Visible crew/equipment: After Jules tells Frank to give the radio a rest, Frank heads upstairs to Johnny at his bedtime. It then intercuts between 1969 Frank and adult John simultaneously singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game," and just as Frank sings, "Cause it's root, root, root for the home team," a crew member's hand appears between the bed and dresser in order to settle the rambunctious pup, Elvis. (00:21:35)

Visible crew/equipment: When 1969 Frank overhears 1999 Shepard on the ham radio telling John, "Time to die, Sullivan," in two following shots of the same angle the actor's white T-mark is visible on the rug, between 1969 Shepard's feet. First, we see it just as Julia leaps onto Shepard, and then after Frank shouts for Johnny to run, we see it again just as Johnny runs toward the camera (before Shepard's hand is blown off). (01:49:35)
Answer: Because the house is no longer John's. In this universe, his parents still live there.
Brian Katcher
Or he lives there and his wife redecorated.
I always took the scene at the end with Julia and Frank getting in a packed car with an older looking Elvis as them moving and leaving the house for John. And as I said above John's wife must have moved in and decorated.