Corrected entry: Spike decides he doesn't want to see the world end and makes an alliance with Buffy. Later on, however, he helps Angel get the information he need from Giles to end the world. If he's trying to save the world, why help Angel destroy it even faster? He didn't need to buy Giles any time - he had already convinced Angelus to keep Giles alive for the time being. If he had truly reached breaking point later on Spike could have called in Drusilla then, but as it is he helped Angelus way too early and nearly cost Buffy her life. (00:09:00 - 00:23:00)
25th Jun 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
21st Aug 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In the police car, Buffy is on the left hand side of the car and Faith is on the right, but after they make it crash, they open the right hand door and Buffy is the first to get out.
Correction: If you look closer, you can see that Buffy is just standing by the passenger door, while Faith is getting the handcuff keys off the cop that was riding passenger, it doesn't show them getting out of the car. This explains the very next shot where they are unlocking each others' handcuffs with the keys.
21st May 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Get It Done - S7-E15
Corrected entry: In 'Get It Done' the First repeats Buffy's words to the Potentials to discourage them, but the words it speaks are different to Buffy's - they change from 'there's nothing I can do to stop that' to 'and nothing I can do will stop that'. Granted, the meaning is the same, but shouldn't the omnipresent evil know what it's repeating?
Correction: The First is reminding the potentials - the words don't need to be exactly the same, and the First knows that. In fact the slight change of wording is going to look less suspicious anyway.
25th Jan 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: When Sweet's henchman shows up at the Magic Box to tell Buffy that Dawn is being held hostage you can see the actor's real mouth moving inside the mouth of his costume.
Correction: That's because the henchman is wearing a mask and is moving his mouth underneath the mask.
13th Aug 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: When Cordelia is murdered, her body falls off-screen with no sound of it hitting the ground. Seconds later, Vamp Willow drops the key to the book cage and we hear the noise of it clinking on the ground.
2nd Dec 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: It's been nearly 3 years since anyone was last in The Initiative, given that it was blocked off at the end of season 4. Shouldn't the corpses be a lot more decomposed?
Correction: The complex is airtight. This would significantly slow the process of decomposition.
13th May 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: Buffy tells Spike that he attacked Andrew when the First was controlling him. Spike asks who that is, and when Buffy tells him it's Tucker's brother, Spike recognises the name. There's no way Spike could know Tucker, who the Scoobies only met briefly and during a time when Spike wasn't around. If he was going to know either brother, it would be Andrew, who he interacted with several times in the previous year.
Correction: In the years that have gone by since the Scoobies' encounter with Tucker, the incident could have been brought up in numerous conversations whilst Spike was present; therefore it's not impossible for him to recognise the name. As for him not recognising Andrew, this merely sums up how insignificant Andrew is to those who meet him.
2nd Oct 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In 'Normal Again', when the demon in the basement throws Dawn into the corner watch in freeze frame. You can see as she looks up that it's not Michelle Trachtenberg but a much older stunt double with darker skin and different make up.
Correction: If you have to use freeze frame it isn't a mistake.
9th Sep 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In "The I In Team", Buffy tells Maggie Walsh that's she's always wanted a pager. Buffy has already had a pager, seen in "Never Kill A Boy On The First Date". (00:12:05)
Correction: In "Never Kill A Boy On The First Date," she grabs Giles' pager out of his front jacket pocket when she says "If the Apocalypse comes, beep me." Buffy hasn't had a pager of her own prior to this moment.
21st May 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Get It Done - S7-E15
Corrected entry: At the end of the fight with the exchange demon in 'Get It Done' there is a shot of Robin helping Anya up off the ground, but Anya wasn't knocked over during the fight.
Correction: Anya was stil standing.
22nd Aug 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: How exactly does everyone know that Xander cheated on Cordelia? I can't see any of the characters involved being very eager to spread it around.
12th May 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: We're told that Molly and Rona are fighting over who gets to drive since Giles doesn't have a California driver's licence. But since Molly and Rona are only 15 (as stated in "Potential"), neither of them would have drivers licences either. Even if you take the statement of their age to be slightly inaccurate, Molly (who is also from England) wouldn't have any kind of a driver's licence until she was 17, let alone a licence valid in California.
Correction: In the US, one can obtain a Learner's Permit at the age of 14 after passing a written test (The practical test to obtain the actual licence is taken at 16.), allowing one to drive if a licenced driver is in the vehicle. Giles' English licence would be sufficient in this case if they were pulled over.
12th May 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: Willow tracks down her old Wicca group when she needs help reversing a spell, but seems surprised that they're competent spell casters now (since the last time she saw them Tara was the only one with any kind of power). But if she's so surprised to find this out, why did she go to them? (as opposed to calling the coven in Devon or trying to contact Giles).
Correction: She's probably hoping they can direct her to someone who can help her.
20th May 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Once More, With Feeling - S6-E7
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Once More, With Feeling', during Giles' song, 'Standing', Buffy's hair is loose as we see her training montage. When she walks up to him at the end and starts to speak, she's taking it out of a bun. She's definitely not just playing with her hair - if you watch carefully you can see that there's a clip or pin of some sort in her hand that had been holding her hair up. (00:32:00)
Correction: There was no clip in her hair nor was she holding one. Buffy was just holding her hair back with her hands while stretching her neck.
7th May 2004
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In "Selfless", Anyanka is quite strong and holds her own against Buffy for quite a while. In previous episodes ("The Wish" and "Two To Go (1)" to be precise) Anyanka has had nowhere near this level of strength.
Correction: Anya has been closely involved with the gang for a number of years by this point. She's fought next to Buffy countless times. It can be taken for granted that she knows Buffy's fighting style and methods. She may not be any stronger, but she knows how to anticipate Buffy's attacks.
30th May 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In the episode 'Touched' Spike tells Buffy that her theory about the vineyard was right, but he wasn't there when she suggested this theory (in the episode 'Empty Places'), and no one from the group that did hear it told him about it.
Correction: Spike wasn't talking about Buffy's theory. In Dirty Girls, Buffy was saying that she thought Caleb had something of hers, but no one was supporting her (Giles, the potentials, etc) - that's when Xander and the rest of the girls got hurt. So, in 'Touched' Spike was referring to that, saying "You were right all along Buffy, they are protecting something." And then he added "And I think it's at the vineyard." So, Spike didn't know about Buffy's theory, or why she was kicked out of the house.
24th May 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Get It Done - S7-E15
Corrected entry: In this episode the Chinese Potential is among the girls training in the garden, so why is she surprised a few episodes later in 'Dirty Girls' when she sees Faith training in the garden? Maybe she doesn't know Faith specifically, but she's been living at the Summers house for weeks with strange girls arriving and training every day. It shouldn't really register as a shock to her to see someone training in the garden.
Correction: She may have been surprised because she didn't expect a Slayer who had a lot of power to have to train.
30th May 2003
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: In season 2, 'School Hard', Spike tells Buffy that the last Slayer he killed begged for her life. In season 5, 'Fool For Love', we see Nikki's death, and she doesn't say a word to him from the start of the fight to her death.
26th Jan 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
Corrected entry: The hole in Anthony Stewart Head's left earlobe is frequently visible throughout the show, but an earring would be totally out of character for Giles - even if he had gotten one during his rebellion in his 20s, it would be almost entirely healed over by the time we see him in Sunnydale, whereas the hole is obviously in regular use.
Correction: Nope. Plenty of people have piercings that never close up, period. I have several family members with piercings from over 15 years ago that never closed up at all.
15th Mar 2005
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1997)
After Life - S6-E3
Corrected entry: Spike mentions that he knows what it's like to claw your way out of a coffin, but this is later contradicted in "Lies My Parents Told Me", when we see that Spike was never buried (or else his mother would have known he had died).
Correction: Spike is lying. He is trying to score a few easy points with Buffy and change the way she feels about him, so he makes up a story that they have some horrible experience in common. Easy sympathy points. We also don't know every situation he's ever been in - he might have clawed out of a coffin on another occasion.
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Correction: Spike wasn't helping Angel, he was biding his time, playing along and trying to keep Giles alive, until Buffy could get there.