Other mistake: When you pull Terry Bogard in his King of Fighters XII version, his quote says "I don't know about 'legendary' means."
Other mistake: The quote you get when you pull Benimaru '99 from the gacha summon is "Don't go too rough on a beautiful lady." Benimaru is a cisgender man.
Other mistake: The description of the Memory item says; "It can be used for different a Fighter's awakening."
Bug: The Festival Idol version of Athena Asamiya in the Advent Dungeon acts weird when hit through her Super moves; she keeps throwing combos for the whole duration of the Super even if you successfully Stun her (and the Stun animation is playing), and when you KO her she just shows up lying on the ground instantly without falling.
Other mistake: Amongst the various generic enemies you can face, there are construction workers with a "New York City" print shirt. The character model mirrors when they face left, including the writing on the shirt.
Other mistake: In the WWE event, Seth Rollins, Becky Lynch and co. face off against the female team. Yuri Sakazaki in the story uses lines (references to the Lilien Knights and disdain for cops) that are blatantly not written for her, but for the character of Bonne Jenet.
Plot hole: The KoF97 story mode starts with a double flub; Serina announces that the opening matchups for KoF96 have been announced (wrong year), and in the background there are big screens showing, amongst the other characters, also Ash Crimson, a character that won't enter the saga until 2003.
Character mistake: In the KoF98 saga, before meeting the Orochi Female team, the protagonist says to Mature "If it's between the Orochis, then you should surrender against Male Orochi Team, then." The repetition of "then" is an obvious mistake, but the meaning of the sentence itself is also inscrutable.
Character mistake: Commenting Kim's team matchup in KoF97, Chris from the New Faces Team says "an ex-convict and a Taekwondo instructor? Sounds like a tough match." He should say "Two ex-convicts", since the team is made of 3 people, with one being Kim (the Taekwondo instructor) and the other two are the criminals Choi and Chang - it is probably a mistranslation.
Other mistake: One of the roulette events of the game is called "Serena's roulette", but the name of the character is Serina, as shown plenty of times during story mode when she is an interviewer.
Character mistake: In "Even if you sigh", part of chapter 7 of KoF97, Choi Bounge says "we really tried to take Master Kim proud", instead of Make.
Other mistake: In "Failing defense" (Chapter 6 of Kof97), the protagonist, grateful for the fight that gives him the excuse to stop carrying the surprisingly heavy sidekick, says that he should "be" lunch to them. (instead of course, of "buy").
Other mistake: One of the available relationships between characters is called "Leona approved weakling team." The description says that it increases ATK and then "deals additional damage equal to 3% of damage dealt upon attacking Leona", but it can't be right, simply because Leona is not part of that team! "Leona-approved" is simply a flavour text as she is story-wise the one who puts those potential members in that particular tier.

Other mistake: The railroad background seen at the beginning of KoF96 has a sign saying "Railroad CROSED."
Other mistake: The picture icon used to display King of Fighters 95 in Story mode (stage selection, waiting screens etc.) is, of all the possible teams, of a team that the protagonist does not meet at all in that year. By contrast, KoF 94 shows Kyo Kusanagi's team Japan and KoF 96 the Boss team led by Geese Howard, those are logical choices the protagonist interacts with and have influence on the story - the Psycho Soldiers team is not even mentioned in KoF 95.