Audio problem: When Owen says, "Be quiet, I'm trying to work on this story. It's due tomorrow," you can hear him typing, but there is nothing written on the screen.

Cry_Wolf (2005)
1 audio problem
Directed by: Jeff Wadlow
Starring: Lindy Booth, Jared Padalecki, Jon Bon Jovi, Erica Yates, Jane Beard, Julian Morris
Other mistake: When Owen first meets Dodger, and asks if its that obvious he's a transfer, she tells him "It's a small school, word travels fast." During a flashback to this scene at the end of the movie she says "word spreads fast," instead.
Lewis: What's the matter Graham? Mad because you blew the physics test?
Graham: I don't know Lewis. Mad because Mercedes blew the lacrosse team?
Lewis: Blow this.
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