The Goonies

Continuity mistake: When Sloth pulls the chains out of the wall, he picks up the Baby Ruth and there are no shackles around his wrists. He didn't break them, he only broke the chain at the wall.

Continuity mistake: When Data crashes through the screen door, as Chunk begins to fall backward with the statue, the pothos plant that falls off the table is in a black plastic container, but that pothos plant was actually in a large white ceramic pot in previous shots.

Super Grover

Other mistake: At the end, Mouth goes up to Stef and thanks her for offering to save his life. During the movie, however, Stef never offers to save his life. It is explained somewhere that in one of the deleted scenes, when Stef and Mouth are on the plank she offers to share her breath with him so they can both breathe under water.

Factual error: When Mouth flattens the tires on Brand's bike, all he does to let the air out is take the valve caps off. There's actually a valve in the valve stem that needs to be depressed to let the air out. The cap is just there to keep dirt out of the valve, simply taking it off wouldn't let the air out.


Audio problem: When all the kids are in the kitchen Mikey pulls out his map and starts talking. Even though his mouth is hidden the whole time you can still tell, when looking at his face, he isn't really talking.

Factual error: Two of the huge rocks which plummet from the roof of the cave hit the water and then bob to the surface again. Pumice is the only rock which floats on water, but this rock is white and pumice is grey, and pumice is too light and porous to form cave walls anyway.

Other mistake: In the scene where Mikey, Brand and Mouth are listing the exaggerations Chunk has come up with, Mouth says "And I bet it was even more amazing than the time you ate your weight in Godfather's Pizza." When he gets to the "Godfather's Pizza" bit, it becomes clear that this has been dubbed over the original filmed scene, as his mouth does not match his words in the slightest.

Continuity mistake: Whenever Data uses his boxing glove device, it creates a rather large bulge in the side of his jacket. However, this bulge isn't present through most of the movie, it just magically appears whenever Data uses the boxing glove.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where the kids are crossing the wooden bridge near the waterfall, Data is seen holding a lantern. After he does his "slick shoes" routine, the lantern has disappeared.

Continuity mistake: At the end when everyone jumps off the gangplank to escape, between three consecutive shots we see Data and Chunk jump off twice.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where they are playing the bone-organ to escape, the Fratellis walk across the beam then climb the rocks to get to the room where the Goonies are. In one of the rocks there is a tall metal post sticking up. A shot shows one Fratelli brother stick his hand on this post to pull himself up, but in the next shot the hand is gone and a moment later the Fratellis emerge from the water.

Visible crew/equipment: At the Lighthouse Lounge, when Chunk opens the door and sees the bullet riddled ORV, Chunk's reflection on the back of the vehicle moves to the right, but there is another moving reflection to his left.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the attic, after Chunk breaks the frame, in the overhead shot there is a long piece of glass still attached to the frame, but as Mikey and Chunk kneel to lift the frame, that long piece of glass is gone.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Brand turns on the water in the kitchen sink Mouth is sitting on, in the closeup shot it's a very different sink and faucet. There is even a yellow bottle of detergent that isn't there in the wide shot.

Visible crew/equipment: When Francis and Mama Fratelli carry the bagged corpse to the ORV, in the close-up the reflection of a crewmember, who moves his head, is visible on the surface of the black vehicle.

Super Grover

The Goonies mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene in the cave where Brand pulls back the rock and the bats fly out, there is a close-up of Mouth with bats flying in front of his face. You can clearly see the wires attached to the bats.

Continuity mistake: When Data activates his 'slick shoes' on the log bridge, the heels of the shoes pop open to reveal the 'slick shoes' mechanism which starts spraying oil. In the next shot though, they show Data walking across the log, the heels of the shoes are closed, and the oil squirts out of holes in the back of the heels apparently.


Deliberate mistake: Even if the kids split up on the water slide, only the last two fell out of sequence. Mikey exited first followed by Mouth, and Stef, but then Brand fell before Andy, he should have been last.

Audio problem: When Mouth has just finished his Spanish in the scene 'Mouth in Espanol', you can hear a man's voice saying 'Wow'. Listen very carefully, though, because the man's voice speaks while Mrs. Walsh is speaking.

Revealing mistake: When all of the Goonie kids run upstairs to the attic, they rush past the camera, and you can see the image wobble slightly, as if one of them jostled the cameraman.

Data: Holy S-H-I-T!

More quotes from The Goonies

Trivia: In the end where the kids meet up with their family on the beach, Chunk's sister in the movie is actually his real-life sister.

More trivia for The Goonies

Question: Heres something I never quite understood. Back in One-eyed Willie's day it seems they were Spanish speaking. What with the Spanish Armada and all. So why is it that the Treasure Map is written in Spanish, but rhymes in English?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Well, his ship is hidden in America where the people spoke english, so perhaps it was done for the benefit of those who were most likely to find the map. Must have been his idea of a joke.Actually though, I'm betting it was the result of the filmmakers not thinking that through.


More questions & answers from The Goonies

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