Don Lockwood: What's your lofty mission in life that lets you sneer at my humble profession?
Kathy Selden: I'm an actress.
Don Lockwood: What?
Kathy Selden: On the stage.
Don Lockwood: Oh, on the stage. Well, I'd like to see you act. What are you in right now? I could brush up on my English, or bring along an interpreter. That is if they'd let in a movie actor.
Kathy Selden: I'm not in a play right now, but I will be. I'm going to New York...
Don Lockwood: Oh, you're going to New York! And then someday, we'll all hear of you, won't we? Kathy Selden as Juliet, as Lady Macbeth, as King Lear! You'll have to wear a beard for that one, of course.

Jeremy Baile: Good country, Glyn.
Glyn McLyntock: Yeah, real good country.
Jeremy Baile: Let's hope we can keep it this way. Missouri and Kansas was like this when I first saw 'em... good, clean. It was the men who came in to steal and kill that changed things. We mustn't let it happen here.

Rebecca: I love you - and I must not feel it - yet Ivanhoe I love you, with all the longing in this lonely world.

Vallo: You've sold me Humble Bellows - and to a king's flunky.
Humble Bellows: Aye. 'Tis my modest opinion that no man can fly pirate colors who's not willing to sell his friend, his sweetheart, or his mother.
Baron Jose Gruda: Well spoken, Mr. Bellows.
Vallo: Foul spoken it is, Humble Bellows. You've turned your hand against your captain's back. Yellow was never a pirate's colour.
Slimy: Nor rescuing a fair maiden a pirate caper.

Ebenezer Hawkins: You're just like your old pa. He was the lyingest, crookedest, mangyest, rottenest, low down critter than never drew a silver breath.
Peter 'Junior' Potter Jr.: Say, you really knew my daddy, didn't you? You, sir, have cast aspersions on my dear old daddy, the brave, low-down, mangy, crooked, drunken hero that won the West.

Daffy Duck: This is preposthterousth-th.

Mr. Stork: Here we are, now. Please don't crowd each other. Pick out the ewe that you like best, and she will be your mother.

Texan: A birthday cake! Now who coulda knowed it was my birthday? Especially when it t'ain't.

Prudence 'Spitfire' Stevens: My father taught me howt o defend myself against rough men, but he told me he could only warn me about gentlemen.

Jonathan: Look. Put five men dressed like cats on the screen, what do they look like?
Fred: Like five men dressed like cats.

Sarah: You should not drink so fast, Monsieur Lautrec. It burns your stomach.
Henri: I'm thirsty. Please.
Sarah: Wine is for thirst.
Henri: At least you did not say water.
Sarah: Water is for Americans.
Henri: Some men can swing by their heels on the flying trapeze. Some men can become president of the republic. I can drink cognac.