
Corrected entry: Okay, it's been established that the Transformers have an incredibly fast wireless uplink, and indeed the decepticons communicate across the world wirelessly. Yet the autobots resort to speech (English, no less) when they discuss their battle plan after obtaining the glasses, despite there being no humans present.

Correction: Some reason why they shouldn't? The Transformers may be machine-based, but they're still living beings, with intelligence, emotion and so forth. Seems entirely reasonable that they'd prefer the more personal nature of direct speech when they're together, rather than just downloading stuff into their brains.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Sam is looking at himself in the mirror, there is a toxic waste/skull and cross bones picture under it, with a white area under that. The camera cuts, Sam does something, then it cuts again to show the mirror; now there is writing in the white area.

Correction: The words never left, the different shots are at diffeent angles, that way, in some shots, showing the words, and others, hiding them. It's not a mistake.

Corrected entry: When Bumbleebee and Barricade fight Barricade was defeated and destroyed. However, later in the film when Frenzy discovers the cube, he makes contact with all Decepticons and the following scenes show them all responding. One shot shows Barricade in car mode responding to the call and in good condition!

Correction: You never actually see that Barricade was destroyed. Bumblebee and Barricade were fighting when Sam and Mikaela were being chased by the little transformer. You never see the outcome of the fight, Bumblebee just comes back to Sam after the fight. It's completely likely (seeing as how Barricade shows up later) that he just admitted defeat and ran off. The "good condition" really doesn't mean much either. Bumblebee is a pristine 2009 camaro when in car form, but he's still roughed up when he's in his Transformer form (as is Optimus and all most of the others).

Nick Bylsma

Corrected entry: During the scene in which the four autobots crash-land, one of them lands in a field after bouncing off a ridge. In the next shot, Sam and Mikaela walk over and watch the autobot start to transform. However, this can't be possible. All four autobots flew over Sam and Mikaela as they were standing in front of the building with Bumblebee, so they would have to walk through the field that the autobot landed in in order to see it. Also the distance that the autobot travelled once it hit the floor must have been a good few hundred metres, which would take several minutes to walk through, by which time the autobot would have been long gone. For example, the one that landed in the DVD store transformed and was gone within a couple of minutes, before the kids with the camcorder got there.

Correction: Perhaps this autobot didn't transform as fast as the others (Optimus Prime takes a while to transform the first time also), or maybe he took his time since he didn't land in a highly populated area (unlike the one in the DVD store), or quite possibly the crash stunned this particular Autobot and it took him a minute to get his wits back. Either one is possible, only one is neccessary.

Nick Bylsma

Corrected entry: Blackout's arm-mounted Gatling gun sounds completely different on the two occasions it is fired. At the beginning of the film while he is shooting up the base in Qatar, it fires long concentrated bursts with a deep noise. During the final battle when he is firing at the soldier on the motorbike, the rounds are going everywhere (conveniently missing the guy on the bike) and the noise is a much higher pitch.

Correction: Blackout is sneaking up behind Optimus Prime and Megatron. The weapon he used in Quatar was shown to be very destructive, and Blackout is extremely loyal to Megatron. So it would make sense that he switched to a lesser weapon to use on Optimus to reduce the chance of hurting his superior with little time to change when he is blindsided by the soldier.

Corrected entry: How can the Allspark, being such a huge massive structure, turn into a hand-held cube but still be light enough to be carried by a human? Even if the alien technology is so great that it can fold into itself that many times, the laws of physics still apply, and all that mass is still there. It would still weigh many tons.

Correction: Are you going to say that cars transforming into 20ft tall robots are plot holes also? This is a fiction movie, no one knows what the Allspark is made out of or what it is possible of doing. On a side note, the Allspark being light enough to be carried by humans is completely in line with the comic series.

Nick Bylsma

Corrected entry: Bumblebee following Sam to the used car lot so he can be purchased is a cute scene, but would create a bevy of off-camera problems. For one, the lot doesn't actually own the car, as Bernie Mac points out, so turning over the pink slip and ownership papers would be extremely problematic and would grind the movie to a halt as the characters try to figure out what is going on.

Correction: Maybe Bernie Mac's character is a bit shady and ready to deal with hot merchandise.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Sam's great-great-grandfather and his crew are freeing their ship from the ice, several of the sailors are speaking modern English; they talked rather similar to how the Americans talk now. There was no modern English back in the 1800's.

Correction: As is absolutely standard with historically set films, present day language is used to make the scene accessible to modern day audiences. This is a standard movie convention and, as such, is not considered a mistake.


Corrected entry: Whenever Tom from Sector Seven goes to the Secretary of Defense, he shows him a picture of the image from mars, then he shows him the image from the base attack and shows it as daylight. This is incorrect because when the man took the photo of the base attack, it was dark outside.

Correction: Its likely that the equipment that the US Military uses would automatically lighten up the picture to show as much detail as possible.

Corrected entry: When all the Decepticons call out their names and rally on Megatron, Blackout calls his name from the desert where he attacked the US base. However he gets to Megatron as quickly as the others do, despite being a relatively slow helicopter. How did he traverse half the globe in such a short time?

Correction: How do we know what desert Blackout is at? After the Air Force One attack, the Decepticons knew Megatron was somewhere in the USA, therefore Blackout was probably already en route to the USA and by the time they gave rank, Blackout was over a US desert. The sand dunes of California, Utah & Navada look very similar to those in the Middle East.

Corrected entry: When Mikaela is driving the tow-truck with Bumblebee in tow, she starts to reverse so that Bumblebee can shoot. Tow truck regulation specify that when a truck is reversing, it must emit a beeping noise, however when she is reversing down the street, there is no beeping.

Correction: The semi truck I drive is also supposed to beep while backing, but it doesn't. There is a short in the wiring and it only does it intermittently. Besides, where I live, there is no regulation for tow trucks to beep while backing. Not all jurisdictions have the same regulations.

Corrected entry: The second time Optimus Prime asks Sam about Captain Witwicky's glasses, his great-grandfather (as established earlier in the movie), Sam calls him "my grandfather".

Correction: Not really a mistake, I never referred to my great-grandfather as "great-grandfather", I always called him grandpa. So Sam could've just been doing the same thing.


Corrected entry: It is hard to notice, but there is one scene which displays Starscream's disloyalty to Megatron (often alluded to, both in the film and in other Transformers media): in the final battle, amidst the confusion, you can vaguely notice Starscream transforming into his F-22 form, joining the other F-22s (from the military) and shooting Megatron, then transforming back into his Decepticon self.

Correction: This is hotly debated. In a recent convention interview, the writers themselves were asked if Starscream fires on Megatron in that scene, and they say that it is only a rumor, and was never written in the script as such. After watching the scene frame-by-frame, the movie footage alone is inconclusive.

Corrected entry: Optimus Prime says that they learned English from the Internet. However, Megatron was frozen before the Internet, and he knows English as soon as he is free.

Correction: All the Transformers connect to the internet by an almost instantaneous Wi-Fi like link. Megatron would have done so, as well, while he was thawing out.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Megatron mentioned "Starscream, you disappoint me yet again", it is the same line that Megatron always use in the cartoon series when starscream always failed in his mission.

Correction: Duplicate entry.

Corrected entry: Aside from leaving an opportunity for the sequel, it made no sense for the Autobots or the military to sink Megatron to the bottom of Laurentian Abyss rather than destroy/dismantle him completely.


Correction: Given Megatron's size, alien composition and the complete lack of knowledge behind his workings, dismantling him would've been near impossible. If it took the army a number of tries to find a weapon that would damage a Transformer, imagine how long it would've taken to destroy one completely. Dumping him in the Laurentian Abyss makes perfect sense given the complete lack of information.


They would have known enough his design to dismantle if they had really been studying him for that long, thus dismantling is not impossible. Of course, If they were going to dump him, it would probably make more sense to dump him in lava, that way he would simply melt.

Corrected entry: Bumblebee's yellow exterior is extremely dirty when he is transformed, but not when he is in the car form.

Correction: We've seen Bumblebee change the entire exterior of his car to another model so we're aware he can make the car look how he wants. Maybe the car he copied was clean and he has no reason to change it.


Corrected entry: When the F-22 Raptors attack the transformers on the ground, if you look closely, the missiles are AIM-120 AMRAAMs used strictly for Air-to-Air engagements.

Correction: Actually AMRAAM missiles are homing missiles, they contain a guidance system that locks on to what the crew is targeting. The only reason they're not fired at ground targets is because there usually isn't anything to lock onto. However, maybe the military are aware that the missiles could lock onto something big, metal and electronic like a transformer.


Other mistake: When Frenzy attacks Sam, the teenager wears straight leg jeans with a narrow leg opening (not boot cut) and thick-soled Nikes, seen in numerous shots, as he kicks at the Decepticon. After the cut to Mikaela (who finds the reciprocating saw), during which Frenzy has already pulled off the bottom of Sam's jeans, Sam continues to kick and scream just before he gets up and runs. Problem is Sam still wears both thick-soled Nikes, neither of which slipped off as Frenzy maniacally pulled the jeans, with narrow leg openings, from his kicking legs/feet. Impossible even in the best of circumstances.

Super Grover

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Sam Witwicky: Miles? Miles, listen to me. Listen. My car, it stole itself, okay?
Miles: What are you talking about, man?
Sam Witwicky: Satan's Camaro. In my yard! It's stalking me!

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Transformers trivia picture

Trivia: When Bumblebee first appears it parks itself in the used car lot beside a yellow Beetle. The yellow Beetle was Bumblebee's original form in the Transformers cartoon series.

More trivia for Transformers

Question: Throughout Transformer history, has it ever been known who or what was responsible for the creation of the Autobots and Decepticons and for what purpose?

Answer: Primus created the original Thirteen Transformers, later known as the Thirteen Primes, to help him defeat his nemesis, Unicron. The Thirteen Primes were the start of the Cybertronian race, which eventually turned on itself when Megatron, formerly Megatronus, started the War and his Decepticon faction.

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