The Incredibles

Question: Why did Mrs. Incredible look at herself in the mirror? I never did understand that.

Answer: She sees her reflection and notices her thighs and rear-end look a little big, before letting out a slightly disappointed sigh. It's there to indicate that she has minor body-insecurity issues, much as Bob did earlier in the film. She hasn't been a super in a while and has had kids in the meantime, so she's put on a little weight... it's a nice moment to remind us that despite being a superhero on the surface, she's also a normal person with normal worries deep down inside.


Answer: She was noticing her larger hips/butt thanks to the skin-tight super suit. As with a lot of people, she gained weight as she got older, and she was no longer a superhero, so she didn't get the exercise she had in her youth.


The Incredibles mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lucius is putting aftershave on in front of the mirror, he hears the robot outside and runs to the window, leaving the bottle of aftershave on the desk with the lid off. He returns to open the drawer, and the lid is back on. (01:29:00)


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Edna Mode: This is a hobo suit, darling, you can't be seen in it, I won't allow it! Years ago maybe, but now? Pheh!
Bob Parr: What do you mean? You designed it!
Edna Mode: I never look back, darling, it distracts from the now.

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Trivia: The scene where Frozone, voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, has a cop pointing a gun at him, where he wants to "get a drink of water", is very similar to the scene he plays in Die Hard with a Vengeance, where he is in the same situation in the subway platform, needing to answer a pay phone.


More trivia for The Incredibles

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