Ending statement: Fifteen years later, the Hurons, having accepted Christianity, were routed and killed by their enemies, the Iroquois.
Ending statement: The Jesuit mission to the Hurons was abandoned and the Jesuits returned to Quebec.
Huron Man: The Blackrobes want us to give up the dream. To have only one wife. To stop killing our enemies. If we obey them, we will no longer be Hurons. And soon our enemies will know our weakness and wipe us from the earth.
Daniel: They have an afterworld of their own.
Father Laforgue: They have no concept of one.
Daniel: Annuka told me they believe that in the forest at night the dead can see. The souls of men hunt the souls of animals.
Father Laforgue: Is that what she told you? It is childish, Daniel.
Daniel: Is it harder to believe in than Paradise where we all sit on clouds and look at God?
Chomina: Tell me, Blackrobe, what does your dream say now?
Father Laforgue: I am too weary for dreams.
Chomina: You must. If you do not, how do you see the way ahead?
Father Laforgue: Put my trust in God. He will guide me all the way to paradise.
Chomina: But you have not seen this paradise. No man should welcome death. This world is a cruel place, but it is the sunlight. I am sorry I leave now.