The Book of Eli

The Book of Eli (2010)

13 corrected entries

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Corrected entry: The first scene of the movie shows leaves falling from dead trees like it's snowing. If it was 30 years later, the leaves would have all long since fallen off. An argument could be made that the leaves are instead ashes falling. But the trees would not be smoldering after 30 years. Also, when Eli stands up, it's obvious that they are leaves are falling off him.

Correction: I didn't see any leaves falling off Eli when he stood up. No, trees would not have been smoldering for 30 years, but who says the fire burned 30 years ago? Forest fires happen all the time from natural causes. In a world this dry they'd be even more frequent.


In addition to this, who's to say that there wasn't a recent fire in the area or that they were showing Eli at a time immediately following the Apocalypse. This would be a clear indicator of the length of his journey to the West. One could only imagine that it had begun in the East fun in the East.

Eli tells Solara that the event happened 30 years ago, that he also has been walking for 30 years with the bible. So yes, leaves falling off trees doesn't make sense and ash doesn't make sense either as he has not aged in other scenes after.

Correction: It is nuclear fallout, an unknown time after the nuclear explosion(s). At the time, he is wearing a mask to protect himself from it.

Corrected entry: The protected copy of the Bible is placed at the end next to a copy of the Artscroll Tanach which includes the Hebrew/English version of the original bible as well as the other 39 holy books, so they had it all the time.

Correction: The Tanakh, as much as it is the "Hebrew bible", does not include the entirety of the new testament, which, as well as there being numerous changes between the Tanakh and the KJV, means that no, they did not "already have" what Eli was bringing to them.

Yeah he specifically said he had a King James bible, meaning the English translation of the old testament. Though it just a translation the old testament of the King James bible is still of important historical value. And of course the inclusion of the new testament and apocrypha like Maccabees.


Corrected entry: When Eli is done bargaining with the engineer, the engineer tells Eli he needs a couple of hours to charge the "Fathom 900," yet it's still connected and apparently still charging, from what the engineer is saying, when Eli goes to get it the next day. (00:23:40 - 00:49:00)


Correction: The engineer was working for the antagonist. Eli shows this by telling the engineer to tell "him" that he made him do it.

I don't know that the engineer was working directly for the antagonist. It may be that the antagonist held such power over the people in the town that they all feared him, to include the antagonist.

Correction: Also... he told Eli that he "could put a trickle charger on it." trickle charging is less than 1 amp and takes up to 48 hours to charge a flat battery.

Corrected entry: During the fight at the house, Redrigde picks up a box that was thrown out of a window. Realizing its a bomb he drops it right next to the front of a car. The next moment the car blows up but the explosion of the car originates from the middle of the car, not from where the box was laying.


Correction: This "mistake" has already been corrected, and is listed in the corrections. The canvas wrap was dropped at the front of the car, but the bomb itself was tossed back behind the car, roughly where the explosion occurs.

Jason Sieberg

Corrected entry: In the scene where Solara is being taken back by the bad guys, one of them take out Eli's machete and places it on the dashboard. After the car flips over, she manages to get the machete (because it couldn't have stayed on the dashboard) and stab the bad guy in a matter of seconds. If the car flips, that machete could have gone anywhere.

Correction: She did not stab him. He was stabbed in the accident. It is possible that the hilt of the weapon turned to press against the windshield and at some point in the flip (perhaps the landing) he was thrown forward into it.

This is where the separation from art and reality occurs. Some of us know that a black cloud hangs over our heads and this is the sort of thing that would happen to us. While others in the same situation, the machete would miss them and a winning Powerball ticket would fall in your hand.

Correction: Yes, it could have. Lucky for Solara, "anywhere" includes "within arm's reach". Which is where it wound up.


Corrected entry: Didn't anyone else notice that his eyes were perfectly fine and brown? If he was blind the whole time (and in the end his eyes were white), why are his eyes brown when we takes off his shades and looks out the window and look up at the sun? Doesn't make sense.


Correction: This is a question, not a mistake. They never say how he became blind. If his blindness was caused by a severed optic nerve, for example, there would be no change in the eye's external appearance. Many blind people don't have deformity or discoloration on their eyes.


The issue was not addressed as to why his eye color changed from brown to white even though he is blind at the start of the movie.

He is not blind at the start of the movie.

Correction: He is blind but in the novel for which the movie is based, our hero is blind but given sight to carry out the mission.

Corrected entry: When Eli and Solaris are on the boat and the guard from Alcatraz yells down, Eli states that he has a KJV (King James Version) of the bible. After the bible has been printed the cover says NKJV (New King James Version) there are some differences in the translation.


Correction: The quotes were all NKJV as well. Eli simply misspoke when he called it KJV.


Corrected entry: When Solara stops to pick up Eli, the large metal sheet over her window is missing. The rest of the film it is back in place.

Correction: Right before the girl arrives at the house where she hopes to find Eli you can see that there is a slide on the metal plate that holds it in place suggesting that the metal plate has hinges on the outside of the door. By pulling down the slide the metal plate can be tilted downwards like is also common on army vehicles. This is why you don't see it in the following scene. She has taken it down in order to better look for Eli.

Corrected entry: When Denzel meets up with the woman with the shopping cart close to the beginning, he walks through a tunnel. It shows a few shots of him and the woman talking; during some of these shots, the entire tunnel disappears from behind him.

Correction: It's an overpass, not a tunnel, and the approaches from both sides have been destroyed/eroded leaving only the arch. The different angles wouldn't always show the arch.


Corrected entry: In the scene at George and Martha's house, Carnegie calls for Eli to throw out the book. A wrapped object is thrown out of the second story window and lands a few feet in front of one of the gang's cars. Redridge picks up, unwraps, and opens the object, and, hearing a click, throws it back on the ground in front of the car, running away from it. . In the next shot, there is an explosion, not where the object lays in front of the car, but from the side of the car opposite the camera.


Correction: Actually, if you watch the scene again, after the guy unwraps the book and hears the click after opening it, he drops the cloth straight on the ground, and while turning to run, he does indeed toss the explosive behind the car in question. If you look while he opens it, they are between the set of vehicles, so I would have to declare this "Mistake", NOT a "Mistake"


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie (near the 101 minute mark) while quoting verse 2 from memory of the King James Bible the words "was hovering" is quoted. The word should have been "moved." Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Correction: Eli calls the book a KJV, but it's actually NKJV. Even the printed cover of the books calls it so. Eli simply misspoke.


Corrected entry: There is almost no way Eli could have a working iPod. It isn't a matter of whether or not they can charge it or not, rather that after a nuclear holocaust the EMP caused by the nukes would have fried any electronics. The only conceivable way it would have a chance of working is if the iPod was in a Faraday cage or something similar, and even then after 30 years of wear the iPod itself would itself have to be holy to be working. Even then it would only have a 5 minute battery life.

Correction: Only a high orbit nuclear blast sets off an EMP blast strong enough to permanently destroy electronic equipment. Further, electronic equipment that is completely shut off is much more resilient to EMP. Thirdly, the iPod could have been far from any nuclear blast at all. No need for any addition protection of the iPod. On the case of the battery, it has probably been changed more than once in those 30 years.

Corrected entry: SPOILER: There are many many clues as to Eli's character being blind throughout the entire movie; he bumps into a table, he felt around for the boots on the body, he heard the rat, he said "you have to come to me", when the woman said he'd have to say something or come to her, he scratches his shirt (and finds out she too is blind), he says he travels by faith not by sight, he counts the clicks on the iPod to get to a song, he fiddles with the iPod because he cannot see the battery is low, he asks the shopkeeper if he has his trigger off of the gun, he's always listening to birds/people, he doesn't shoot until he's shot at, he says he can smell people (the ambush), he says he "didn't see the (no trespassing) sign" at the old folks house, he heard the china rattling so he knew that they eat humans, etc.

Correction: The reference to walk by faith and not by sight was not because of his blindness, he was simply quoting scripture (2 Corinthians 5:7). It does make it a little humorous and ironic that he says it though.

The scripture is both ironic and true. Eli says in the movie "I am not a Liar" and he always phrases things so he doesn't say anything that would be misunderstood.

Correction: Good points! Also he told his companion to be quiet so he can hear the vulture in order to shoot it with an arrow.

He asked the shopkeeper to take his finger off the trigger assuming it was. Another good example is that he ran his hand over the lighter to make sure it had a flame. He also didn't have an immediate (visual) response to the hanging man.

Factual error: Eli uses an apparently moist KFC wetnap to clean himself in an early scene, yet it's been at least 30 years since the apocalyptic event happened. Unopened wipes only stay moist for months, even big packets of baby wipes only stay wet for 2-3 years.


More mistakes in The Book of Eli

Eli: In all these years I've been carrying it and reading it every day, I got so caught up in keeping it safe that I forgot to live by what I learned from it.

More quotes from The Book of Eli

Trivia: When Eli and Solara are in his room for the night there is a movie poster on the wall behind them for a similar post apocalyptic movie. "A Boy and His Dog". In Eli the survivors protect themselves from the sun's rays and in "A Boy and His Dog" they flee underground to hide from the sun.


More trivia for The Book of Eli

Question: In the scene where Solara hijacks the car, why does the man who had Eli's sword in him stop her from starting the car, take out the blade, and get out from the car and kneel on the ground? Was he trying to say something to Solara or the leader?

Answer: Most likely, Redridge is giving Solara a chance to escape Carnegie's regime. At this point, he knows he's dying, but perhaps still wants the best for her. Remember, he had a crush on her the whole movie (blocking her while she was getting Eli's canteen filled, bargaining with Carnegie for her before chasing after them, even asking Eli nicely to give up the book after the gunfight in the house). I think it may also have been used as a self-redemption moment for one of the bad guys.

Jason Sieberg

Answer: Due to Eli's previous protections from harm, Redridge is already wondering if there isn't a higher power protecting Eli. When Redridge is impaled and realises he's in his last moments of life, he kneels, looks to heaven, and gives himself over to that higher power, hoping for redemption.

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