Question: To create a horcrux, a witch or wizard must first split their soul by intentionally and deliberately murdering someone without any guilt or remorse for their actions. Since Tom Riddle murdered countless people, shouldn't his soul have been split into more fragments rather than just seven?
15th Nov 2024
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Answer: Next to the act of murder, one also has to purposefully turn an object into a horcrux in order to make a horcrux. Your soul splitting doesn't automatically send that piece of soul into an object; your soul will be split but still connected to your body. As for when Voldemort's killing curse rebounded onto Harry, his real body was destroyed, and his fragmented soul shattered because it was frail and unstable, causing a piece to detach and lodge onto Harry.
The question wasn't about how to make a Horcrux. It was about why each murder Tom committed didn't shatter his soul more. For example, if Tom killed 11,000 people, then shouldn't his soul have shattered into 11,000 pieces?
I think your soul splits when you kill someone, but doesn't split again when murdering someone else (which part would?). Once you murder, your soul is split and will stay split until you detach a part of your soul. It's not like Tom could have saved up on fragments of soul by killing and then put pieces of his soul into objects one after the other. He had to murder and then purposefully put that split part into an object, and only then be able to split his soul again with another murder.
To further clarify, according to J.K. Rowling, random killing damages a wizard's soul, but does not split it. That requires using Dark magic and deliberately storing the soul shard into a vessel, making it a horcrux. Riddle chose six significant objects for the horcruxes and left one soul piece in his body. When Riddle cast the Killing Curse at baby Harry, it rebounded and simultaneously destroyed Riddle's body and sheared off another soul piece. Harry's forehead scar was an accidental seventh horcrux that Riddle never knew existed. It was Lily Potter's love and sacrificing her life to save Harry that protected him from the killing curse.
22nd Jun 2018
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Why is Hermione again spending her summer with the Weasleys instead of her parents? The thing with the world cup I sorta get and I might understand Grimmauld place but why this summer?
Answer: Hermione did not stay for the entire summer. She was at the Burrow (the Weasley home) for about a week before school started. She was there for a short visit and to accompany the other Weasley children to Diagaon Alley to buy books and supplies for the upcoming school year. Mr. And Mrs. Weasley then took her, Harry, Ron, and the others to the train station to board the Hogwarts Express. Hermione's parents being Muggles had far more difficulty navigating the wizard world on their own.
But Harry arrived a fortnight into the summer holidays and hermione arrived before him.
14th Feb 2018
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: How come Charlie didn't go to the burrow for Christmas?
Answer: In the books, Charlie worked with dragons in Romania, so it may have been that he was too busy and too far away to make the trip back home for Christmas. For the purpose of the movie, there is no explanation given, but it is less confusing to have fewer characters present if they serve no real purpose to the story line. Charlie Weasley has always been a minor background character.
5th Feb 2018
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Why did Scrimgeour think it would matter if Harry worked at the ministry? How does that help people's belief as that's what's important?
21st Jan 2018
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Why did Ginny and Dean split up?
Answer: It was never a serious relationship. Ginny had always had a crush on Harry and only started dating Dean when she thought Harry would never be interested in her. Dean and Ginny got on well at first, but Ginny was always defensive if any other student, including Dean, was in any way critical of Harry. Dean, to keep the relationship going, worked hard to always appease Ginny and stay on her good side. Unfortunately, this tactic annoyed Ginny, and later led to her breaking up with Dean.
31st Oct 2017
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: How come Harry didn't want Buckbeak? I thought he liked Buckbeak?
Answer: He did. But Hagrid loved him more. He was heartbroken when Buckbeak was taken from him in Prisoner Of Azkaban so Harry thought it best for him to go back to Hagrid.
Answer: Harry didn't own Buckbeak or have any decision about what became of him, nor could he have taken care of him. After Sirius Black escaped, he kept Buckbeak hidden at his house, Black Manor. Harry saw Buckbeak when he visited his godfather. If Buckbeak had been returned to Hogwarts, he'd still be executed. Eventually, Buckbeak was secretly reintroduced into the Hogwarts hippogriff herd under the new name of Witherwings.
7th Sep 2017
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Why did Voldemort want the Defense Against the Dark Arts job in the first place? Was it to get the students to be his followers?
Answer: Furthermore, Voldemort could easily have used his position and knowledge to teach the students about the Dark Arts in a negative way, thus further helping to create followers.
18th Jul 2017
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: How come Ron and Hermione stopped speaking to each other?
Chosen answer: Hermione was angry because Ron never made an effort to pursue her romantically. She was also jealous of and disgusted by Ron's girlfriend, Lavender Brown. Ron, confused by Hermione's behavior toward him and also jealous of her previous relationship with Viktor Krum (who she was still writing to), retaliated by being angry at her.
18th Jul 2017
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: How come it was Harry who was picked over Katie to be Gryffindor Quidditch captain after Angelina even though Katie had been on the team longer? This was similar to how Angelina was picked in the last book after Wood was gone.
28th Feb 2016
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Chapter 24: Draco tells Moaning Myrtle that "he", meaning Voldemort, says he will kill Draco if Draco does not "do it soon" (kill Dumbledore). When could Voldemort have said this to him? He is at Hogwarts and Voldemort will not dare enter the place while Dumbledore is still there.
Answer: Voldemort assigned this task to Draco before the new Hogwart's school year started. He could then communicate with Draco using Legilimancy (speaking to him telepathically) or by way of his parents. The Dark Lord actually intended for Draco to fail so he could kill him as a means to punish Lucius Malfoy for his failure to retrieve the prophecy at the Ministry of Magic. He also intended on killing Lucius.
19th Apr 2015
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: Why did Merope use her father's name as her son's middle name, after the way he treated her?
Answer: Merope did not seem to know many people outside of her home and the nearby village. Apparently, she never went to Hogwarts. Perhaps she had no better ideas for a middle name. She may have also felt obligated to use her father's name, regardless of how she was treated. I've actually known a few parents who selected a name because they felt pressured by family expectations.
10th Nov 2013
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Question: In the chapter called "Horcruxes", Dumbledore says he thinks Voldemort meant to create 6 Horcruxes. He created 5 of them before attempting to kill baby Harry. Dumbledore then tells Harry, "I am sure that he [Voldemort] was intending to make his final Horcrux with your death." However, as we all know, Voldemort's curse on Harry rebounded, and he lost his powers."After an interval of some years, " Dumbledore then tells Harry, "he used Nagini to kill an old muggle man, and it might then have occurred to him to turn her into his last Horcrux." My question is: if Voldemort was planning to use 1-year-old Harry's death to make his sixth and final Horcrux, but it hadn't yet occurred to him to use the snake as that Horcrux, what was he planning to use instead? He had already used the diary, the ring, the cup, the locket, and the diadem for the first five Horcruxes. So, if he wasn't originally going to use the snake as the sixth, what was he going to use, and what happened to this mysterious object? He must have had something to use, since he went to baby Harry's house fully intending to kill Harry and create the Horcrux. So he must have had the Horcrux object with him. What was it? (Please understand this is not a hypothetical question about what sorts of objects Voldemort might have theoretically wanted to make into Horcruxes someday - I already know the answer to that - but rather a practical question about what Voldemort intended to use that night, the night he went to kill Harry, since he didn't have Gryffindor's sword, or anything else of Gryffindor's that we're aware of).
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Answer: The other answer is spot on, but I would add that it requires casting a specific spell while simultaneously killing someone to make horcrux and split one's soul. (The movie downplayed this and the spell name is never revealed in the book.) Professor Slughorn had told the young Tom Riddle that the act involved dark magic, though he did not provide details. Riddle apparently discovered what that dark spell was to make horcrux.
raywest ★