Nick Bylsma

Question: Is Riddick's trick with the knife when the Lord Marshal first shows it to him physically possible? I can't tell if it's just CG or simply a very talented hand at work.

Answer: Completely CGI, and in my opinion, pretty bad CGI too. There's no way you can flip a knife underneath your hand they way that he did. Also, the entire scene is pretty herky-jerky, a good tip-off that it's CGI.

Nick Bylsma

Question: What was the point of the scientist releasing the clone Alices and then putting them through the test to have them killed? Did they explain this and I missed it or what?


Chosen answer: The reason that the cloned alices were put through the tests was their attempt to get a "perfect" clone of her. They knew that Alice was the key to taking back the zombie infestation, so they were trying to get the "perfect" clone. The perfect clone would have all of her memories and reactions, so they put the clones through that testing facility. If she made it out alive, then she was the perfect clone. If she didn't, then it was back to the drawing board.

Nick Bylsma

Question: Could someone please tell me how Will planned to get out of the dice game should he have lost without his father's help? Maybe I'm missing something but the whole thing seemed poorly thought out. I mean he goes into the game betting his eternal service against the key just to find out where the key is? If he was trapped on the ship forever, getting the key to Jack or anyone would be impossible so that would be no good. Again my main question is, how was Will planning to get out of the game? Could you also point out any points in his plan should I have forgotten to list them?

Answer: All he needed was to find out the where the key was. If he found it, and unlocked the box with it, then he (and Jack) would be free. Remember, they had a few days before Davey Jones called in the debts, so he wouldn't have been enslaved right away.

Nick Bylsma

3rd Dec 2006

Saw (2004)

Question: What is the point of John/Jigsaw being in the room with Adam and Dr. Gordon? If some one can fill me in that would be great.

Answer: He was able to observe the 2 and make sure that the followed the rules. Example would be when Dr. Gordon pretended to kill Adam. Zep couldn't tell if it was real or not, but Jigsaw was right there and knew. Plus, there's a clue in the movie, when the dective says "Looks like out killer likes to book himself front row seats." Jigsaw wanted to see how people reacted when their lives were on the line.

Nick Bylsma

However, in the flashback where John and Amanda set up the game in Saw III, he used a drug that made him sleep and not wake up until the game was pretty much over.

It was too slow his heart rate and breathing. Not put him fully out.


This can't be correct. Too many things you couldn't control: your chest rising and falling, which would be visible; snoring and involuntary movements.

24th Oct 2006

Constantine (2005)

Question: Why did Constantine not just destroy the Spear of Destiny, instead of hiding it?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: According to the legend of "The Spear", it is indestructible.

Nick Bylsma

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