Nigel: There's a scale. One nod is good, two nods is very good. There's only be one actual smile on record and that was Tom Ford in 2001. If she doesn't like it she shakes her head. Then of course there's the pursing of the lips.
Andy Sachs: Which means?
Nigel: Catastrophe.
Miranda Priestly: ...You have no sense of fashion.
Andy Sachs: I think that depends on.
Miranda Priestly: No, no, that wasn't a question.
Christian Thompson: Je suis très, très désolé.
Andy Sachs: You're not that désolé at all.
Chosen answer: Miranda was going to be replaced by Jaqueline and forced to retire. Miranda worked a deal to give Nigel's new job to Jaqueline instead. Since Jaqueline now has a job she wants, there is no one eager or qualified to replace Miranda. Miranda keeps her job. Nigel doesn't get a new job and must remain with Miranda. Miranda gets what she wants, Jaqueline gets what she wants, Nigel gets screwed, but maintains the (most likely futile) hope that Miranda will pay him back by some other means in due course.