Continuity mistake: When Marge is in the kitchen with Grampa wondering what "a thousand eyes" can be, over the telephone there's a notepad with writing hanging from a clip, but when Homer walks in with the pig the notepad is hanging from a string and the writing has disappeared, but then it switches back again.

Continuity mistake: When Marge is in the kitchen trying to figure out the meaning of "a thousand eyes", behind Grampa there are three spoons hanging from hooks, but when Marge tells Homer that the warning in church was about the pig, the spoons have vanished and instead there are three cups hanging in their place.

Continuity mistake: During the town hall meeting, on the lower floor there are two sections of seating divided by an aisle, and in every shot of the audience we see people switch seats or sections they're in, and some clothing changes as well. Just a few examples: 1) the Sea Captain's first seated behind Moe and Lenny, then he's behind Willie; 2) Krusty, Mel, and Luigi are behind Bumblebee, but the next closeup has Mel seated in front of Luigi and Bumblebee, and Krusty has vanished, but he reappears when they spit the water; 3) And in that same shot the guy behind Luigi is wearing a white jacket and purple shirt, but when they all gasp he's wearing a black shirt and green jacket. And so on. (00:19:20)

Continuity mistake: When Marge and Homer are watching the news about the silo found in the lake, the TV sits on the dresser in front of their bed. The TV has vanished when Lisa runs into the bedroom, and when Marge tells Homer to go out, face the mob and apologize for what he did, the rest of the wall is visible, sans TV. (00:30:40)

Continuity mistake: When Bart looks out the bedroom window, and Ned tells Bart that he and his family should crawl out on the plank to his house, the pair of blue panel drapes and tiebacks have turned yellow. (00:33:00)

Continuity mistake: When Bart walks into Krusty Burger, in the overhead shot we see Ned and his sons sitting on stools with bases attached to the floor. In the next close-up, Rod and Todd Flanders' stools are in different positions - note the checkered floor. (00:13:30)

Continuity mistake: When Homer dumps the silo, in the overhead shot as it sinks, the car is parked right at the shoreline, then as the pollutant spreads in the water the car is much farther up on shore. (00:23:05)

Continuity mistake: When the silo has been dumped and the pollutant begins spreading, there is no rope on the ground behind the car, but when Homer gets back into the car to drive away, there is a bunch of rope lying on the ground behind the car. (00:23:05)

Continuity mistake: When Homer dumps the silo in the lake, there are the words "Pig Crap" on the front and there is no writing on the back. However, when Lou and Eddie find the silo later in the movie, the "Pig Crap" words are there, but the words saying "Return To Homer Simpson, No Reward" has appeared out of nowhere. (00:23:00 - 00:30:50)

Continuity mistake: When everyone is saying "Lord hear our prayer" at the church, Kirk van Houten is wearing a blue suit, but later when Grandpa is freaking out, Kirk is wearing a red suit. (00:04:05 - 00:05:40)

Continuity mistake: During the scene with the angry mob, knobs on the bedroom's wall cabinets keep switching between being on the left or right sides of the cabinet doors (which would also change the direction those doors open). (00:32:50)

Continuity mistake: When Homer runs into the EPA supply shed to find something to help him climb the dome, there's a window on each side of the doorway with little space between them, but in the interior shot not only is the style of window different, the space has increased significantly and the second window is gone.

Continuity mistake: At the gas station market, when Bart puts the can of soda pop on the counter, we see the yellow label on the glass beef jerky jar, facing away from Bart. When Marge points to the beef jerky its label has vanished, then when the clerk points to the similar looking family the label is back. (00:45:00)

Continuity mistake: When Bart is inside the gas station market, while Homer pumps gas, Bart puts the soda pop can directly on the counter beside the white mat, but in the next shot, when Bart turns around the can has moved itself onto the mat, at the farther end.

Continuity mistake: While the Simpsons are walking the plank of wood between their house and Flanders' house, in the shot right after Plopper the pig pushes the wood plank off the windowsill, just as the Simpsons fall and the arrows fly by overhead, note the mysterious cable box and long cable that have suddenly appeared out of nowhere, attached to the wall beside the second window on the opposite side of the chimney. (00:33:50)

Continuity mistake: When Russ Cargill holds up the tank with the mutated squirrel to the eye security system on the wall, there is a square piece under the handle to secure it to the top. However, when Cargill holds the tank up to the President that square has vanished and it's just the handle. Then when the President is face-to-face with it, a bar has appeared between the two sides of the handle. (00:24:50)

Continuity mistake: After the book knocks over the AA meeting's coffee machine, when the group of people run out of the church, the ground in front of its doors is flat and leads straight to the walkway. Additionally, there is a second large area of grass between the sidewalk and the street, and the large cross at the front is gone. However, in previous and following shots there are stairs at the front of the church, and the area of grass only between the church and sidewalk/street.

Continuity mistake: After Marge has brought Homer to see Maggie outside the dome, and then he thinks he's out of the dome, when he runs back into the house the water spigot attached to the house has vanished. (00:30:50)

Continuity mistake: When Russ Cargill shows the President the surveillance footage of domed Springfield, the President's desk is only a few feet away from the fireplace, which is absurdly closer than in any other shots.

Continuity mistake: When Lisa goes door-to-door with the petition, the door on Milhouse's house has two grooved panels, a tall, 12-panel window, a light fixture above the door, and there's a tree between it and the blue house next door. When Lisa sees Colin and Milhouse again near the end, some of the features of the house have changed - unrelated to the damage Springfield's homes have suffered. The door now has three grooved panels and no mail slot, the window is much shorter, and the light fixture above the door is gone, with no hole in the wall if it had been broken off. The tree between the house and the blue house next door has changed position on the grass as well. (00:09:10)
Answer: The family doesn't treat him very well, particularly Homer. He may have wanted some revenge on them. Grampa is also a little senile.
Phaneron ★