Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, as Creedy and his men shoot V, V stumbles backwards as they shoot, and in one shot V's hat flies off, into his hand, yet in the very next shot it is back on.
26th Mar 2006
V for Vendetta (2005)
26th Jul 2005
Scrubs (2001)
Corrected entry: The shot of J.D. walking toward Sacred Heart hospital is re-used so many times. Note the lady pushing the man in the wheelchair and the two doctors standing by the wall talking.
Correction: How is this a mistake? It's just a recurring shot used over various episodes.
28th Jun 2004
Scream (1996)
Corrected entry: When Dewey comes out the house with a knife in his back, he collapses to the floor twice. (01:23:40)
Correction: He actually falls on his knees and then in the next shot he falls to the ground from that position.
5th Nov 2005
Saw II (2005)
Corrected entry: After John tells Eric Matthews that they have two hours left before the gas affects them, they show the clock reading 7:30. In a later shot they show the clock reading 8:30. But in later shots when Eric is slamming papers down on the desk in front of John, the clock now reads 8 o'clock.
Correction: Spoiler alert: What's happening in the house happened BEFORE jigsaw got arrested/cornered. It didn't matter because it wasn't happening live anyway.
28th Jun 2004
Scream (1996)
Corrected entry: When the killer comes out of the house, and pulls the knife out of Dewey's back, look close, and you can see that although the knife was in his back very deep, it is totally clean. (01:23:45)
Correction: The killer pulls the knife out of his back and wipes it with the sleeve of his costume.It is certainly not clear enough to see the blade the second he pulls it out of Dewey's back.
13th Feb 2005
The Grudge (2004)
Corrected entry: When Karen finds the photograph of the family, the face of the woman is ripped out, so the whole face is off. Later when the officer tells Karen they found the photo in the hall, and show her, the hole is much different, and now only half the face is ripped out. (00:20:05 - 00:52:40)
Correction: The woman's face in the photo is still completely ripped out. You can see Karen's finger through the hole when she is holding it in the hospital. This kind of makes it appear as though half of the woman's face is still there.
25th Feb 2005
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004)
Corrected entry: On the plane, Shazzer opens the front cover of her book "The Beach" twice. (00:53:00)
Correction: Actually, she is fluttered that Jed (thinking he is so gorgeous and all) is reading the same book. She wants his attention and by opening the book twice, and flashing the cover at him, she is making a point to Jed to try and impress him.
29th Jun 2005
Phantasm (1979)
Corrected entry: When Mike is riding his motorbike in the graveyard, in one shot you can see tyre tracks in the field behind him, that the filming crew are making as the camera pans backward. (00:03:45)
Correction: Yes, tracks are visible but it could be from the cemetary maintenance vehicles.
14th Jun 2004
The Simpsons (1989)
And Maggie Makes Three - S6-E13
Corrected entry: When Marge tells Homer that a new baby is on the way (Maggie obviously) look in the background and you can see a photo of Maggie already there.
30th Dec 2004
Donnie Darko (2001)
Corrected entry: When Cherita holds her lifeline card, it reads "In order to keep from failing he class..." It should read "her class..." though. (00:39:35)
Correction: This is a typo on the lifeline card, which can be attributed to a character mistake, therefore not a movie mistake.
30th Jun 2004
Scream (1996)
Corrected entry: When Gale and Kenny are watching the "Rules" speech on the delayed tape, you hear Randy say "There are certain rules..etc." and when Randy said this he was standing by the TV. Then Dewey comes and knocks on the camera van, and you see Kenny turn off the tape. But when he turns it off, you can briefly see the tape, and Randy is sitting on the couch watching Halloween, when he should have been standing, explaining the rules, as you never see Kenny or Gale rewind the tape. (01:10:55)
Correction: This is because, as you've already correctly stated, there is about a 30 second delay on the tape that Kenny and Gale are watching. When Dewey knocks on their van's door, the tape has yet to show Randy standing up and doing his horror movie speech.
Correction: You can hear Randy explaining the rules a few seconds before Dewey bangs on the van door.
23rd Feb 2005
The Cell (2000)
Corrected entry: When Carl is in his deep coma, Catherine enters his mind in the lab-room using the special technology. However due to a "power failure," she then has to go across the room to fiddle with some circuit breakers and we assume she isn't in Carl's mind yet, however she then realizes she is already in Carl's mind - but if he has been in a coma for a few days, Carl couldn't possibly know the layout of the lab that he has been taken to, or what Catherine's colleagues look like and what they're wearing or even the red suits he and Catherine are wearing and the fact that they're suspended on wires and are wearing face-cloths, because he was in the coma before any of this happened. If Catherine is in his mind, then all this information we see in his mind isn't possible, as he could never of gathered all this information for him to even imagine it all so accurately - he would have never seen the lab room, and the red suits and Catherine's colleagues. It makes for a good, sudden twist - however it doesn't fit. (00:56:30)
Correction: Carl had already begun to deeply effect Catherine. All he had to do was strongly suggest that she was back in the lab and HER mind filled in the rest of the details.
3rd Jun 2004
The Simpsons (1989)
Corrected entry: At the beginning of the episode, where it has Troy Mclure on a TV programme, Troy Mclure has a microphone. Notice that as he walks down the orange stairs, there is a wire following him, which is attached to the microphone. When Troy reaches the bottom of the stairs the wire has now disappeared from the stairs. (00:01:50)
Correction: He's out of shot for long enough to have been given another microphone. He may need to move around and doesn't want an extremely long cable dragging behind him so there's a second mic connected closer to his current position or to the position he will next move to.
21st Jun 2004
Cheaper by the Dozen (2003)
Corrected entry: When Tina and Bill arrive to greet the Bakers, the Bakers dog leaps up at the neighbours, and Tom has to hold back the dog. He is bending down holding the dog, then Tina says "I don't eat meat." In the very next shot, Tom is now standing normally, and their dog has vanished. (00:22:50)
Correction: That's wrong, Tom pushes the dog away, stands up and then says "Do you have a cheeseburger anywhere on your person?", to which Tina then responds "I don't eat meat."
3rd Jun 2004
The Simpsons (1989)
Corrected entry: Homer weighs 239lbs and has to gain 61 pounds. But when he has gained his 61 pounds, plus 15lbs extra, Homer looks double his original size. It is very doubtful he would look that much fatter from gaining just 76 odd lbs.
Correction: Wrong. Every ounce he gains is fat, and ironically human fat is fairly light. A lot of the 239 pounds of original Homer would be muscle (very heavy) and bone (moreso), and he wouldn't gain any of those from a bad diet. So, a 239 pound man gaining 76 pounds of fat would hugely increase his bulk, just like we see.
26th Jul 2004
Cruel Intentions (1999)
Corrected entry: When Sebastian is photograping Cecile as she is laying on his bed, he lowers his camera to the middle of his waist, then in the next shot he is holding the camera by the left of his waist and the way he is holding the camera changes too. (00:44:10)
Correction: You can see him move his arm and move his hand to change the way he holds it.
28th Oct 2004
Mr. Deeds (2002)
Corrected entry: When Deeds plays tennis with Chuck, Anderson is sitting in the umpire chair. In closeups you can see a black umbrella by Anderson, yet in wideshots the umbrella is nowhere to be seen. This happens throughout the whole scene. (00:54:05 - 00:55:50)
Correction: This is hard to tell, but I think the umbrella seen in closeups is the green umbrella which is a bit behind Anderson.
8th Jun 2004
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
Corrected entry: When we see Sam and the other two boys leave the library to go to the ship, they are able to exit straight from the top floor due to all the snow, which has buried most of the building. Yet when they leave, you can see two traffic lights sticking out from the under the snow. After the storms and tidal wave, how can the traffic lights be sticking out, perfectly straight, from under all of that snow? (01:33:00)
Correction: The shot is too narrow to identify where the boys depart from, but a wide-angle shot of them returning to the library shows they are using the front and entering at the mezzanine level. A significant portion of the building is visible, perhaps two to three stories. This would also make sense, since the ship is in front, the highest drifts in the back, and it would be safer and warmer to travel through the building than on uncertain drifts.
15th Nov 2004
Jumanji (1995)
Corrected entry: In the alligator scene, Alan's jacket disappears then appears etc. between shots.
Correction: It's hard to see, but Alan throws his jacket to the floor, it doesn't disappear. It then never comes back.
29th Jun 2004
Scream (1996)
Corrected entry: Sydney punches Gale Weathers on the left cheek outside the police station, but afterwards Gale clutches her right cheek, and it's the right cheek on which she gets a bruise. (00:35:05)
Correction: She is in fact punched on the left side of her face. After she is punched she holds her left cheek in her right hand because her microphone is in her left hand. Then the next day when Gale is putting on her make up, the bruise is on her left cheek but faded because of the make up.
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Correction: When he is crouching after being shot, you can see him putting it back on.
Matt Lynch