
26th Apr 2020

Resident Evil (2002)

Other mistake: In the laser room everyone is lay on the floor to avoid the first laser. However in a shot from behind Alice you can see that someone is stood by the door in the corridor. (00:32:00)


26th Apr 2020

Resident Evil (2002)

Resident Evil mistake picture

Other mistake: When we see the numbers for the coded entry to Alice's weapon, the order of the numbers is 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 0 - 9. The 9 and 0 are the wrong way round. (00:47:40)


26th Apr 2020

Resident Evil (2002)

Other mistake: The elevator is falling to the floor and so the counter weight is going up. But the counterweight doesn't fall back down after all the cables have snapped. What's holding it up? (00:05:55)


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