Ted Crawford: Knowledge is pain.
Lt. Robert Nunally: Your wife? Is she OK?
Ted Crawford: I don't think she is. I shot her.
Judge Gardner: You know what nobody understands about certain kinds of low-paid public service work? Every now and then you get to put a fucking stake in a bad guy's heart. Now, we're not supposed to talk about that when we visit a 3rd-grade classroom for Career Day. And it doesn't get you very far into a country club locker room but it's hard to beat when you actually get to do it. (01:10:22 - 01:10:51)
Lt. Robert Nunally: I warned you about him.
Willy Beachum: You warned me he was smart. You didn't warn me you were stupid.
Detective Flores: It's a thing. It does stuff.
Ted Crawford: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Ted Crawford: And the look on his face, oh. He was trying to get her back to life. And I was pissing myself laughing. Because I took both the bastards out with one fucking bullet.
Judge Pincus: I appreciate your concern for the dignity of the court 007, Unfortunately, the man is a tax-paying citizen and entitled by our constitution to try and manipulate the legal system like everybody else.
Ted Crawford: My dick has evidence.
Judge Robinson: Excuse me?
Ted Crawford: My dick... my private investigator. I call him Dick.
Answer: Crowford (Hopkins) shot his wife with the gun that belonged to Nunally (Burke), but switched it with his at a moment of Nunally's distraction. The gun that the police mistakenly collected was not the murder weapon. This was a key plot point. Crowford goes on to gloat about it near the end of the film, saying the one piece of evidence Nunally needed was on his hip the whole time.