Plot hole: The shuttle achieves its accidental orbit, and in need of oxygen they decide to go into a higher orbit to rendezvous with the space station and borrow some tanks stored there. If the shuttle is as ill-prepared for flight as the ground controllers keep saying it is (as it lacks backup oxygen and a communications system), it is highly unlikely the shuttle would have enough fuel to pull off the maneuver to enter a higher orbit (especially given how much fuel was burned off during the test before the accidental launch was triggered). Typically shuttles were launched during specific time frames (launch windows) to enable them to achieve the necessary orbit for their mission directly from launch (such as going to the International Space Station). One of the reasons a damaged Columbia, for example, couldn't unload its astronauts at the ISS was that, aside from not having a docking module, is that it was in a different orbital plane and didn't have the fuel to speed up to the ISS's orbit (which, it is said, would have been roughly equivalent to the fuel needed for takeoff). And even if the orbiter did have enough fuel to pull off the orbit adjustment, it just raises the question of why NASA felt the need to mount the shuttle on two fully operational SRBs and give it all that extra fuel when all they wanted to do was test the orbiter engine (for which empty mockup SRBs would have sufficed if the test really needed to be done on the pad). What is the point of fully mounting a shuttle if it's not for a mission to the point where you don't bother to install life-support or communications?
2nd Nov 2017
Space Camp (1986)
2nd Nov 2017
My Fellow Americans (1996)
Character mistake: When discussing the potential fallout of ousting the new president, Douglas says that because there's no vice president that according to the 25th Amendment the Speaker of the House is next in line. Not true. The Amendment itself is silent on the order of succession after the Vice President. The Constitution leaves the order of succession after that up to Congress, and the Speaker of the House is listed according to the Succession Act of 1947, not the 25th Amendment.
18th Jul 2017
Fast & Furious 8 (2017)
Deliberate mistake: The coordinates listed for Hobbs' soccer game (34.1381N, 118.3534W) at the beginning are not actually a wooded suburban area with a recreational field, but are in fact the longitude and latitude for the Universal Studios Hollywood theme park in Los Angeles. (00:15:20)
23rd May 2017
Saving Mr. Banks (2013)
Factual error: During Travers' trip to Disneyland, several aspects of modern Disneyland can still be seen in the background despite filmmakers' attempts to work around them. In 1961, the opening of the park was gated with a chain-link fence and paved with asphalt, the iron gate and pavers seen in the film were added decades later. The planter retaining wall, in front of which Walt is standing, was concrete, not brick, which was added in 1999. There are good pictures for comparison here: As Walt and Travers board the King Arthur Carrousel, hints of the new Fantasyland that debuted in 1983 can be seen. This expansion changed the theming of Fantasyland behind the castle from Renaissance Faire tents to a Medieval village. The Carrousel was pushed back and the planters at the entrance seen in the film were added. In 1961 the Carrousel was surrounded by little more than a chain-rope. The modern stone village look of Fantasyland can be seen several times in the background as they approach the Carrousel and ride on it, although some signage has been placed in the background to emulate how things would have worked in the 1960s (such as each ride requiring its own cost or ticket to get on) - the 10-cent sign is historically accurate. On the Carrousel itself, the pictures from Sleeping Beauty on the inner core of the ride weren't added until later.
8th Apr 2016
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)
Continuity mistake: When Kylo Ren interrogates Rey, he removes his helmet and sets it down on a table of ashes. This table is not present in any of the wider shots of the interrogation room. [Director JJ Abrams has stated that the closeup of the ashes (the ashes of his victims, apparently) was actually from an earlier scene taking place in Kylo Ren's quarters on the star destroyer, which explains why the table is not visible in the Starkiller Base interrogation room. Still a mistake but there's the reason.] (01:26:25)
9th Dec 2015
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

Revealing mistake: When Benji imagines putting on a mask of an agent he plans to impersonate, when the camera pans around to first show the mirror, the mirror Benji's hands are further up on his face than the reflection, and the mirror Benji's hands move down his face slightly before the reflection starts to move them. Also, the mole that Ethan has on his left cheek isn't reversed in the mirror image. The "mirror" was actually a hole in the wall between two identical sets (one mirrored), with Simon Pegg and a Tom Cruise double in the foreground, and the mask actor and Tom Cruise in the background "mirror" set. (00:57:20)
21st Jun 2015
Draft Day (2014)
Factual error: Bo Callahan is described by an interviewer as the 2014 Heisman Trophy winner. However, the film portrays the 2014 NFL Draft (albeit a fictional version of it). The Heisman Trophy is awarded in December and the winner is always linked with the year of the season that was just played (excluding bowl games). The NFL Draft takes place in late April or early May. Therefore, the 2014 Heisman Trophy wouldn't be awarded for another 7 months. Callahan would have to have been the 2013 Heisman Trophy winner if he's the most recent recipient prior to the 2014 draft.
10th Apr 2015
The Imitation Game (2014)
Factual error: The opening graphic establishes the year as 1951 when depicting the time Turing's home was robbed and he was arrested for indecency. The robbery and arrest actually occurred in 1952, and strangely enough the correct date is listed on the dispatch about the robbery handed to MI6 boss Menzies moments later. Even if one looks at the film as a work of fiction, the date on the on-screen prop is inconsistent with the on-screen graphic. (00:00:40 - 00:02:40)
10th Mar 2015
Breaking Bad (2008)
...and the Bag's in the River - S1-E3
Continuity mistake: When Walter drops the plate, it shatters into four pieces, with one piece sliding to the edge of the frame, where it stops without splitting further. The other three are in clear view and are in three intact parts. We cut away and back, and now the piece on the right is suddenly shattered into several smaller pieces. Also, the fourth piece that slid out of frame is still there when Walt wakes up, and he picks it up with the rest. The piece that Krazy-8 grabbed was too small to be one of the original four pieces the plate split into, and the piece closest to him didn't shatter further. In addition, when Walter reassembles the plate, the pieces don't match up with what they were in the basement. After the mysterious second shattering, there should be 8 total pieces of plate. If the piece Krazy-8 grabbed broke off from another part, that would mean 9 pieces. Yet Walt's reconstructed plate has only 6 parts plus the gap for Krazy-8's piece. Also, the final plate has smaller pieces at opposite ends, which wouldn't be possible given where the quadrants broke. Walter reassembles the plate upside down, so the part on top to the left of the gap (combined with the piece that is missing) is likely the piece that slid toward Krazy-8. So the large solid piece to the right of the gap would have been the piece that shattered into 5 pieces, but it is intact here. There is also a smaller piece between the piece Krazy-8 could have broken his piece from and the piece next to it, but this piece couldn't have come from either piece when the plate broke or if Krazy-8 broke his piece off the other piece. When Walter picked the pieces up, the piece closest to Krazy-8 was a single piece. (00:23:50 - 00:36:50)
3rd Jan 2015
The Interview (2014)
Continuity mistake: During the actual interview, when Kim Jong-un pulls the gun on Dave and starts taunting him, the scene shifts between several angles in which he is holding the gun normally, barrel above the hand, but then cuts to an angle in which he is holding the gun sideways in the "gangsta" style, with no gaps in between for him to have switched positions.
19th Jan 2014
Family Ties (1982)
Dear Mallory - S6-E3
Continuity mistake: Mallory starts reading one of her advice column letters to Alex. The letter she pulls from the stack is on blue paper in a blue envelope. After a cuts to Alex, there's a close-up of Mallory as she reads the letter, and then in the next wide shot the letter is on orange paper with an orange envelope. The letter is from a girl who intrigues Alex, so he grabs the orange envelope and starts to tear off the return address. The shot changes to show Elyse walk into the room, and Alex is now tearing the corner from the original blue envelope. When Elyse sits down, Alex reads the address holding a slip of the blue envelope, then starts to get up. In the immediate cut that follows, Alex is holding the orange envelope when he stands up. (00:53:50 - 00:54:55)
26th Dec 2013
Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)
Continuity mistake: The captain's log date of Jan. 8, 2154, doesn't align with the timeline of previous episodes. Harbinger, two episodes earlier, was said to take place Dec. 27. The episode in between that and Hatchery, Doctor's Orders, wasn't given an on screen date, but T'Pol compared the anomaly in that episode to the one in Harbinger, which she said was encountered a few weeks earlier. Even if that was just two weeks earlier, that would put Doctor's Orders at Jan. 10, and that episode spanned at least four days, so the earliest Hatchery could take place would be Jan. 15.
25th Mar 2013
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Revealing mistake: In the Acme warehouse, Roger's shadow disappears a split second before the bricks land on him. (01:21:50)
25th Mar 2013
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Continuity mistake: When Roger goes to the Acme warehouse, he brings the gold-plated gun that was in Eddie's car after Eddie took it from RK Maroon. This is a real (not-animated) gun, and when Roger is talking to Benny before going into the warehouse, he's holding a real (non-animated) gun. After Roger bursts through the drain, the gold gun he's holding is animated. (01:21:25)
25th Mar 2013
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
Revealing mistake: Eddie heads into Toontown with an oversized animated gun. As he lurks into an alley, his gun is a plastic prop. During filming, Hoskins would carry the prop gun and the animated gun would be superimposed over it, but the animation wasn't applied to the gun in the alley. (01:13:50)
19th Feb 2013
Casino Royale (2006)
Other mistake: When Bond retrieves Demetrios' phone, he finds the Ellipsis message he watched Demetrios send a few moments earlier. We know this must be the message he sent because it's the only message that comes up when Bond accesses the "Sent Messages" menu (indicated Demetrios deleted all prior messages). Yet the time stamp on this message is July 6 at 19:12, the same as the message sent to the bomb maker three days earlier (since the replacement bomber's phone says it's July 9). The idea that Demetrios actually hired two people for the bombing, and texted them both at the same time, doesn't make sense in the context of what the film establishes. He tells Le Chiffre he has someone else in mind to do the job, but he needs the particulars and payment. Someone already hired to do the job would already know what to do. Also, Bond watches Demetrios text the message, which is how he knows to check the phone, and the only message is Ellipsis sent to one number, which Bond later calls to find the new bomber on the street. Therefore, the timecode on the second Ellipsis message must be a mistake.
19th Feb 2013
For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Plot hole: Bond makes a huge tactical error after diving to the St. Georges. He knows the Russians and their operatives are after the ATAC. The ATAC itself is expendable to Britain, since it has a self-destruct mechanism that, under proper procedure, would have been set off when the ship sank. So why is Bond trying to retrieve it? Because he disarms the self-destruct, he actually allows Kristatos to get his hands on it, forcing Bond to track it down again and, to stop the Russians from getting it, HE DESTROYS IT! So why doesn't Bond, instead of disarming the self-destruct, set a timed charge or toss a grenade in the room to destroy the ATAC while it's at the bottom of the sea? The answer is, of course, that if Bond destroys the ATAC before the bad guys can get at it, the movie's over. Even so, at the end, when Bond finally does destroy the ATAC, he tells Gogol it's "detente. You don't have it. I don't have it." Clever line, but it reinforces the fact that the British don't need it. They can build another one.
19th Feb 2013
Die Another Day (2002)
Trivia: When Bond infiltrates the Cuban island hospital, as he enters through a patient's room he grabs a grape from a bowl on the bed-tray. This references a scene from Thunderball when Bond grabbed a grape as he left a baddie's bedroom after looking around.
15th Feb 2013
Moonraker (1979)
Continuity mistake: After the elaborate sequence showing each moonraker shuttle docking with the space station, a wide shot of the station shows two shuttles frozen in space not attached to anything. The most prominent is the shuttle in the top foreground. The shot looks like a still photo with the exception of the spinning radar dish at the bottom of the station.
15th Feb 2013
Moonraker (1979)
Continuity mistake: When the space station laser deploys, the American space shuttle can be seen in the distance, with the curve of the Earth angled next to the shuttle. The shot changes to a close-up of the shuttle, and the curve of the Earth is now directly underneath it.
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