Peter The Pardoner of Rouen: He assured us that you, his liege, would pay us.
William: And you are?
Peter The Pardoner of Rouen: Peter. A humble Pardoner and purveyor of religious relics.
Chaucer: It's a small target Will, but aim for his heart.
William: I'll ride in his place.
Roland: What's your name, William? I'm asking you William Thatcher, to answer me with your name? It's not Sir William. It's not Count, or Duke or Earl William. It's certainly not King William.
William: I'm aware of that.
Roland: You have to be of noble birth to compete.
William: A detail. The landscape is food. Do you want to eat or don't you?
Roland: If the nobles find out who you are there'll be the devil to pay.
William: Then pray that they don't.
Adhemar: You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me?
Chaucer: Very good.
William: Was she watching? Geoff.
Chaucer: What?
William: Did she see me?
Chaucer: Yes, she saw you.
William: Did she see me take the hit?
Chaucer: Yes, she saw you take the hit.
William: Well, was she concerned?
Chaucer: It was dreadful, her eyes welled up, it was awful.
Kate: It is romantic though.
Roland: Are you a woman or a blacksmith?
Kate: Sometimes I'm both.
Jocelyn: I demand poetry, and when I want it, and I want it now.
William: Your breasts... they're beneath your throat.
William: I will not lose.
Jocelyn: Then you do not love me.
Chaucer: Are you mad? You knowingly endanger a member of the royal family?
William: He knowingly endangers himself.
Adhemar: Why didn't Ulrich finish him?
Jocelyn: He shows mercy.
Adhemar: Then he shows his weakness - that is all mercy is.
Chaucer: There she is, William. The embodiment of love. Your Venus.
William: And how I hate her.
Wat: All right, I'm about this fonging close mate! I swear to God, Quaisimodo! I oughta.
Chaucer: Yes, Master Falhurst, I'm well aware a good fawning is on the way.
Adhemar: And you are?
William: Well, I am, um.
Adhemar: You've forgotten, or your name is Sir Um?
William: Ulrich von Lichtenstein from Gelderland.
Adhemar: Well, I'd forget as well, what a mouthful.
Chaucer: Now I got their attention, you go and win their hearts.
Jocelyn: I love you. There is nothing else to do. Run and I will run with you.
Young William Thacher: Some day, I'll be a knight.
Man in Stocks: A Thachers son? A knight? You might as well try to change the stars.
Young William Thacher: Can it be done father? Can a man change the stars?
John Thatcher: Yes William. If he believes enough, a man can do anything.
Wat: What do you mean, dead?
Roland: The spark of his life is smothered in shite. His spirit is gone but his stench remains. Does that answer your question?
Jocelyn: Better a silly girl with a flower than a silly boy with a horse and a stick.
Wat: It's called a lance. Hello?
Answer: Kate, Roland, Wat and Chaucer having a farting contest.
Grumpy Scot