The Island

Continuity mistake: When Mac, Lincoln and Jordan are driving to the railway station. Mac takes the credit card out of Jordan's hands, however in the next shot, Lincoln is already holding it. (01:04:30)

Ronnie Bischof

Continuity mistake: When they are driving behind the truck, a flat piece of metal falls off. Shortly before it hits the car it is "flying" horizontal (20°) however in the next shot, when it hits the car it is suddenly vertical (90°). No time between the two shots for that immense change. (01:18:30)

Ronnie Bischof

Continuity mistake: The Black Wasp shoots out the truck's right front tire, but the subsequent shots show the truck's left front tire blowing out and the right tire intact. (01:19:50)

Continuity mistake: Two members of Laurent's team are in the elevator going up to the 70th floor of a rather tall Gas Company Tower in LA (the building with the giant "R" logo; presumably the building's height has been raised) to go after Lincoln and Jordan. When they step out of the elevator, the display inside says "70," but the floor number outside the elevator says "L," indicating that they're actually on the lobby floor. (01:23:00)

Shaun Ewing

Continuity mistake: When Tom and Six-Echo are in the car near the end, the chopper shoots down the traffic lights in front of them. When Six Echo drives off again, he drives straight with no problems. (01:37:40)


Continuity mistake: After Jordan frees herself from the surgery room, she walks around and looks at a map that she is holding in her hands. The camera then switching to a closeup of the map, but in that shot, the map is being held by male hands instead of female hands. (01:52:51)

Continuity mistake: When Lincoln and Jordan are running to the Zone 6 door during their escape Lincoln throws a person into Jordan knocking her down. However in the next scene she is miraculously right behind Lincoln again.


Continuity mistake: When the mother is being poisoned shortly after giving birth, we see a toe tag on her right big toe; in the next shot, the toe tag has moved to her left foot.

Nick Bylsma

Continuity mistake: When the clones are in Lincoln's house he takes a drink. When he picks up the bottle, we see the label, but when starts to drink, the label isn't visible anymore and the time is too short to turn it.

Ronnie Bischof

Continuity mistake: In the scene with the accelerating fan, there is a shot of the speed dial going towards the maximum. It then cuts to the fan speeding up. When it returns to the dial, the needle traverses the exact same distance that it did before.

Continuity mistake: When the row of train wheels is first shown rolling off the back of the truck, it has a flat sheet of metal on top of it. In the next shot, the sheet is gone. And in the next shot (when the wheels hit the road), it's back.


Continuity mistake: As Lincoln and Jordan are escaping they enter a room and we then see the guards coming down a set of stairs. You then hear Jordan shout at Lincoln. As the camera cuts back, we see the same guard run down the same set of stairs again.


Continuity mistake: Towards the beginning of the film, when Lincoln and Jordan first escape, we see them running and hiding in the room full of new 'products'. Water is constantly falling from the ceiling like rain, and both of them are soaked, to the point of water running from their hair and clothing in streams. In the next shot, however, when they have just left the room, they are little more than damp.


Continuity mistake: When Lincoln-clone enters the elevator, we see the short older clone has his shoulder in front of Lincoln's. The doors close and the camera switches to an overhead angle and we see Lincoln's shoulder is now in front.


Continuity mistake: When Jordan and Lincoln are at Mac's house, right after they escape, the lava in the lava lamp changes shape and location drastically between shots. (The lava changes much more than would be possible in that short amount of time).


Continuity mistake: When Jordan and Lincoln arrive at Tom's place the door opens different directions between shots.

Continuity mistake: When Lincoln 6 Echo goes into the facility, he is wearing a blue shirt. When he comes out again, it's purple.


Continuity mistake: When the police car stops on the middle of the four way junction, the first shot shows cars parked or waiting in all three lanes, but in the shot where they get broadsided, the armoured van is suddenly coming from the lane which previoulsy had a silver sportscar in it.


Deliberate mistake: Gandu Three Echo, the clone who hits the screen showing the first lottery winner in the movie, complains that he has been around for 7 years and never won the lottery. However, McCord explains later in the movie that the last name tells how old the clones are. Lincoln Six Echo is 3 years old because he is in the Echo generation, and the Delta generation (Jordan Two Delta) is 4 years old. Going backwards, this would make Charlies 5 years old, Bravos 6 years old, and Alphas 7 years old. Gandu Three Echo should have really been Gandu Three Alpha. (00:05:55)

More mistakes in The Island

McCord: Hey, just because people eat the burger, doesn't mean they wanna know the cow.

More quotes from The Island

Trivia: Jordan Two Delta (Scarlett Johansson) sees a poster ad and commercial for Calvin Klein featuring her sponsor "Sarah Jordan". They are really things Scarlett did for CK before she made the movie.

Sonja Marie

More trivia for The Island

Question: What happens to all the clones at the end? Do they live? Do the sponsors get their money back? Does the government kill them all?

Answer: We saw them set free, so assume beyond that what you will. If we apply current reality to it, we can guess the sponsors lost their money, as the venture was entirely illegal to start with. The government would gain nothing killing them, so they likely would issue new Social Security numbers to them and start collecting taxes ASAP. If you must have a definitive answer to 'what happened next', you can always wait for a sequel.


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