Doutreval of Dijon: Think of this. A sword is like a bird. If you clutch it too tightly, you choke it - too lightly and it flies away.
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon: I have your word as a man.
Andre Moreau: As a fiend incarnate.
Andre Moreau: I can no longer be taught by the man who taught my enemy. So, what is more fitting in a mad world, then to be taught by the man who taught the man who taught my enemy.
Lawyer Fabian: Moreau! I can't see you.
Andre Moreau: You must be shortsighted. I am here.
Andre Moreau: By all that I hold sacred, I swear you this man's death.
Lenore: Your brain is gone! Where did you fall, on your head?
Michael Vanneau: Are you mad?
Andre Moreau: We're all out of our minds, haven't you observed it?
Dr. Dubuque: You believe in liberty. You know it's being strangled.
Andre Moreau: I also believe in laughter and I know the world is mad.
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon: I don't suppose you can mend a broken wheel?
Andre Moreau: Unfortunately not. A broken heart.
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon: Oh, thank you, but might heart is quite intact.
Andre Moreau: I envy you. Mine is in chains from this moment.
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon: I'm not coming.
Andre Moreau: Then I shall come with you.
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon: Come where with me?
Andre Moreau: To the ends of the earth if that's where you're going.
Aline de Gavrillac de Bourbon: I'm going home, and that's half a mile.
Andre Moreau: Half a mile with you is as fifty leagues with Cleopatra.
Assembly President: Deputy du Rouge, representing the Soissons district?
Andre Moreau: Mr. President, the deputy from Soissons will be absent from this assembly... permanently.
Andre Moreau: If you fidget, I may draw blood. You're making me nervous. Now where was I?
Andre Moreau: Are all things clear to souls in paradise?
Andre Moreau: Ah, my friend Chabrillaine. L know, my face. It reminds you of a bos taurus horrendus.
Chevalier de Chabrillaine: Huh? What's that?
Andre Moreau: An Ethiopian ox.
Lenore: But who is Scaramouche? And why does he hide his face behind a mask?
Marie Antoinette: I am angry with you, sir.
Noel, Marquis de Maynes: Angry, Your Majesty?
Marie Antoinette: Very angry! You know why, of course.
Noel, Marquis de Maynes: Could it be for fighting Count de Talles?
Marie Antoinette: Among others.
Noel, Marquis de Maynes: I only scratched him a little.
Marie Antoinette: They say you crippled him for life.
Marie Antoinette: And five minutes later, you killed the Baron Marblaux.
Noel, Marquis de Maynes: An unfortunate accident. He ran into my sword.