Alien Vs. Predator

Corrected entry: When Adele gets a face-hugger on her, she shoots and falls backwards. Then you see her fall on that alien grid shaft even that she was at the end of the room and the grid was in the middle. She couldn't have fallen from one side to the middle.

Correction: I watched the scene myself and didn't see Adele fall into the middle. All that the shot shows is the grill and her muffled screams. Another justification for this mistake is that when the shot cuts back to the sacrificial chamber it shows Adele leaning on one of the altars implying she never fell in the middle of the chamber.

Corrected entry: The antarctic is for the predators a very bad place to have a "training facility". In predator 2 and in the comic magazines they always says that the predators looks for warm places with conflicts. Even, in one magazine they go to some cold place and a human finds them in the boiler room.


Correction: Hardly a mistake - it's obvious why this is the case. This is more than just a training facility - it's the location for a ritual to prove themselves by going up against their most deadly prey, showing themselves to be the best. By putting the pyramid in a cold region, away from the heat they prefer, it simply increases the difficulty of the challenge even further.


Corrected entry: When the guy is about to set the Aztec calender up to open up the chest, he asks what the date is, and is told it is the tenth of October. He then sets the calender to the tenth of the tenth. Bearing in mind how long ago the pyramid was built, October would still have been the eighth month, as it was the Romans who added two extra months, making October the tenth.

Correction: The Aztec calendar was developed entirely independent from the Romans. The Aztecs based their calendar on precise astronomical measurement and therefore had a more accurate calendar than the Greco-Roman version, which required centuries of tinkering before it was corrected.


Corrected entry: When arriving the base in Antarctica there is a heavy snowfall. This is unlikely since Antarctica is one of the driest places on earth and has less than 50 mm of snow per year.

Correction: Depends on how far in they actually are. "The distribution of precipitation over Antarctica is very marked, with several metres falling each year near the coast but the interior only getting an annual snowfall of a few centimetres. After the snow has fallen it will be redistributed by the winds, particularly in the coastal areas where the downslope katabic winds can be in excess of 40 kts for long periods of time."


Corrected entry: The predators use a high powered beam of energy (shown early in the film) to bore a hole down to the pyramid, yet the hole has a regular repeating groove pattern similar to what you would see from a drill bit. A laser would leave no such pattern.


Correction: The "beam of energy" was not necessarily a laser beam. There is any number of advanced alien devices that could achieve this effect including - but not limited to - a tiny pulse of antimatter, held in a modulated magnetic containment field, which is what would cause the grooves.

Corrected entry: A "Hunter's Moon" is when the moon appears blood red... it's on October 27th.

Correction: The Hunter's Moon is usually the full moon of October or the full moon after the Harvest Moon and happens on different days in different years. It is called this as it conveniently provides extra light for hunters to get in a lot of food before winter sets in. This year's just happened to coincide with a lunar eclipse which made it red, but the 2 phenomenon are not linked.


Corrected entry: When the Celtic Predator fights one of the Alien Warriors, he is shown to be wearing the power pack & rig for a shoulder cannon on his back armour. Yet, when he swings the Alien around by its leg in the same fight moments later, his back armour is missing this equipment.

Correction: Actually, if you notice when the Predator cuts the tail of the alien, it splashes acid across the Predator's armor so the Predator drops its armor which has the power pack and shoulder cannon on it.

Corrected entry: When we see the Alien Queen being freed by the other Aliens, she escapes by running down a stone tunnel which she is too big for, the result being that parts of the stone passageway are smashed off or destroyed as she charges through them. Later when the queen is attacking Lex under a metal and wooden tower structure, it seems to have trouble breaking through it and getting to Lex. Considering that this structure is from 1904, the fact that the same queen that was earlier running through stone is now struggling with century old wood is a little hard to believe.

Correction: Frozen wood is quite hard stuff. But more importantly, the Queen had been weakened by the huge explosion that destroyed the pyramid and had received a nasty stab wound to the neck.

Corrected entry: When they finally reach the pyramid they shoot a flair out to light up the pyramid, but when they change shots to show the flair lighting it up there is light coming from behind the pyramid, giving it an outline. They're 2000 feet below the surface of the earth. Where is that light coming from?

Correction: Maybe from the pyramid itself. Perhaps the predators designed a low-level ambient light source as well as the pyramid's energy plant. There is actually a fair bit of ambient light within the pyramid itself. Engineered bacteria could do the job, for example.

Corrected entry: Why is Lex so concerned about the Aliens reaching the surface? Where are they going to go? They are on an island in the Arctic, so they are most likely to freeze to death or drown before reaching any inhabited land. Why isn't she more concerned about the Predators who are more technologically advanced and pose a greater threat to human life.

Correction: Xenomorphs can survive being in space, so I think they could survive the Antarctic. Lex saw the Predators were highly intelligent and therefore did not pose a threat. (She has no idea they hunt humans for sport, they didn't hunt her so why would she?) If the aliens got off the island they would spread just like we see in the flash back.

Corrected entry: If the aliens could break the queen free so easily, why did it take them thousands of years to do so? Especially since they have been established in the Aliens series as such intelligent creatures. One would not think it should have taken them so long to think of something so obvious.

Correction: The queen called to them to come and release her. The last time the predators were there, the situation was well in hand and no aliens were ever able to reach her before being killed.

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: Why did the Predators store their tracking weapons, the one real advantage they have over the Aliens, in a chest that humans could open? That's not a necessary plot device, it's begging for trouble. The humans aren't considered to be part of the hunt, only a mechanism for the Aliens to be born. Even if part of the trial is reaching the chest, why would it have the same writing taught to the humans if only Predators are intended to open it instead of in the Predator language?


Correction: Part of the trial is to reach the chest with only hand weapons. The humans that come since the temple froze over didn't know it was there (and wouldn't be able to read Aztec heiroglyphs to open it even if they did), and when there were humans living there they wouldn't dare even touch the chest, after all they were told to stay out of it by their GODS!

Grumpy Scot

Corrected entry: After entering the pyramid, the team reads the ancient scriptures and learns about the predators fighting the aliens for honor. It also says that if the predator did not succeed, it made sure nothing survived, as we see the vision of one destroying everything including itself. However, at the end of the movie the last predator flees the scene after realizing it was out of control. Are we to believe that the predators abandoned thousands of years of tradition that easily?

Correction: The last Predator planted a bomb in the egg chamber capable of destroying the entire pyramid. Since he didn't plan on the Aliens escaping the pyramid, this should have honorably finished the trial and killed off all the Aliens.


Corrected entry: Supposedly the original human civilization that worshipped the Predators was destroyed when the Predators under trial lost against the Aliens and set off their bombs, decimating the city and killing all humans and Aliens in the surrounding area. How did the trial temple survive? At the end, it was destroyed by the same type of bomb, so it's not immune to the weaponry. If the Predators rebuilt it recently they wouldn't have bothered to include human script on all the walls to explain its purpose.


Correction: We see from the architecture in the pyramid that the predators where visiting cultures all over the planet. Eqypt (north Africa), South America, Asia. So the one that was destroyed in the flashback, was just one of the places on the planet that they used, not the only one.


Corrected entry: In the scene where a team member is opening the door to an abandoned building, there are letters written on the door (EN or EV), as if someone used their finger write it in the ice. The team had just arrived, and the only people before them were 100 years prior. Wouldn't someone's supposed initials have faded away in the Antarctic winds?

Correction: Those aren't someone's initials. The "EN" is from the word "Entrance" which is painted on the door.

Corrected entry: When Lex and the Predator enter the egg room, she drops the weapons that the Predator made for her. She never picks them up, but she has them again once the two of them get back on the surface.

Correction: You can see the Predator carrying them as they go to the surface and run from the blast.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, Lex and the Predator make their escape by shooting up the drilled tunnel via some sort of rig pulled by cables. It's assumed that the rig is used to transport equipment or crew back and forth to the surface. They blast off with it at breakneck speed. Does it seem safe to transport crew at high speeds on something not much more than a flat bed pallet? There weren't even harnesses or seatbelts.

Correction: See the control panel on the rig. It was set on emergency evacuation, which would activate the rig to go at breakneck speed.

Corrected entry: When the first Predator is killed, it is by the tail of an Alien that spears through its back. Right before it strikes, it appears that the tail is invisible in the same way that the Predators can be invisible. But Aliens cannot become invisible.

Correction: It was the Predator's Cloaking Devise that overlapped the Alien's tail, causing it to turn invisible.

Corrected entry: Near the end, when Lex is kneeling by the dead Predator which lies sprawled on the snow, the other Predators appear. Four kneel down next the the dead one, the shot changes and they stand up, lifting the dead one who is now lying straight on a stretcher that has magically appeared under the corpse.

Correction: Before the shot changes, listen carefully. There's a sound of equipment being deployed, much like a 'snikt' that you hear when the Predator extends its spear.

Corrected entry: When Lex is climbing the ice mountain she is talking on her cell phone, when she reaches the top she is surprised to see a helicopter waiting. How could she not see or hear the helicopter land above her?

Correction: The helicopter could have came from the other side of the mountain, not to mention that the people could have been waiting for her to reach the top for some time.

Continuity mistake: Early in the movie the female protagonist "Lex" Woods is climbing an ice waterfall. The scene shown from a distance reveals a steep ascent above the ice, but in the next scene, she reaches a large area flat enough for a helicopter to land upon. (00:03:40)

More mistakes in Alien Vs. Predator

Alexa 'Lex' Woods: Where exactly on the ice is this?
Charles Bishop Weyland: It's not on the ice, it's 2000 feet under it.

More quotes from Alien Vs. Predator

Trivia: The line "You are one ugly m*****" that Lex delivers to the Alien when she kills it before the exit through the shaft, is the same that Major "Dutch" Schaefer said to the Predator in the 1987 film.

More trivia for Alien Vs. Predator

Question: This entire expedition is just that, an expedition. It's not a hunt for Aliens or Predators, so why do Max Stafford and his team bring machine guns into the Pyramid? What are they expecting to find that would cause them to shoot? I've never heard of an archaeological team or a drilling team, for that matter, ever having to refer to projectile weaponry during an excavation.

Answer: Remember that they find the pyramid because of detecting a heat source - which implies that there's something down there, either something living or a technological source, that's created that heat, as spontaneous fires are something of a rarity in the Antarctic. Essentially, they have little or no idea what they might encounter down there, so it makes sense to cover all the possible scenarios, including the possibility of encountering a hostile force.


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