
21st Jun 2004

Aladdin (1992)

Corrected entry: Why does the Apple Vendor exclaim "No one steals from my CART" when Jasmine gives the small street urchin boy the apple? It was a market stall like all the others, Without Wheels. Why did he call it a cart?

Mike Wotton

Correction: Because this is a children's movie and the writers will choose the words most recognizable and easy to understand. In the US (where the movie was made) the word stall (especially to kids) a place where horses are kept and the booths in market places are commonly called stands or carts, whether they have wheels or not.


Corrected entry: Philippe has whites in his eyes. It's impossible to see the whites in horses' eyes.

Correction: While this holds true with most horses a search on images on the internet proves that it is, indeed, possible to the see the whites of a horses eyes.


20th Oct 2007

Tremors (1990)

Corrected entry: There is absolutely no way that a sheep farmer could survive in a desert environment. The farm is shown to be set in scrappy scrubland and sand - nothing that a sheep could eat is shown. (Apart from this, the heat would kill them.) Cows maybe - they could eat the scrub. Grass eating sheep, never.

Correction: My father raised sheep in a similar environment, they are fed hay by the farmer and the wool coats of the sheep actually act as an insulator from the heat.


Go to Hell - S8-E3

Corrected entry: When Warrick and Nick are in the reverend's apartment and slice open the ironing board, Rick pulls back the cover and tape VI is lying beside the ditch furrowed out for the tapes to sit in. When the shot changes, it is in the ditch.


Correction: Not so, just watched the scene and all four tapes are side by side in the hollowed out portion of the ironing board. Tape I and IV's labels are on the left sides of the cases, while II and III are marked on the right. There is a fifth tape (with the red label) visible outside the "ditch" but neither it, nor any other tape, changes position during the scene.


Corrected entry: In ROTK (and in the first two) Orlando Bloom is usually wearing blue colored contacts. Yet sometimes the brown eyes are seen, regardless of the reason why he isn't wearing them.

Correction: It is explained in commentary that Bloom wore the contacts during all filming and simply the lighting made them appear darker. Not a mistake.


Corrected entry: When the three hunters leave the mountains where the dead lived and see the corsair ships Legolas eyes are brown and not blue. It is not that they appear brown because they are dark blue, you can see the color of them. Extended DVD.

Correction: According to the commentary Bloom wore his contact during all filming and lighting caused them to appear darker. Not a mistake.


14th Apr 2007

300 (2006)

Corrected entry: At one point in the film someone (Theron, I believe) says that Leonidas might go to jail for breaking Spartan law. Jail did not exist at this time, nor did anything similar to it. Spartans didn't lock up their criminals.

Correction: Not true, according to Wikipedia and numerous other sources, in approximately 491 BC Cleomenes I was was imprisoned in Sparta, in fact by his half-brother Leonidas.


24th Nov 2006

General Hospital (1963)

Show generally

Corrected entry: In the 11/17/06 episode, Jason is shot. In the 11/20/06 episode, Liz finds Jason and takes him to her art studio. Jason tells Liz he can't go to the hospital because the police are looking for him, so Liz will have to remove the bullet from his leg. Liz explains that she's a nurse, not a doctor, and doesn't have the training to do such a procedure. Eventually Liz gives in and removes the bullet. Jason's Mom is a surgeon and has covered up for her son before during his brushes with the law. Why didn't someone think to call her to remove the bullet?


Correction: In the same episode Elizabeth begs him to seek more capable help, but he implores Elizabeth to tell NO ONE he is alive because "the more who know, the more likely I will be caught". Specifically he states not even Sam or Emily, two people he trusts even more than he trusts Monica (his mother).


26th Jul 2004

A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Corrected entry: The real John Nash was married multiple times, had a child out of wedlock (in his twenties), and had numerous hetero- and homosexual affairs. All this information has been removed for dramatic purposes.

Correction: This movie was never presented as a documentary, but merely "based on a true story". The ommision of specific details for dramatic purposes is a common technique for fictionalized movies.


11th Jun 2006

Poseidon (2006)

Corrected entry: You can not walk on the most part of the ceiling on a boat, especially a cruise ship. It tends to be out of thin plaster boards.

Correction: "Tends to be" is not definite, we have no idea what this ceiling was constructed out of and obviously, in this case, it was something more substantial.


Corrected entry: When the entire school is banqueting after their arrival, D. Malfoy says: "Potter. Is it true you fainted. I mean you actually fainted?" In the book, he found out because Neville was in the compartment as well, and he told "nearly everyone." But, in the film, only Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Professor Lupin are in the compartment. The three friends wouldn't have told them, and a schoolteacher doesn't go around telling such things to students. So, as Harry himself asked, how did Malfoy find out?

Correction: There are large windows on the compartment facing the hallway, which showed considerable traffic previously and in the other movies because the snack cart was located farther up the train. It is reasonable that someone saw what had happened during the time that Harry was unconscious or was alerted to the scene by Harry's screams, that Ron discussed.


1st Jul 2003

Big (1988)

Corrected entry: When Josh and Susan go on their date to the amusement park, Susan wipes mustard off her face with her bare hand. The next shot of her, she is shown wearing a glove on that same hand. Her arms were full of stuffed animals - no way she could have put the glove on so quickly.


Correction: Not only was there enough time for her to slip her glove back on (6 seconds), but you can actually see her pulling it on in the following shot, even with the stuffed animals.


12th Jan 2005

King Arthur (2004)

Corrected entry: When Guinevere and Arthur are kneeling over the dead Lancelot, there are two shots directly on Lancelot. In the first shot, he is slightly smiling, but in the second shot you can see a definite grin.

Correction: Absolutely incorrect. Just to be certain I carefully checked both versions of the movie, standard release and Director's Special Edition and it is simply the way Ioan Gruffudd's mouth is shaped that could possibly give you the illusion of a smile, but certainly not me. There is no hint of an upward curve at the corners of his mouth what-so-ever, his cheeks are completely relaxed, as are the corners of his eyes and absolutely no sign of a smile at all. No mistake here.


5th Jan 2006

Armageddon (1998)

Corrected entry: Peter Stormare became the first European to be allowed inside NASA, during a cast visit. Although Stormare's character in the film is Russian, the actor is Swedish.

Correction: Totally false. While I was unwilling to spend a lot of time researching this it only took me a matter of seconds at the NASA site to confirm there were 18 Russian cosmonauts on the MIR/NASA project that started in 1989, well before Armageddon began filming.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Kim Jong II is revealed to be a robot with an alien cockroach inside. This does not make any sense because no sparks come out when he is impaled on the German guy's hat.

Correction: Sparks are not an automatic or always the consistent reaction to metal impaling a robot. Depending on where the metal breached the robot and what wires and circuitry were there would determine whether or not it would spark. Additionally, the type of metal that the hat was made of would also bear into the equation. The absence of a spark is not a plot hole or a mistake at all.


Corrected entry: At the start of the Yule Ball, the orchestra is playing a waltz. In one shot you can see a saxophone in the orchestra, even though there isn't one playing.

Correction: I don't know what makes you think there would be no saxophone in the Orchestra? There have be saxophones in every Orchestra that I have played in and listened to all my life. Perhaps the saxophone wasn't necessary for that particular song.


15th Dec 2005

Charmed (1998)

Correction: Depending on the brand of photo mixture and the skin type it may or may not be immediately irritating the the skin, but will always be irritating to the eyes. This is not a mistake.


16th Apr 2003

Night Shift (1982)

Corrected entry: Just what time does Henry Winkler go to work, anyway? There's an implication he goes in at about 6pm, because we see him going into the subway while everyone else is coming out during the afternoon rush. If that's the case, he should get out of work sometime in the middle of the night. But when we see him coming home, it's already daylight. That means he would work a 14 hour day. That's unlikely for a city worker.

Correction: Not necessarily. There are a number of variables that could effect this scenario that are unknown to the viewer. The first is addressed by yourself, exact time he leaves for work. Second, length of commute. Third, time of year which affects exact hours of daylight. Fourth, exactly what the character does on his way to work, we know he stops and gets a paper and reads it leisurely as he walks, maybe he also stops and gets something to eat. Fifth, the exact length of the afternoon rush hour in New York City in 1982. There are simply too many unknowns to call this a true movie mistake.


29th Nov 2005

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When Luke walks over to the Jawa sandcrawler, the distance between the black hemisphere droid and the two astromech droids (R2-D2 and the droid with a bad motivator) changes between shots twice. (01:16:50)

Correction: Again, these are no mistakes but optical illusions caused by changes in camera angles and changes in the placements of cameras (in distance) not the placement of the droids or other characters.


29th Nov 2005

Star Wars (1977)

Corrected entry: When C-3PO lowers himself into the oil tub, Luke says, "It just isn't fair.", but his lips don't move. (00:19:00)

Correction: His lips absolutely move without question. If you run the scene on slow motion or frame by frame you can see that Luke's mouth opens and closes, especially clear right before he turns and walks towards C3PO.


But if you're only able to see it in slow motion, it doesn't count, according to this site.

True of mistakes, not corrections - if something looks like a mistake, but closer examination with slow-mo shows that it isn't, no point leaving it online as a false claim.

Jon Sandys

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