
20th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

17th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

17th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

17th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

Angela's Ashes - S7-E21

Continuity mistake: When Cory is saying to Shawn "Are you going to nice yourself out of the girl you love?", Shawn's right foot is resting on his left knee, and his left hand is on the foot. When the shot changes, his left foot is now resting on his right knee, and his left hand is resting on his left thigh. (00:05:06)


16th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

As Time Goes By - S7-E20

Continuity mistake: When Cory enters the noir world and uncovers Topanga's corpse, you can see her left hand is draped over her stomach. After the noir version of Cory confesses to the murder, the cloth covering her body is now suddenly covering more of her torso, including the left hand. (00:17:53 - 00:19:15)


16th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

As Time Goes By - S7-E20

Continuity mistake: When the noir version of Shawn is asking Topanga what she's running from, the pot of coffee is next to his left arm near the edge of his side of the bar, and the coffee mug is slightly to the left of the crease in the bartop. When the shot changes after she asks him what he means, the mug is now directly over the crease, and the pot is in the center of the bar between the two of them. (00:06:53)


16th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

As Time Goes By - S7-E20

Continuity mistake: When Topanga gets sucked into the time continuum vortex, you can see a teddy bear between the skis and a pair of shoes. When the shot changes to Cory, you can see the skis and the pair of shoes, but the teddy bear is now missing. (00:04:03 - 00:04:33)


16th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

As Time Goes By - S7-E20

Continuity mistake: When Cory is telling Topanga that he wants to be sure Wile E. Coyote will be all right, you can see a single piece of popcorn on the right side of the microwave stand in the background. When the camera switches back to Cory after Topanga assures him he's always all right, the piece of popcorn is now gone. The amount of popcorn on Cory's shirt also decreases in both aforementioned shots. (00:02:15)


15th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

15th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

15th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

14th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

14th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

14th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

14th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

14th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

14th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

I'm Gonna Be Like You, Dad - S7-E14

Continuity mistake: When Topanga, Shawn and Angela are hanging out in Cory and Topanga's dorm anticipating Cory's return from the doctor, the slice of pizza that Angela is eating goes from having a small bite taken out of it, to being halfway gone, and back to having one bite taken out of it. (00:12:07 - 00:14:02)


11th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

The Honeymooners - S7-E8

Continuity mistake: When the voice on the intercom is saying "Paging Dr. Chocolate Pudding," Cory's right hand is on Topanga's right arm, and her hands are in her lap. When the shot changes, both of his hands are suddenly resting on his stomach, and her right hand is suddenly resting on his left leg. (00:07:23)


11th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

9th Sep 2020

Boy Meets World (1993)

Boy Meets World mistake picture

They're Killing Us - S7-E6

Continuity mistake: When Morgan is telling Topanga that she wouldn't use her bridesmaid's dress to wipe her ass, she gets cut off by Alan who covers her mouth with his left hand and then begins dragging her out of the reception hall. When the shot changes, he is covering her mouth with his right hand. (00:17:22)


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