Continuity mistake: When the gypsy girls start their fight they both have perfectly clean hair. A few seconds later they both have bits of straw in their hair, although neither of them has fallen onto the ground yet. (00:41:55)
Continuity mistake: In the gypsy camp fight, the same bad guy is first shot by 007 and is shot again seconds later by Karim Bey. (00:42:15)
Continuity mistake: Just before Kerim Bey overturns the table in the beginning, at the Gypsy camp fight, two bottles are visible on the table. When he overturns the table, there's only one left. (00:42:50)
Continuity mistake: At the gypsy camp, James throws a knife out of his right hand, but, suddenly, he has a gun there ready to fire. (00:43:40)
Continuity mistake: During the fight at the gypsy camp, just before the host thanks 007 for saving his life from the gunman up above, watch carefully at the point when he is aiming his rifle and about to shoot. In the next shot just before 007 fires his gun, you can see the gunman loading his rifle. (00:44:15)
Continuity mistake: During the battle at the Gypsy camp, Kerim Bey gets shot on his arm but when Bond talks to him later, he has blood everywhere. Even if he had blood on his hands, I don't think he started to touch himself everywhere just for the fun. (00:45:20)
Continuity mistake: When Kerim Bey is making a sniper shot towards a billboard with the rifle being steadied on Bond's shoulder, check out Bond's eyebrows - they are long in one shot, short in another....obviously painted on. (00:49:05)
Continuity mistake: When James encounters Tatiana for the first time in the bedroom of the hotel bridal suite, as he begins to sit on the edge of the bed he is holding his Walther in a non threatening position in the palm of his hand, with his thumb on top of the slide. As the scene cuts to the POV of Tatiana, the pistol is being held in a firing position, finger on the trigger, and switches back when the scene cuts back to the wide shot of both of them. Also when Tatiana reaches to move the gun away from pointing at her and says "Guns upset me" she returns her hand to beside her on the bed. At the cut to the wide scene, she is again moving the gun away. (00:53:45)
Continuity mistake: Bond and Tatiana break into a Russian embassy to steal the 'Lektor' decoding device. As Bond tries to close the lid on the device, the lid is not even close to being closed. Ever the great actor, Sean Connery simply tucks the still-open device under his arm and continues the scene, which is him hastily making his escape from the room with the 'Lektor'. However, the scene shows that the 'Lektor' case is now fully and correctly closed only one second later, which is impossible to do in an instant. (01:02:40)

Continuity mistake: When Bond and the others board the train in Istanbul, they board the train at the rear which shows passenger coaches. When the train does not stop at the scheduled rendezvous because Kerim has been killed, the passing rear of the train contains freight cars. When Bond and Tatiana escape from the train, the departing shot of the rear of the train shows passenger cars again. (01:04:40 - 01:13:05)

Continuity mistake: On the train Bond gives Tatiana a powder blue negligée, the upper portion is lace. She puts it on and they snuggle a bit, then Bond is called out by Kerim about something. Bond returns a few minutes later and she has on a totally different negligée that has no lace on it but is still powder blue. (01:06:40)
Continuity mistake: In the scenes before and after Grant (travelling as Nash) joins Bond (travelling as Somerset) on the train, there are several insert shots showing the train from outside. Some show a Continental 2-8-0 locomotive with three headlights, towing black coaches with square windows and towing several vans. Some show a British 4-6-2 loco without headlights, and with British Railways legible on the tender; towing green coaches with rectangular windows. Oops. (01:20:00 - 01:30:00)
Continuity mistake: During the scene the handkerchief in Sean Connery's pocket alternates from being roughly folded with the higher side on his left side to being folded neatly with a straight edge. (01:32:00 - 01:34:00)
Continuity mistake: When Bond and Tatiana are in the boat chase and are being followed, they drop four cans of fuel in the sea. When Bond blows them up, there are way more than four fuel explosions in the sea. (01:43:15)

Continuity mistake: When JB is driving the truck and is being bombed with grenades from the helicopter, the truck gets smoke blackened. But when he arrives at the speedboat, all the smoke marks have gone.
Continuity mistake: The train is stopped because Spectre has pushed a 1950's style Dodge truck full of flowers in the train's path. Later, when James is driving it, trying to avoid the grenades dropped from a helicopter, the truck has turned into a very different-looking 1961 Chevrolet truck.
Continuity mistake: Just after Grant has hit 007 on the back of his head and knocked him out, Grant searches through the pockets of 007. He takes out some money and puts it into his lower left side pocket. But when 007 kills Grant and searches his pockets, he takes back the money from Grant's inside top right-hand pocket.
Continuity mistake: James Bond is chased by a helicopter. When seen from above, Bond carries an attaché case in one hand; when shown from the ground, the case is in the other hand. This change happens many times as the camera point of view switches.
Continuity mistake: When Grant hits 007 on the back of the head with his gun, he falls onto his back about six inches away from the seat, but in the next shot 007 is lying on his right side and his face is right up against the seat.
Continuity mistake: When Grant is putting something into Tatiana's drink, her arms are together in her lap as she is looking out of the window. As the next shot cuts in when the waiter says "excuse me merci", Tatiana is holding a fork in her right hand.