Cars mistake picture Video

Deliberate mistake: At the start of the film when the commentators are explaining the tie situation between the 3 cars the green arrow to the car is out of alignment and misses the car, instead pointing at the track. Pixar Creative Director, Jay Ward, who is this film's team manager (as well as art coordinator) has stated that this was deliberately done as a joke, for fun. It's a little bit off, in the same way that Chick Hicks is a little bit off. This is the video with Jay Ward explaining:

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Suggested correction: If this was deliberately done for a joke, shouldn't this be under trivia? It just doesn't make sense to me that this would be a mistake if that was the entire point of it. I remember that this entry used to have a correction explaining that it was done for a joke, and the actual mistake didn't state this originally.


Other mistake: After the first race, in the scene where Lightning is rushing out on the stage thinking he is the winner, loads of confetti is shot out when the King and Chick Hicks gets onto the stage. The confetti is then falling down, but not a single flake hits any of the cars. However, in the following shots, you can see plenty of it on the stage underneath the cars, even though they haven't moved.

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Harv: Where are you? I can't even find you on my GPS.
Lightning McQueen: I'm in this little town called Radiator Springs. You know Route 66? It's still here!
Harv: Yeah, that's great, kid. Playtime is over, pal.

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Trivia: "Route 66" was the original title of this film, but the name was changed to "Cars" so as not to imply a connection with the television show "Route 66".

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Question: In the end of the movie, when the Ferrari comes into Luigi's tire shop, he says something in what I assume to be Italian to the little forklift after Luigi faints. Does anyone know what it was the Ferrari said?

Answer: He says: "Spero che il tuo amico si riprenda, mi dicono che siete fantastici" which more or less translates to: "I hope your friend will feel better soon, I'm told you are fantastic"

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