Revealing mistake: When it shows the video of Tom Cruise on Youtube, on the right side of the screen, the descriptions of the other videos repeat themselves.
Continuity mistake: During Aunt Lucille's funeral, when Uncle Albert gets into the coffin, Rick and Trey disappear, only to reappear later.

Continuity mistake: When Rick drops his backpack on the ground right before he climbs up the wall, in the next shot, the backpack has moved further to the left.
Revealing mistake: The time counter on the Youtube video is 22:00 instead of 00:22. Also the seconds don't count off.
Continuity mistake: When Jill finds out Lou is the Hourglass, the same brown-haired girl runs past her twice in the same direction.
Revealing mistake: At Thanksgiving dinner, Jill is unconvincingly pretending to chop the celery.
Continuity mistake: In the scene where Rick is breakdancing on the brick wall, right before he climbs up it it looks like a real brick wall (with cracks and is uneven), to a smooth brick wall with no cracks, then back to a real brick wall.
Continuity mistake: In the scene when the truck crashes into Rick, we see a shot of the people reacting to this. In this shot, we see a young woman at the far right of the screen. In the next shot, she is replaced with an old man.
Continuity mistake: When Dr. Stromm straps Landers into the machine, he fails to strap in Landers' left hand. But, in the next shot, both hands are strapped in.
Continuity mistake: Immediately after Hourglass heads through the ceiling at the Comic Convention, several people are seen convulsing in the scattering crowd. This scene was appropriate only for the alternate ending, in which Hourglass does not go through the roof and tries to steal the lifeforce of those within the convention (the ones convulsing).
Continuity mistake: In the scene where the Dragonfly fights the Hourglass at the university, the Hourglass' can of Cerillium disappears.
Revealing mistake: You can see that the stone gargoyle the Dragonfly jumps off of is rubber, because it wiggles a bit when he jumps off it.
Revealing mistake: When Rick's uncle shoots his black friend, you can closely see that he doesn't shoot him, he shoots the table. And if he did, why wasn't his hand bleeding?
Continuity mistake: When Rick wakes up from being asleep for 5 days, the stuff on the wall behind him changes from being perfectly straight to crooked.
Continuity mistake: When the bird catches fire near the beginning of the movie, Rick steps on it several times and it is all squished and disgusting. But when it hits Lance, it is not squished, just black.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Landers is presenting his machine, he puts an hourglass on the computer. In the next shot, it's gone.
Revealing mistake: When Rick is breakdancing on the wall, it is obvious that the person dancing is not Drake Bell, who played Rick. You don't even have to slow down or pause the movie. The double's skin is more pale, he looks older than Rick, and his hair is darker.
Continuity mistake: When Rick is walking down the street after the funeral, he passes a silver Pontiac Grand Prix, which is parked behind a Toyota. The same scene with a different angle shows another black car is suddenly parked behind the Grand Prix, without enough time having elapsed for the car to be parked there. Also, the Grand Prix is initially offcenter of the middle of the intersection, but the shot with the third car shows the Grand Prix in the center of the T intersection.
Continuity mistake: Rick pulls off his girlfriend's glove from his face and throws it on the floor. In a following shot, from above Rick that shows the ground, the glove is nowhere to be seen.
Continuity mistake: When Trey is shot by Rick's uncle, in the first shot Trey's teeth aren't showing, but in the close-up they are.