NO logical reason for the Reliant to think that this planet is Ceti Alpha 6. Finally, would the Federation be willing to test a device whose exact effects will be unknown on a planet so close to another inhabited one? (00:21:00)
Suggested correction: The answer is yes: against all known laws of science, the inexplicable explosion of Ceti Alpha VI led to Ceti Alpha V conveniently taking its orbit and making it easy to mistake for its former sister planet. A mistake would've been to give an explanation that can be debunked. By leaving it to "somehow" the movie leaves it open to a million possible rationalizations. You can even make a whole other story about the crazy circumstances that led to this incredible result.
20th Jun 2003
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Plot hole: Considering the size and power of the sharks, why didn't the female just jump the fence at the end of the film. It was only 3 or 4 feet above the water at that point. (01:30:10)
31st May 2003
D.A.R.Y.L. (1985)
Plot hole: If the government guys could see Daryl in the cockpit, they should have known they could finish him off. If they launched a missile, he would either be hit by it or cook himself himself trying to outrun or outclimb it.
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