
2nd Jan 2007

Casino Royale (2006)

Corrected entry: Someone with Bond's training should know that to resuscitate a drowning victim, you first have to force the water from their lungs. Second, to perform CPR properly, you must tilt the head back, or you will just fill the stomach with air.


Correction: There is nothing in the American Red Cross CPR guidelines about forcing water from the lungs of a drowning victim. No matter what the circumstances are you check for respirations first; if they are absent then you give two deep breaths, then check for a pulse. Bond does not do a completely proper head-tilt before administering the breaths, but the guidelines also specify that you do not need to overextend (reposition) the head if you see the chest rise when giving ventillations. And minor deviations from proper CPR procedures could be caused by how distraught Bond was at the time. My job includes giving CPR instructions to people over the phone; it is much more difficult when the caller is trying to resuscitate a loved one.


5th Oct 2009

Zombieland (2009)

Corrected entry: When Witchita and Little Rock are on the "Swinging Ship" ride at Pacific Playland, how exactly did they start the ride once they were on it? Even if they rigged it, how in the world did they stop it to get off? These types of rides require an operator at the controls to start and stop the ride.


Correction: It is a timed ride that stops on its own after a set amount of time, an operator is not required to stop it. As for starting it, the Swinging Ship ride takes a while to build up momentum. Little Rock is much smaller than her sister, she could easily press the start button, then hop on the ride and slide under the restraining bar.


I'm watching it right now and that was my exact question!

2nd Jun 2009

Drag Me To Hell (2009)

Corrected entry: When Christine is at the gypsy house, she falls on top of the casket, and the old woman's body falls on top of her, expelling a great deal of some type of embalming fluid all over Christine's face and neck. When Christine stands up, she is completely dry.


Correction: This happens several times throughout the film (most noticeable in the "Anvil" scene), and this is to show that the curse is causing Christine mental and physical torment that doesn't necessarily translate into the real world - hence, something might happen to her, but instantly after, she's fine and in good condition. It's all part of Lamia's game - torture her without dealing real damage.


17th Mar 2009

Zoom (2006)

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the film, when Spencer Breslin is about to dive into the pool, several times we can see a sign (behind the women) that says "No Diving Allowed". Why is there a high-dive board if there is no diving allowed?


Correction: Because you can still jump feet first off of a high diving board.


Corrected entry: During the final battle with the Reliant, Spock points out that Khan's flaw is his "two dimensional thinking". Why then, does the Enterprise have to move "up" on the Z-axis, to come up behind Reliant and be on the same plane before she can fire? Surely starships can fire weapons in three dimensions? It has nothing to do with "seeing" Reliant on the viewscreen either, since the viewer is a composite of sensor readings, not a window.


Correction: They're too far apart, so they can't see each other; the Mutara nebula restricts sensor range massively, so all they can do is search and hope that they get close enough to spot the other. Spock's observation is that Khan's inexperience is leading him to only search in two dimensions, when the ships are actually separated vertically. Kirk therefore orders the Enterprise to move along the z-axis to get back within sensor range of the Reliant, closing on the smaller ship from a direction that Khan would be unlikely to anticipate.


Corrected entry: When the Matrix of Leadership disintegrates, Sam puts the fragments into a sock, but from that moment, until the Matrix is reconstructed, we see that everyone who was with Sam, who should be wearing socks, still has both of them on.


Correction: Just before after the Matrix disintegrates, we see Sam take his sock off and put the dust in it. He is wearing pants the rest of the movie so we never see any bare feet.


Corrected entry: The Decepticons want to restore their supply of Energon by destroying the Earth's sun. The problem is, the resulting explosion (or supernova, or whatever), would almost instantly destroy the Earth and everything, including the Decepticons, on it.


Correction: They never state exactly what will happen to the Sun, just that it will be destroyed in order to create Energon. Presumably the sun's energies will be siphoned in some way to extract the energy required - they're not just going to blow it up.


Corrected entry: Sonja's eyes change color constantly throughout the movie. Sometimes they are the pale blue color of the other vampires, and sometimes they are her natural brown color. All of the other vampires have various shades of blue.


Correction: The eyes of the vampires in the Underworld universe change when they are in a heightened state, such as fighting. Selene's eye's in the first two movies changed color as well, most noticeably when she shoots the lycan that was lying on the ground in the tunnel scene at the beginning. When Sonja's eyes are brown, she is not doing anything vampiric, and acting more human. They turn blue when she fights and acts like a vampire.

Shannon Jackson

27th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Correction: The phasers that we know of from the original series fired a laser-like steady beam for as long as the trigger was held down. The weapons in this alternate time-line appear to be firing energy-based projectiles - not a beam, even though they are still referred to as "phasers". The projectiles fired from these weapons apparently make the noises we hear when striking metal.


3rd Mar 2009

Gandhi (1982)

Corrected entry: The film shows Ghandi being beaten in South Africa for burning identity passes. While the protest did happen, Ghandi himself was not beaten.


Correction: History may tell us differently, but this film is not intended to be a historical documentary. Although the film is based on Gandhi's biography, it is a standard accepted movie convention for filmmakers to employ artistic license and to deliberately alter, add or disregard historical facts for dramatic purposes.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: During the fight on top of the cooling tower, near the end of the film, there is one sequence when Weapon XI rushes at Wolverine and Sabretooth, who are standing back to back, and jumps over them. The overhead shot shows him jump over Sabretooth first, yet he lands in front of Sabretooth.


Correction: Not necessarily a mistake. At this point we already know that Weapon X1 can teleport. He is just using it to his advantage to confuse and disorientate his opponents during the fight.


27th May 2009

Star Trek (2009)

Corrected entry: When older Spock witnesses the destruction of Vulcan, he sees the planet very clearly from the surface of Delta Vega, the same way we see the moon from Earth. For the two planets to be this close to one another would be impossible. The tidal forces alone would cause massive destruction on the surface of both planets. Not to mention the fact that a singularity created on Vulcan would almost certainly destroy the neighboring planet as well.


Correction: It's established that Vulcan has a sister planet in close proximity. Impossible or not, this planet (and its moon) were both visible (and quite large) in "The Motion Picture." Assuming the singularity conforms to our understanding of black holes (and doesn't dissipate because of the red matter), then yes it would consume Delta Vega... eventually.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: When Susan transforms into Ginormica, her dress tears a little, but still manages to stay on and mostly 'grow' along with her. It's a kid's movie, so they couldn't show her in underwear, but it's still a [deliberate] mistake.


Correction: Both Susan and the clothing she was wearing at the time were affected by the Quantonium meteorite, so its hardly surprising both her and the clothing grew together. If the clothing had not grown, then even her underwear would not grow, and she'd be standing naked at 50ft tall.

The Yeti

Corrected entry: Punisher shoots Pittsy in the face, at close range, obliterating the entire front half of his head. Yet there is no 'spray' of blood, grey matter or bone, and agent Budiansky gets nothing on him, despite being about two feet away. Half of Pittsy's head simply vanishes.


Correction: His head didn't explode, it was shot off. The blood, bone, & brain were all blasted away from the Punisher and Budiansky, to a point off camera.


28th Feb 2009

House, M.D. (2004)

The Softer Side - S5-E16

Corrected entry: Several references are made to the patient having both male and female DNA. There is no such thing as "male" or "female" DNA. DNA is just a molecule. It's the chromosomes (specifically the X and Y chromosomes) formed from the DNA that determine if someone is male or female.


Correction: What they are referring to is that he has two distinct lines of cells: one with an XY pairing (thus, "male DNA") and one with an XX pairing ("female DNA"). This is a known but rare occurrence. Check out the Polite Dissent site for a doctor's review of the medicine in this episode and others.


Evolution - S3-E1

Corrected entry: About halfway through the episode, Wesley comes to the realization that his nanites are causing the malfunctions on the ship, because they escaped from the lab. Shouldn't he at least have know that the nanites had escaped, when he awoke at the beginning of the episode and found that the container had been left open? He might not have known they would become destructive, but he would have known they had escaped.


Correction: He knew they had escaped the container, not the lab. According to his dialogue with Guinan, the nanites were supposed to be confined to the lab.

JC Fernandez

Correction: He commed Data while en route to the Transporter Room.

JC Fernandez

Half a Life - S4-E22

Corrected entry: When Lwaxana is in the transporter room demanding to transport down to the planet, O'Brien leaves Lwaxana and Troi alone. Before he does, he enters a code to lock the transporter panel, and the word LOCKED appears inside a red rectangle. At the end of the scene, when the camera pans out, the word LOCKED is no longer there.


Correction: The word LOCKED appeared to tell O'Brien that his command was carried out. Then the label disappears. Just as when I lock my car, the indicators all flash once, and then turn off.


4th Dec 2008

The Mist (2007)

Corrected entry: In the pharmacy, Mrs. Reppler uses a can of bug spray and a lighter to make a torch to burn one of the spiders. She takes the lighter away, yet the can continues to spray flame for several seconds. This is not possible. The flammable liquid, even in a military flamethrower, needs a pilot light to continue burning.


Correction: Not true. The pilot light is to ignite the torch; it's not needed for continuous burning. Assuming it's being fueled steadily (as holding the button on a spray can will do), the fire will continue to burn. As the liquid expands into gaseous form, it touches the existing fire and ignites. In essence, the fire becomes its own pilot light. What she wouldn't be able to do is re-ignite the torch (once it goes out) without a flame.

JC Fernandez

12th Jan 2008

Dr. No (1962)

Corrected entry: When Bond goes to meet Leiter after setting up traps in his room, he's wearing a light colored suit. He returns to his room, then immediately goes to see Professor Dent about Strangway's samples. Now he's suddenly wearing a dark suit though he doesn't seem to have triggered any of the traps he set in his room, including the one on his wardrobe.


Correction: So he obviously went back to his room to changed, then reset the traps before leaving. No mistake here, just a simple decision by the filmmakers not to show us every waking minute of Bond's life.

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