Character mistake: When discussing the new Pope's name (Luke) at the end of the film, Langdon says: "There have been many Marks and Johns, but never a Luke." In fact, though there have been 23 Pope Johns, there has only been one Pope Mark - reigning for 9 months in 336.

Character mistake: While examining "Diagramma della Verita" in the Vatican archives, Langdon is careful to use a cotton glove and a pair of tongs to turn the pages. But when he returns later to search the Bernini texts for clues about the "fire" church, he turns the book pages with his bare hands. (00:36:30 - 01:04:55)
Character mistake: The reporter speaking Spanish at the end of the movie spells the Spanish word for fire wrong. He says "inciendo" instead of the correct "incendio." (02:07:11)

Character mistake: When Robert and Vittoria arrive at the Vatican archives for the first time, there is a plaque on which it says "Il Processo Galileano", which is misspelled, as the right pronunciation is "GALILEIANO", with the "i" between the "e" and the "a."