Continuity mistake: In the close-up when Amanda goes to suffocate Adam with the plastic, the plastic only goes up to his forehead, yet when the scene cuts back (instant cut) the plastic is completely surrounding his entire face and head. (01:16:50)
Nick Bylsma
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: Amanda's sweat marks and eyeliner runs constantly change shape and size (bigger, smaller, and back to bigger) during the bathroom flashback. (01:10:30)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: When Amanda goes to take off Adam's boots (in the flashback) his feet are spread a good 2, 2 and a half feet apart, yet when she goes for his right boot his feet are all of a sudden less than a foot apart. (01:11:30)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: The red "blood" marks on Jigsaw's left hand change several times (smaller, larger, smaller, larger again) during the bathroom flashback. (01:11:10)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: The clamps on Jigsaw's head change their positions between the time Lynn says "He's stabilized" and "I need you to raise your hand and spread your fingers" The top one is most noticeable, it goes from hanging over his forehead to lying on top of his head.
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: The blood splatters on Lynn's face change throughout the whole brain surgery scene. The splatters go from defined, to smeared, and then back to defined again a couple different times. (01:03:15)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: Lynn explains the procedure she's going to do to Jigsaw, then goes to fill the syringe. Look at the syringe when she sticks it in the bottle, the plunger part is pushed all the way to the bottom. The shot cuts to a different view and the plunger is a good inch or 2 pulled back already (she hadn't started to draw it out yet, you can see 1 or 2 inches of air). The shot cuts again, and now the plunger is at the top of the syringe again, then she starts drawing it out). (01:01:30)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)

Continuity mistake: There is a far-away shot when the first pig comes out. You can see Jeff standing on the platform holding his left hand to his face, there's an instant cut to a close-up of Jeff, but now his right hand is held up to his face. (00:58:45)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: In the "pig" room the string around the tape player suddenly disappears in the middle of the tape message. Jeff's right hand never changes position and the string was tied around the middle of the player, he would have had to move his hand to get it off. (00:58:00)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: Jeff sees the 3rd tape player (in the room where he finds the judge) and there's a shot of the player being held up by string. The player is hanging very level and the string is perfectly tied around the middle of it. Jeff climbs the stairs to get the player and now you can see that the player is hanging crooked and the string (where it's tied) is slanted towards the top of the player. (He didn't shake it lose or anything when he climbed the steps, the player is hanging from the ceiling).
4th Jul 2007
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Continuity mistake: John throws Matt to the floor when Matt is first being shot at. John lays on Matt to protect him and you can see that John's legs are off to Matt's left and are lying flat on the floor. The scene cuts to a view that's from behind their feet and now John's legs are no longer flat on the floor, his lower body is turned and he is lying on his right hip. (00:11:20)
4th Jul 2007
Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Continuity mistake: During the shootout at Matt's apartment John scrambles away from the refrigerator and pulls himself around the corner. The view is from behind John and his chest is facing the corner as he pulls himself around it. The scene jumps to a view from in front of John, yet he's somehow already turned himself around so his back is to the corner (this makes for an easier transition to using the corner as cover, but it messes up the continuity). He couldn't have done this since he was still in the process of pulling himself around the corner.
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: When Jeff sees the doll on the wrecked trike you can see that the doll's hand is on the trike tire, but in later shots (of the doll from the waist up) the wheel and tire and nowhere to be seen.
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: Jeff's body position moves when he's looking down the hall towards the wrecked trike. When the shot is in front of him his right leg is farther forward than his left and he's leaning forwards peering into the darkness, when the shot is behind him he is standing up straight and his feet are parallel.
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: When Lynn places down the drill there are 4 pieces of a broken mirror on the table in front of her. The 2 middle ones are standing straight up, but the outer ones are at various angles of slant. The next shot (a few seconds later) all 4 pieces are standing straight up and arranged very nicely. (00:49:40)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: When Jeff finds the second box (after the freezer room) he takes the card and flips it over to see the picture on the back. In the closeup his thumbs are on the bottom corners, but then the shot cuts away to a view from his left and you can see that his left thumb is at the top left corner and his right thumb is as least halfway up the card (instant cut, no time to move his hands). (00:48:30)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: During the scene when Lynn is telling Amanda that Jigsaw needs to have an operation Lynn is talking to Amanda with her body slanted forward and her head and chin up (in a "you're stupid, this is what we need" type of pose), but in all of the over-Lynn's-shoulder shots her head is tilted down to look at Amanda.
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: After Lynn looks for pills she runs back over and tells Amanda "Back off, back off", then takes off Jigsaw's oxygen mask and puts her hand on his face to keep his head to the side and you can see two drops of blood on her hand. The shot cuts to a closeup of Jigsaw and now there is no blood on her hand. (00:39:50)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: During Jigsaw's seizure there is a shot of Lynn when she's yelling at Amanda for help. In this shot she has several strands of hair that are across her face, but in the very next shot they are gone. She couldn't have brushed them away because her hands were on Jigsaw the whole time. (00:37:50)
4th Jul 2007
Saw III (2006)
Continuity mistake: When Jeff reaches up and plays with his daughter's hair some of her hair falls over/in front of her stuffed animal. The next shot of her (instant cuts) and her hair is back behind the animal. (00:31:00)
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