
15th May 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: The age gap between Eric and Cory decreases as the series progresses. At the start of the show, Cory is in 6th grade and Eric is a high school sophomore, meaning they are four years apart, give or take a few months. By season 3, Cory is in 9th grade (confirmed by dialogue mentioning that Shawn, who is in the same grade as Cory, is 15 years old), and Eric is a senior, leading to an age gap of three years. The first episode of season 4 takes place a couple months after the end of season 3, with Eric and Cory returning from a summer Road Trip, but just two episodes later, Cory mentions that he is in 11th grade, while Eric is still barely out of high school, leading to an age gap of two years.


14th May 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

12th May 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of this episode, Cory asks Alan for money for his class photo. When Alan asks what grade Cory is in now, Cory says 11th. However, at the end of the previous season, Cory had just finished 9th grade (he and Shawn are both 15) and he spent his summer traveling the country with Eric. He should be in 10th grade, not 11th. This is further complicated later in the season, when he turns 16 and gets his driver's license. If he was in 11th grade, he would have already turned 16 and gone through driver's ed.


9th May 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

The Grass is Always Greener - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: Early in the episode when Cory is talking to Shawn by their lockers, Shawn closes his locker and you can see one of the straps from his backpack sticking out on the bottom-right side of the locker. A few shots later, the strap is now sticking out on the bottom-left side. About a minute later in the scene, just before Topanga comes to talk to Cory, you can see the strap is now sticking out of the bottom-middle area.


26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

City Slackers - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: When Cory and Shawn mistakenly believe Mr. Feeny opening the door to his cabin to be an axe-murderer, Cory throws his gloves at a nearby chair to grab something to defend himself with. One glove hits the floor in front of the chair, while the other lands on the chair and slowly falls off. A couple of shots later, the glove is back on the chair, while later shots show the other glove to be on the floor by the chair's right armrest.


26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

City Slackers - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: During the first sequence of Eric and Frankie's game of pool, after Frankie's shot, the cue ball is shown slowing to a stop near the center pocket of the table opposite from where Eric is standing. A few shots later when Eric is taking his shot, the cue ball is suddenly near him.


26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

26th Apr 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Hometown Hero - S3-E5

Continuity mistake: When Shawn is loading up his backpack with food from the catering table, a production assistant emerges from the kitchen and asks him if he's part of the interview. After Shawn says he is, the assistant walks away towards the front door. When the shot changes to the couch where the family is being interviewed, the assistant is nowhere to be seen, even though he walked right into the area of the shot. When the shot changes yet again, the assistant is back by the catering table, standing with his arms folded.


28th Aug 2014

Boy Meets World (1993)

11th Aug 2013

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

Resurrection - S6-E17

Continuity mistake: After Topanga draws a lipstick heart around her face and Shawn says "Use a mirror, babe," a closeup is shown of Topanga smiling at Shawn and you can see Cory has lipstick on his forehead before Topanga has drawn it on him. (00:20:30)


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