Corrected entry: Throughout the "Planet of the Apes" movies, chimpanzees are portrayed as peaceful pacifists, while gorillas are prone to violence. Later scientific discoveries after the film was released proved (at least in some respects) the reverse: while gorillas are the more peaceful apes, getting violent only to protect their families or territory, chimpanzees have been found out to eat meat as well, attacking and dismembering small animals and even monkeys.
11th Oct 2004
Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
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Correction: But these are not today's apes, they have been through an evolutionary process and changed. We are not the same in behavior as Neandertals or Cro-Magnon man. Since gorillas are stronger and not quite as smart as chimps, they have been relegated to the more brute force roles and overtime become more militant, while the chimps being brighter and lingual have become less aggressive.