Terry Collier: I'd offer you a beer, but I've only got six cans.
Terry Collier: That's just one of life's bitter ironies Bob.
Bob: I suffer a lot from those.
Bob: When it comes to women you're hardly Omar Sharif.
Terry Collier: If Omar Sharif lived in Gateshead I doubt he'd be Omar Sharif.
Terry Collier: Oh Chris, I can't stand saying goodbye like this.
Christina: You really mean that?
Terry Collier: Yeah - you finish packing, I'm going to the pub.
Bob: I'm going through a very depressed state recently, I think we should talk it through.
Thelma: Oh Bob, we've got so much to get done, can't we talk about if later over a cup of tea, it'll keep won't it.
Bob: Of course, its not important Thelma, I'm only questioning the validity of my entire life.
Thelma: I know the city is a bit grey but outside we're surrounded by breathtaking grandeur, aren't we Bob?
Bob: Oh yes, breathtaking.
Bob: Of course you always had an irresistible sexual magnetism.
Terry Collier: True but its not just that.
Bob: What is it then, I'm dying to know.
Terry Collier: Well once I've got them up here, there's no way they're going to risk leavin this dodgy area after dark.
Bob: These streets are ugly, but they have a kind of beauty.
Terry Collier: Working class sentiment is the indulgence of working peopled created through football and rock-and-roll or people like you who moved out to the elm lodge housing estate at the earliest opportunity.
Bob: Well I didn't want my kids growing up in these streets.
Thelma: She must have quite a hold on Terry.
Bob: Probably at this very moment.
Thelma: Maybe we should invite Chris and Terry to badminton club.
Christina: I learn much this weekend Terry, it has been, how you say in English, an eyesore.
Bob: I think I'm going through what psychiatrists call an identity crisis.
Thelma: Is that what Alan Pooley had?
Bob: I think Alan just liked dressing up in women's clothes.
Terry Collier: You kicked it up there.
Bob: Not on purpose, was only making a strong clearance.
Fireman: We've got better things to do with taxpayers money.
Bob: I'm sorry, when I get to the top I just lost me nerve.
Terry Collier: Keeps your hand in doesn't it, better than polishing your bell up all afternoon.
Terry Collier: Back in time for a drink, watch the box this afternoon - that's what a weekend should be - sport, sleep, slippers and sex.
Bob: Not necessarily in that order.