Dr. Bill Harford: Now, where exactly are we going... exactly?
Gayle: Where the rainbow ends.
Dr. Bill Harford: Where the rainbow ends?
Nuala: Don't you want to go where the rainbow ends?
Dr. Bill Harford: Well, now that depends where that is.
Gayle: Well, let's find out.
Alice Harford: ...And at no time did he ever leave my mind.
Alice Harford: How do you feel about wrapping the rest of the presents?
Dr. Bill Harford: Maybe tomorrow night.
Alice Harford: You should call the Zieglers and thank them for the party.
Dr. Bill Harford: I've already taken care of that.
Alice Harford: When she is having her little titties squeezed, do you think she ever has any fantasies about what handsome Dr. Bill's dickie might be like?
Dr. Bill Harford: I know you would never be unfaithful to me.
Sandor Szavost: Don't you think one of the charms of marriage is that it makes deception a necessity for both parties? May I ask why a beautiful woman who could have any man in this room wants to be married?
Alice Harford: Why wouldn't she?
Sandor Szavost: Is it as bad as that?
Alice Harford: As good as that.
Alice Harford: If he wanted me, I would give up everything.
Gayle: Do you know what's so nice about doctors?
Dr. Bill Harford: Usually a lot less than people imagine.
Gayle: They always seem so knowledgeable.
Dr. Bill Harford: Oh, they are very knowledgeable about all sorts of things.
Gayle: But I bet they work too hard. Just think of all they miss.
Dr. Bill Harford: You're probably right.
Dr. Bill Harford: Are you sure of that?
Alice Harford: Am I sure? Only as sure as I am that the reality of one night, let alone that of a whole lifetime, can ever be the whole truth.
Dr. Bill Harford: And no dream is ever just a dream.
Alice Harford: So, because I'm a beautiful woman, the only reason any man wants to talk to me is because he wants to fuck me? Is that what you're saying?
Victor Ziegler: Bill, do you have any idea how much trouble you got yourself into last night just by going over there? Who do you think those people were? Those were not just some ordinary people. If I told you their names... no, I'm not going to tell you their names... but if I did, I don't think you'd sleep so well at night.
Dr. Bill Harford: Was it the second password? Is that what gave me away?
Victor Ziegler: Yes, finally. But not because you didn't know it. It was because there was no second password. Of course it didn't help you too much that those people arrived there in limos... and you showed up in a taxi. Or that when they took your coat, they found the receipt to the costume from the rental house in your pocket made out to you-know-who.
Mr. Milich: If the good doctor himself should ever want anything again... anything at all... it needn't be a costume.
Dr. Bill Harford: This pot is making you aggressive.
Victor Ziegler: Listen, Bill. Nobody killed anybody. Someone died. It happens all the time. Life goes on. It always does, until it doesn't. But you know that, don't you?
Alice Harford: Why do think Ziegler invites us to these things every year?
Dr. Bill Harford: This is what you get for making house calls.
Alice Harford: You sound very sure of yourself.
Dr. Bill Harford: I'm not, I'm sure of you.
Victor Ziegler: Alice, look at you! God, you're absolutely stunning! And I don't say that to all the women, do I?
Illona Ziegler: Yes, he does.
Answer: Perhaps the group is full or bans certain groups of people. It is also possible that they excluded him because in New York, physicians are mandatory reporters and they were afraid of being found out.
Greg Dwyer