Other mistake: Meowth calls one particular Pokémon in the test tube-thing a Sandshrew, however it is a Sandslash. This is a dubbing error, as Nyasu (Meowth's Japanese name) correctly identifies the Pokémon as a Sandopan (Sandslash's Japanese name) in the original Japanese version. (00:58:26)
Other mistake: In Mewtwo Strikes Back, when the pirate trainer sends out Machamp (the four-armed Pokémon), the animation of it appearing is shown twice. Also, the sound effect that plays when a Pokémon appears isn't played the second time. There was a small section cut out of Ash throwing Squirtle's Poké Ball in the air. That was replaced with Machamp coming out twice.

Other mistake: When "We're A Miracle" appears in the retyped ending credits of the English dub, Todd Chapman's surname is misspelled as "Champan." Also, RCA Record Label is misspelled as "RCA record Label." (01:13:29)

Other mistake: When Giovanni says, "Learn to use them to accomplish your purpose," Mewtwo's left arm is missing. Also, there are no cables connected to the back of the left shoulder piece of its armour, but in the next shot, there are. (00:17:03)

Other mistake: When "Catch Me If You Can" appears in the retyped ending credits of the English dub, Brian M Steckler has his first name misspelled as "Briand." Also, Lava/Atlantic Records is misspelled as "Lava/Atlantic records." Additionally, Blessid Union of Souls is misspelled as "Blessed Union of Souls." (01:13:24)

Other mistake: In the first part of the retyped ending credits for the English dub with songs, published is misspelled as "publisher" with produced misspelled as "producerd." Also, Cherry River Music Co. Is misspelled as "Cherry River Kusic Co." Additionally, Elektra Entertainment Group is misspelled as "Elektrica Entertainment Group." (01:13:19)

Other mistake: In the retyped ending credits for the English dub, during the shot of Ash and his friends watching the sunset, many sections previously listed in the credits are listed again, such as 'Animation Camera Shooting Staff' and 'Foley Artist', including many of the same individuals and companies. Additionally, later in the same shot, Continental Far East Inc. and Tokyo TV Center are misspelt as 'Continental Fal East Inc.' and 'Tokio TV Center', respectively. (01:12:58)

Other mistake: In the retyped ending credits of the English dub, one of the sections is titled 'Chief Animatior', but spells animator as 'animatior'. Shortly after, Anime World is spelled as 'Animaworld'. (01:12:46)

Other mistake: When Ash and friends enter the ferry terminal, the inner part of a Raichu's left ear is mistakenly coloured brown instead of yellow. Also, the boy thinking about something has a yellow shirt which turns white in the next shot. Additionally, the boy across from him has a white shirt, but in the next shot, it is blue. (00:30:01)
Other mistake: When Dragonite begins flying upward for the first time, its antennae are missing briefly. (00:26:11)

Other mistake: When the copyright message appears, the sentence below reads 'The events, characters and firms depicted in this motion picutre and ficitituious', misspelling the words 'picture' and 'fictitious' and using 'and' in place of 'are'. In the same shot, Ash's hat turns completely red. (01:13:52)

Other mistake: In the retyped ending credits of the English dub, one of the sections is titled "Main Title Animation - 'MewTwo Strikes Back'", but incorrectly formats Mewtwo as 'MewTwo'. Shortly after, under 'Japan Production', OLM, Inc. and Shogakukan Production Co., Ltd. are credited twice. (01:11:19)
Answer: That is not a real pokemon, so no.