Corrected entry: In the scene in the subway station when Hellboy is fighting Sammael, he grabs the monster by the tongue and swings him through a large window. Sammael jumps down and is hanging in the subway tunnel, but can't get away because HB still has a hold of his tongue. The train hits and kills Sammael. But when the shot goes back to Hellboy, the tongue, which should still be attached to his hand, is gone. He's holding his hand out as if it's still there, but I guess they forgot to add it later in CGI. (01:00:15)
Mark Bernhard
13th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
15th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: When Kronen is getting ready to kill Broom at the beginning, the Sargent shoots Kronen. One shot hits Kronen's mask and the bullet ricochets off of it, yet there is no dent in the mask.
Correction: Kroenen is a skilled craftsman, so why is it odd that his mask would be made out of something bullet proof?
15th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: We've established that Hellboy can bleed when he gets cut by Kronen and when Sammael plants the eggs in his arm. We've also established that Kronen's swords are extremely sharp by the way he cuts through a statue with one swipe. But in the fight with Kronen in Rasputin's crypt, Hellboy grabs both swords with his non-stone hand and Kronen cannot free them. And later, in close-ups, there are no cuts on Hellboy's "normal" hand.
Correction: 1. They are tonfas, not swords. 2. It's physics. If you look into the way tonfas work, especially bladed tonfas, you would see that much of the power is derived from the spinning of the tonfa itself and the spinning of the body. This is why prior to his cutting the statue, he spends a second or two spinning it; to build momentum. So, though the blades are sharp, when Hellboy grabs Kroenen's tonfas, there is no movement of the blades which would cut him. He is holding them in place, and punching Kroenen, disorienting him, not allowing him to strike back.
15th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: When Hellboy is standing outside the asylum, one of the patients is heard saying, "There's a big red man down there." A nurse replies, "Santa isn't coming for another month." Since Hellboy has just walked through a big Halloween party, it's actually 2 months until Christmas.
Correction: It is not uncommon for volunteers dressed as Santa to visit asylums, hospitals, and schools in the run up to xmas. The nurse could be referring to the fact that "Santa" will be making a visit in a month.
15th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: When Hellboy and Kronen are fighting in Rasputin's crypt, you can see chunks of stone flying off of HB's stone hand every time he's struck by the swords. But the hand never seems to lose any pieces and when it is shown later in close-ups, is completely undamaged.
Correction: Not true, look closely and see that there are chips all over the surface of the hand.
17th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: When Hellboy and the agents go back to look for eggs in the subway, they enter through a working subway tunnel. Later, when HB is searching for Kronen and encounters Sammael, they fall into a hole, fighting as they drop hundreds of feet. But they crash through the ceiling of a subway station. Why is there another subway system hundreds of feet below the one they came in through?
Correction: In subway systems, different lines run on different levels, to allow the tunnels to cross each other without interference.
15th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: When the first portal opens, a light is pulled through it and into outer space. That type of light generates a lot of heat, so the bulb would be quite hot. But it's absolute zero in space, so the bulb would have exploded as soon as it passed through the portal.
Correction: Temperature of space is not absolute zero. By the laws of thermodynamics, absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature and immpossible to reach. Lights in freezers and fridges don't explode when you leave them on for hours on end.
14th May 2005
Hellboy (2004)
Corrected entry: When Hellboy hits Myer with the rock, he is on a rooftop across the street and pretty high up, but they are more or less facing each other. When the shot cuts to Myer getting hit, if you watch slowly, the rock appears to come from behind, hitting him in the back of the head or at least the side. Myer puts his hand up to his forehead, where you would expect him to be hit, considering the direction Hellboy is throwing from. But then Myer turns around and yells, "hey, who threw that?" behind him, where it appeared the rock came from in slo-mo.
Correction: They're not even close to facing each other - Hellboy is looking at them almost side-on. The rock comes from the correct direction, hitting Myers on the right-hand side of his forehead, exactly where he puts his hand to. He then stands and looks left and right first, and only turns round to look behind him once he's failed to spot the thrower in the more plausible directions.
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Correction: You see the tongue unravel and fall off his arm.