Factual error: Basic physics - Hancock throws Michel from a dead stop to above cloud level in about eleven seconds. The clouds are bog standard cumulus which form at around 7,000 metres in temperate zones. This means that Michel accelerates to about 700 metres per second instantly, from a dead stop. Obviously he cannot accelerate during his ascent, so his starting speed has to be at least that. (In fact he would have to start his ascent much, much faster than 700 metres per second as he would be constantly decelerating due to gravity and air resistance, but it will do as a start point.) Michel accelerates from 0 to 2,520 kilometres per hour - twice the speed of sound - in zero seconds. He would be accelerating at around 5000 Gs, turning him into a very long streak of fine, pink mist.

Hancock (2008)
Directed by: Peter Berg
Starring: Charlize Theron, Will Smith, Jason Bateman, Jae Head
Continuity mistake: In the scene when Mary visits Hancock for the first time at his house, she arrives from the air and crashes down on the ground, after a discussion inside they both walk outside together and Mary is shown getting into a car. In the next shot shown from above the house the car has disappeared and they both fly into the air.
Suggested correction: No, we see her drive up in the car, not fly in. But you are right that when we see them take off the car is missing.
You must have seen a different version of the movie I saw her land there, it's on Netflix.
You're right. I just saw the version on Netflix and she flies in, while the version from disc I have shows her drive up with a minute of dialog between them next to the car that is not in the Netflix version. I find it very surprising that there are two versions with that major of a difference.
An extended cut was released on DVD and Blu-Ray which has a couple extra scenes as well as modified scenes (including Mary driving to Hancock's). Netflix would have shown the theatrical cut version. (Or if I had to venture a guess, the UK release version as Netflix has a tendency to use those versions for some reason).
Continuity mistake: When Hancock puts the woman on the hospital bed near the end of the movie when he walks out he walks into the metal bar holding the window in place and as a result it bends. In the next shot where you see the frame it doesn't even have a scratch let alone being bent.
Trivia: Will Smith has his own signature line, which is called 'Oh Hell no.' He says it at least once in almost all his movies, including this one.
Trivia: In the beginning, the song "Move B*tch" is accompanying Hancock's first action scene. Will Smith sings this song in "Bad Boys II" when threatening the boy who comes to pick up his partner's daughter for a date.
Ray Embrey: People don't like you, Hancock.
Hancock: Do I look like I care what people think?
Hancock: I apologize to the people of Los Angeles. My behavior has been improper and I accept the consequences. I ask my fellow Angelinos for their patience and understanding. Life here can be difficult for me. After all, I am the only one of my kind. During my incarceration, I will be participating in alcohol and anger management treatment. You deserve better from me. I can be better. I will be better.
Hancock: Call me an asshole, one more time.
Question: I'm not sure if I was seeing things but during the fight between Hancock and Mary, when it goes all windy and stormy, at one point it cuts to some people who are screaming and running away. I thought I saw a figure that appears to be made out of rocks or similar material and about 10 foot tall, it wasn't our hero or heroine as they were not in that scene so what on earth was it?
Answer: I saw it, too, and wondered. He's a street performer in L.A. that just happened to be around during filming. See: http://io9.com/5023487/hancock-giant-robot-mystery-++-solved.
Question: Who are "them" or "they"? When Mary explains to Hancock all the times in history they have been attacked she always says "And we were attacked by them" or "When they came". Why were they being attacked? Could it have anything to do with the fact that at the time they would have been a couple in history where interacial relationships would have been frowned upon, or were they being attacked by some higher power entity?
Answer: The implication is that people like the bad guy in this movie always seek out and target higher power beings like them, so eventually someone will always come after them.
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