Dusty Rust-eze: Thanks to you, Lightning, we had a banner year!
Rusty Rust-eze: I mean, we might even clear enough to buy you some headlights!
Dusty Rust-eze: Are you saying he doesn't have headlights?
Rusty Rust-eze: That's what I'm tellin' ya - it's just stickers!
Lightning McQueen: Well, you know, race cars don't need headlights, because the track is always lit.
Dusty Rust-eze: Well, so is my brother, but he still needs headlights!
Harv: Where are you? I can't even find you on my GPS.
Lightning McQueen: I'm in this little town called Radiator Springs. You know Route 66? It's still here!
Harv: Yeah, that's great, kid. Playtime is over, pal.
Lightning McQueen: Look, Doc said when I finish, I could go. That was the deal.
Doc Hudson: The deal was you fix the road, not make it worse. Now, scrape it off! Start over again.
Lightning McQueen: Hey. Look, grandpa, I'm not a bulldozer. I'm a race car.
Doc Hudson: Hohoho. Is that right? Then, why don't we just have a little race - me and you?
Sally: What?
Lightning McQueen: Hohoho. Me and you? Is that a joke?
Doc Hudson: If you win, you go and I fix the road. If I win, you do the road my way.
Sheriff: Doc, what're you doing?
Lightning McQueen: Hahaha. I don't mean to be rude here Doc, but you probably go 0-60 in like, what? 3.5 years?
Doc Hudson: Then I reckon you ain't got nothing to worry about.
Lightning McQueen: You know what, old timer? That's a wonderful idea. Let's race.
Harv: It is such an honor to be your agent that it almost hurts me to take ten percent of your winnings. And merchandising. And ancillary rights in perpetuity. Anyway, what a race, huh, champ? Uh, didn't see it, but I heard you were great.
Mack: What? Did I forget to wipe my mud flaps?
Lightning McQueen: Wow, this organic fuel is great! Why haven't I heard about it before?
Fillmore: It's a conspiracy, man! The oil companies got a grip on the government. They're feeding us a bunch of lies, man!
Jay Limo: I don't know what's harder to find: Lightning McQueen or a crew chief who'll work with him.
Lightning McQueen: I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand.
Answer: Instead of sliding on all four tires, he's only sliding on the back two. The front two tires are turned to align with the direction of travel, allowing the car to maintain greater control of the drift. The slow-motion scene when McQueen first accomplishes this shows what's happening.
Phixius ★