Best movie quotes of 1952

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Movie Quote Quiz
The Quiet Man picture

Michaleen Flynn: None 'o that now, none 'o that. It's a bold sinful man y'are Sean Thornton. And who taught you to be playin' patty-fingers in the Holy Water?
Thornton: Just bein' polite, is all.

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Singin' in the Rain picture

Don Lockwood: What's your lofty mission in life that lets you sneer at my humble profession?
Kathy Selden: I'm an actress.
Don Lockwood: What?
Kathy Selden: On the stage.
Don Lockwood: Oh, on the stage. Well, I'd like to see you act. What are you in right now? I could brush up on my English, or bring along an interpreter. That is if they'd let in a movie actor.
Kathy Selden: I'm not in a play right now, but I will be. I'm going to New York...
Don Lockwood: Oh, you're going to New York! And then someday, we'll all hear of you, won't we? Kathy Selden as Juliet, as Lady Macbeth, as King Lear! You'll have to wear a beard for that one, of course.

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High Noon picture

Will: I've got to, that's the whole thing.

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Limelight picture

Calvero: Time is the best author. It always writes the perfect ending.

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Bend of the River picture

Jeremy Baile: Good country, Glyn.
Glyn McLyntock: Yeah, real good country.
Jeremy Baile: Let's hope we can keep it this way. Missouri and Kansas was like this when I first saw 'em... good, clean. It was the men who came in to steal and kill that changed things. We mustn't let it happen here.

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Ivanhoe picture

Rebecca: I love you - and I must not feel it - yet Ivanhoe I love you, with all the longing in this lonely world.

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Scaramouche picture

Doutreval of Dijon: Think of this. A sword is like a bird. If you clutch it too tightly, you choke it - too lightly and it flies away.

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Ikiru picture

Novelist: Misfortune teaches us the truth. Your cancer has opened your eyes to your own life. People are fickle and shallow. We only realise how beautiful life is when we face death. And even then, few of us realise it. The worst among us know nothing of life until they die.

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The Greatest Show on Earth picture

Angel: Listen, sugar, the only way that you can keep me warm is to wrap me up in a marriage license.

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The Crimson Pirate picture

Vallo: You've sold me Humble Bellows - and to a king's flunky.
Humble Bellows: Aye. 'Tis my modest opinion that no man can fly pirate colors who's not willing to sell his friend, his sweetheart, or his mother.
Baron Jose Gruda: Well spoken, Mr. Bellows.
Vallo: Foul spoken it is, Humble Bellows. You've turned your hand against your captain's back. Yellow was never a pirate's colour.
Slimy: Nor rescuing a fair maiden a pirate caper.

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Son of Paleface picture

Ebenezer Hawkins: You're just like your old pa. He was the lyingest, crookedest, mangyest, rottenest, low down critter than never drew a silver breath.
Peter 'Junior' Potter Jr.: Say, you really knew my daddy, didn't you? You, sir, have cast aspersions on my dear old daddy, the brave, low-down, mangy, crooked, drunken hero that won the West.

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Lambert the Sheepish Lion picture

Mr. Stork: Here we are, now. Please don't crowd each other. Pick out the ewe that you like best, and she will be your mother.

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Come Back, Little Sheba picture

Doc: God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.


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Oily Hare picture

Texan: A birthday cake! Now who coulda knowed it was my birthday? Especially when it t'ain't.

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Against All Flags picture

Prudence 'Spitfire' Stevens: My father taught me howt o defend myself against rough men, but he told me he could only warn me about gentlemen.

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The Holly and the Ivy picture

Aunt Lydia: Everyone needs someone else.

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Radar Men From The Moon picture

Graber: How 'bout a ride to town, mister?
Motorist: Sure. Hop in.
Graber: There's a man in a flying suit chasing us. Step on it.
Motorist: Huh?

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The Bad and the Beautiful picture

Jonathan: Look. Put five men dressed like cats on the screen, what do they look like?
Fred: Like five men dressed like cats.

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Moulin Rouge picture

Sarah: You should not drink so fast, Monsieur Lautrec. It burns your stomach.
Henri: I'm thirsty. Please.
Sarah: Wine is for thirst.
Henri: At least you did not say water.
Sarah: Water is for Americans.
Henri: Some men can swing by their heels on the flying trapeze. Some men can become president of the republic. I can drink cognac.

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