Nick Bylsma

28th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: When the tape player says "The key is among your son's possessions" Jeff is standing in front of the opening between the bars leading down to the ladder, and he takes a few steps towards the incinerator (his left). The screen cuts back to Jeff and you can see in the lower left-hand corner of the screen that Jeff is still standing in front of that opening between the bars. (00:56:10)

Nick Bylsma

28th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

28th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: A little bit after you first see Jeff there is a shot of Amanda looking into Jigsaw's room. Lynn is telling Jigsaw to look at her. The pillow is about three-quarters of the way down Jigsaw's head, almost down to his neck. The shot cuts to a closer view of him and now the pillow in a good 8-10 inches higher on his head, up past his ears. (00:36:20)

Nick Bylsma

28th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

28th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: After Lynn gets shot her position against the wall changes between the far away and close-up shots. (look at the poster she's leaning against for a reference point, in the far away shot her head is between the 2 legs on the left, but in the close-up her head is on the very left leg and you can easily see the right leg.).

Nick Bylsma

27th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: Jigsaw gets "blood" all over the top and sides of the lid of phosphorus paint, yet there is hardly any "blood" on it when he throws it in his bag.

Nick Bylsma

27th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: The blood stains (streams) on Jigsaw's chest constantly change after Jeff slices his neck. Sometimes the only blood stain is a trail that goes directly down the side of his hospital gown, other times it's halfway down his chest. The shots constantly go back and forth, so it's not just the blood flowing down his chest.

Nick Bylsma

27th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: After examining Jigsaw, Lynn tells Amanda that he needs to go to a hospital. Amanda grabs Lynn's hair and pulls Lynn towards her to yell at her. In the shots of Amanda's face you can see that their foreheads are touching, but in the shots of Lynn's face their temples are the only thing that is touching. (00:37:25)

Nick Bylsma

27th Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: When Jigsaw is in the process of passing out (after surgery) Lynn's hands move off the bed, back on, then off again, then back on (it wasn't just her moving them naturally, they were in the EXACT same positions each time they were back on the bed). (01:04:00)

Nick Bylsma

23rd Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: When Lynn first gets rolled into Jigsaw's room she has a few strands of her hair in the corner of her mouth. The strands appear and disappear during the next few shots.

Nick Bylsma

23rd Jun 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: Kerry wipes off the steamed up mirror and sees Eric in the reflection, she gasps and turns around. She looks back at the mirror and you can see that the hand wipe marks where she wiped the steam off are completely different. (00:11:45)

Nick Bylsma

25th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Saw III mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The key is bubbling when it first drops in the acid, and continues bubbling throughout most of the scene. As Jigsaw's message is winding down, the bubbling dies down and stops. But it's bubbling full force again when the detective goes to put her hand in the jar. (00:13:20)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: The tear in Jeff's face (after he gets stuck to the refrigeration machine) continually changes throughout the movie. It goes from oozing and bloody, to clean and almost normal looking several different times. There's no blood on his bathrobe, so he didn't wipe it off that way. That's a big enough tear to bleed a decent amount, so we'd see the blood if he wiped it off. (00:52:35)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: Matthews is in the bathroom and gets the saw, he shines the light over and sees the severed foot on the other side of the room. He shines the light down to his foot, then he holds the flashlight in his mouth while he yanks his sock off. The next shot (which is a direct cut, you can tell by his sobs) has the flashlight suddenly on the floor and already pointing at his foot while he's stuffing the sock in his mouth to muffle his screams. (00:02:00)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: The glowing "X" on the bathroom wall in the first Saw movie was very symmetrical, and the whole thing was filled in very well. During the Saw III bathroom flashback scene, when Jigsaw paints the "X" it's completely different that the one that shows up in Saw. It's not symmetrical at all, and the paint doesn't go on very thick at all. You can easily still see the wall behind the paint, but in Saw, the lines of the "X" are very full with no gaps.

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: The placement of the flashlight (or foot) moves between shots of Detective Matthews contemplating sawing through his leg. In one shot the flashlight is illuminating the ball of his foot, in the next it's pointed past his foot, then in the next shot it's shining right on his heel. Matthews isn't moving either, he sitting right there with the saw on his leg, crying and contemplating all the pain that he's about to inflict on himself. (00:02:30)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: Watch the light when Matthews is breaking the bone so that he can slide his foot out of the lock (right after he's done smashing it with the lid). The flashlight is suppose to be on the floor next to the foot (it was in the previous shot) but the light source is moving all around as he places his hands on his foot and then breaks it. It's very noticeable as soon as the break happens, the light source moves down and to the left of the screen. The flashlight is back on the ground, next to the foot, in the very next shot. (00:02:10)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: When Matthews is smashing his foot with the toilet bowl lid, he probably hits his foot a good six or seven times, and one of the times he also glances against the flashlight and it rolls a bit to the side. The next time you see the flashlight it's pointed right back at his foot like it was in the previous shots. (He was still pounding away on his foot, so he didn't stop and realign it or anything.) (00:03:00)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: There is a closeup shot of Matthew's foot right before he starts to smash it with the broken piece of the toilet bowl lid. He's placing the flashlight on the floor next to his foot and you can see that the sock is back on his foot, even though he took it off previously (right before he first attempted to saw through his leg). (00:03:20)

Nick Bylsma

19th Jan 2007

Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: In the "Twisting Crucifix" device scene the tear on the man's face jumps from his right eye, to his left, then disappears, then reappears again throughout the shots.

Nick Bylsma

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