Corrected entry: When the guys are in the police station Phil calls Tracy to tell her they got comped an extra night at the hotel but it's never explained how they actually managed to get the room for another night. They're never kicked out and housekeeping never comes to clean the room. So how did they manage to stay another night if they didn't pay for it?
3rd Feb 2023
The Hangover (2009)
24th Sep 2022
The Breakfast Club (1985)
Corrected entry: When Andrew does his run around the second floor of the library he passes by a state flag with a confederate emblem on it. The film is supposed to take place in Illinois, that state was part of the Union, not the Confederacy.
Correction: This isn't a mistake. It was the Georgia State flag. But the library has several different flags that we see, so it would make sense the library simply had all the State flags hanging around. Not to mention this was filmed in an actual Illinois high school.
19th Jul 2022
Bruce Almighty (2003)
Corrected entry: When God tells Bruce the two rules he says Bruce can't tell anyone he's "God" and he can't "mess with free will" but by telling Bruce himself what he can't do just by explaining the rules God himself is messing with Bruce's free will. So by God's own reasoning he's breaking his own rules.
Correction: The rules are for Bruce, not God. But the free will thing could just be a limitation of God's powers, not a "rule". If I tell you that you can't lift a mountain, I'm not messing with your free will, just stating a fact. And/or just telling Bruce he can't tell anyone he's God isn't about free will, simply an "actions have consequences" thing. If he breaks the rules he'd lose his powers or similar. I mean all of us have free will, but if we exercise that in a harmful way then we go to jail or similar. That's not "messing with our free will", just natural limitations.
Correction: If your parents tell you to do your homework, it's not violating your free will, because you still make the choice of whether or not you do as you're told. If they use supernatural powers to mind control you and literally force you to do it, now they've violated your free will.
Free will only applies to freedom of thought, not freedom of action.
7th Jul 2022
Speed (1994)
Corrected entry: "Tuneman" has no actual license plate on his car, just the same vanity plate on front and back.
Correction: The Jaguar owner has personalized plates, and the rear license plate has the registration tabs (stickers) affixed to it, the month (Nov) at the left and the yellow tab with the year at the right.
17th May 2022
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Corrected entry: When Marty gets the Western Union letter from 1885 Doc it is raining but if this is at the same moment we get the recap of the 1955 Doc from the first film on the clock tower it wouldn't be raining, just thunder and lightning.
Correction: A great observation, but rain can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours so a rain shower at this time is not impossible.
Correction: Also, different areas. It can be pouring rain in 1 spot, while sunny just a few feet away.
3rd Jan 2022
The Running Man (1987)
Corrected entry: When Sub-Zero slices through the gong during his introduction you can see the pre-made cut right down the middle.
Correction: It's a prop on a television show, prepared beforehand to be cut.
11th Aug 2021
The Abyss (1989)
Corrected entry: At the end of the film the NTI's entire ship ascends from the abyss to the surface. What happened to the rest of the sea floor that Bud, Lindsay, and Coffey had to race over during their battle? All of that seems to disappear when the mothership comes up.
Correction: Maybe I didn't understand what you are describing as an error. Only the ship ascends, the sea floor stays, well, on the sea floor. Since the ship is huge and has been there for a while, it is likely that a large part of the ship was covered by silt, making it appear to be sea floor.
20th May 2020
The Core (2003)
Corrected entry: Beck is an Air Force pilot and an astronaut, Purcell is Army Ranger General. Neither military branch has a say in the actions of the other and Purcell has nothing to do with the space program. So why would he have any say or knowledge about Beck's review board about the shuttle accident?
Correction: Because they are acquainted in life beyond the military. He came to see what happened and to support her.
Correction: Purcell was tasked as a commander of the special mission to restart the core. As such, he would have knowledge and say to Beck's review as she was being assigned to his team. This is also why he would have say even if they aren't in the same branch as he is now her commander officer.
16th Oct 2019
Jumanji (1995)
Corrected entry: At the end of the film Alan wins the game and all is reversed, Alan returns to the moment he first played the game with Sarah and he's a little boy again. So if all was reversed as if it never happened why does his shack still exist years later in the 2017 film?
Correction: 1. This is a question, not a plot hole. 2. You can't have a plot hole in a film based on what happens in another film made two decades later.
But to answer the question, while all was undone in the real world, that doesn't mean all was undone in the game world. Those are two different things.
16th Oct 2019
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Corrected entry: If the events of the first film were reversed after Alan Parrish won the game and he was returned to his own time as a boy why would his shack still exist in the game?
10th Mar 2011
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Corrected entry: It is never explained how Jason appears at the beginning of the film in his normal hulking form since the end of the previous film showed him being washed away from toxic waste in the sewers of New York City and turning into a little boy.
Correction: The boy was another of Rennie's hallucinations. Jason awoke presumably after the toxic waste dried out the next day and retrieved his slightly melted mask then made his way back to Crystal Lake. The mask he has belonged to Jim Miller, who he took the mask from in part 8, as his other one was destroyed by Tina Shepard in part 7. Why there was an axe mark in Jim Miller's mask is anyone's guess. Probably authenticity, as it was national news that Jason Voorhees wore a hockey mask. Also, the writer/director of Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan has stated on DVD documentaries and in books that he wanted to portray Jason Voorhees as more of a supernatural spiritual entity rather then just a walking corpse. Rennie's "visions" were more than just her own hallucinations because her dog saw one of them earlier on in the film.
Correction: This movie was made as if the previous movie didn't exist. Just ignored it altogether.
5th Apr 2019
The A-Team (2010)
Corrected entry: Why is an army psychiatric facility full of mental patients on the same grounds as an Air Force base?
Correction: The government own the land and decided it would be an easy location to have the facility. This may well be unusual, but it isn't a plot hole.
2nd Apr 2019
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Corrected entry: Around halfway through the movie we see Ardeth's army of Medjai warriors which appears to be in the thousands readying for the battle against the Anubis warriors. Where were all these men the entire time the bad guys were digging up Imhotep at the beginning of the movie? If they had that many warriors they could have easily overpowered the bad guys at Hamunaptra. This also raises the question what all of these warriors were doing when they could have helped during the events of the first movie.
26th Jan 2019
The Mummy Returns (2001)
Corrected entry: When Alex first puts on the bracelet it shows the Pyramids of Giza and Karnak and that's all, but later he tells Jonathan he saw the pyramid at Ahm Shere (even describing the large diamond on top) but that was never shown from the bracelet, so how did Alex already know?
Correction: When it transitions between the great pyramids and Karnak is shows a jungle, this is where the pyramid at Ahm Shere is at and it's possible he saw it, however briefly.
21st Jan 2019
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: When the city of the dead is sinking into the sand at the end of the movie, Beni becomes trapped in the treasure room. As the ceiling comes down it crushes the reflective mirror Rick shot earlier, meaning there has to be a light source coming from above to reflect on the mirror to begin with. So even if the mirror was damaged, there still should have been adequate light in the room instead of being completely dark.
Correction: The room Beni was in was closing up, walls were coming down all around. The moment the mirror got destroyed the walls blocked the last light source, wherever it was.
21st Jan 2019
The Mummy (1999)
Corrected entry: Ardeth and his men are supposed to be the descendants of the warriors who buried Imhotep at the beginning of the film. They claim to have sworn to keep Imhotep from ever arising from the dead, so why is the key to the book and Imhotep's sarcophagus just lying around for Rick to magically find as he claimed? Shouldn't this very important key have been in the possession of Ardeth's people all along, or even destroyed?
Correction: Simple, they didn't know it was there, only the sarcophagus. Even though they have protecting the site for generations it's not impossible to think only the protection of the site remains as their objective after thousand of years of protecting it. This whilst the location of the key and book got lost in time. All they know is they need to keep people away from the mummy.
20th Mar 2018
Eraser (1996)
Corrected entry: There is absolutely no reason for the cabin shootout scene. The bad guys already know that Krueger is hiding Leigh, instead of a pointless shootout and five dead guys the bad guys could have simply forced Krueger at any point to tell them where she is or send a few men to tail Krueger to her.
Correction: Kruger would never have given up Leigh's location under threat, and without any leverage over him DeGuerrin has nothing to threaten him with anyway. This is why DeGuerrin goes to great lengths to stage an assault on the cabin by hiring mercenaries to attack his witness, only to double cross them in the end. If everything had gone to plan, they would have made contact with Leigh after the cabin raid and DeGuerrin would have simply found a way to kill her, Kruger, and Monroe. The only problem with this plan is that Kruger doesn't trust DeGuerrin after their conversation on the plane and purposefully gives him the wrong city. The cabin shootout most certainly did serve a purpose, and that purpose was to trick Kruger into unwillingly breaking his own rules.
23rd Jul 2018
Eraser (1996)
Corrected entry: According to Kruger's supervisor Leigh is supposed to be a high level executive at Cyrez and seems to have known her boss for a long time. So why in the would there be anywhere in the building that she wouldn't have access to that she would also need a code she didn't already have?
Correction: This is a question, not a mistake. The fact that she's a high-ranking employee doesn't automatically mean that she would have full security clearance to everywhere in the building. If anything, the fact that her boss was into some shady deals would be a pretty good reason why she wouldn't be given full clearance.
8th Apr 2018
The Neverending Story (1984)
Corrected entry: When Atreyu finds himself on the beach he's supposedly thousands of miles from when he started his journey, but if that's true then how on earth did Rockbiter end up all the way out there too?
Correction: This is not a plot hole, because when Atreyu meets the Rockbiter he tells to Atreyu how he tried to hold his friends and nothing took them, it had to be a violent storm just like when Atreyu fell down from Falcor.
2nd Jul 2018
Trolls (2016)
Corrected entry: The Trolls have shown to be able to do things with their hair that should be impossible, like Poppy walking on her own hair as if they were stairs. So why couldn't they use their hair to pick the lock on the cage Chef puts them in?
Correction: Just because they can do impossible things doesn't mean they can do anything. Even if Trolls could use their hair to pick a lock doesn't mean they'd have the skills to pick a lock. I know people who can't pick a lock with actual lock pick tools.
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Correction: Your mistake contradicts itself. You ask how they managed to stay another night if they didn't pay for it but you already acknowledge they got comped an extra night. "Comped" means the hotel gave them a an extra night for free.