Alien Vs. Predator

Corrected entry: Near the end, during the fight with the queen alien, the last predator gets stabbed through the stomach by the queen's tail. Despite this, the chestburster inside the predator is completely unharmed and bursts out at the end.

Correction: The Predator gets stabbed in the stomach. The chestburster came out of the chest, i.e. above the stomach wound. The queen alien did not hit the chestburster.

Corrected entry: In the opening scene of the Weyland satellite, the date is listed as October 3, 2004, but when Lex and Sebastion are resetting the clock on the sarcophagus, Lex says it's October 10th.

Correction: The whole beginning of the movie takes more than just one day. First they have to locate everyone, bring them in for the meeting, then travel to Antarctica, then travel to the site. All this voyaging could easily have taken 7 days.

Corrected entry: In the previous Alien films, it has been established that the Alien lifecycle (egg, facehugger, chestburster, & warrior) takes anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days. However, in AvP, the Aliens go from facehuggers to full, adult warriors in less than an hour.

Correction: The Aliens of this movie have been genetically altered by the Predators to increase the viability and difficulty of the hunt. It would be a bit pointless for the Predators wait around for a day or two so the Aliens can build up their forces, especially if they have the power to engineer the Aliens.


Corrected entry: While exploring the pyramid, Alex unnecessarily checks her compass-watch and announces that the team should be directly under the sacrificial chamber. The chemlight that was dropped down the shaft from the sacrificial chamber above is lying on the floor in front of the team and clearly visible to all.

Correction: Good explorers/guides ALWAYS use their compasses when in unfamiliar terrain. She probably wanted to make sure she knew the proper route to take to get out. Besides, why not tell something so obvious to the people she was with? They were inexperienced.

Corrected entry: Lex makes a big deal out of their destination being a remote island in Antarctica. She says it is one of the hardest locations on Earth to get to. What do they find there? An abandoned whaling station. Hmmm. Not too hard to get to for 1900-era whalers, I guess.

Correction: Just because a whaling station is there at Bouvetoya doesn't mean it was not hard for the whalers to get there. In fact, if it is hard to get to, is it not easier to have a station out there if the whaling in that area is profitable, rather than sending ships there from some further location? (A whaling company wouldn't mind losing a few sailors to dangerous conditions, and judging by all the bones there, I would say whaling on the island was very profitable).

Correction: At no point does she say anything about it being "hardest to get to." She does state it is isolated.

Corrected entry: During the initial briefing, Graeme Miller suggests that if he were given a sample of the pyramid, he could tell how old it is. This has no basis in fact. One could determine how old the stone used to build it is (e.g. 3.2 million years), but not when it was built. If it were that simple, there would be no difficulty in determining the age of the known pyramids today,something that has proved most elusive. (00:10:00)

Correction: There are other methods of dating structures that allow accurate dating. Weathering of the stone and knowing where it was mined can help to figure that out.

Corrected entry: As the crew reaches the whaling station in the beginning, the Scottish chemical engineer goes off alone into a kitchen or something of the kind. He tries to pick up a cup, which is frozen solid, and the handle breaks off in his hand. Yet at the very end, when Lex and the Predator are trying to tie off the Alien, she goes to pick up a frozen shovel and it doesn't break.

Correction: The cup breaks because the cup is frozen to the table and the handle is fragile because of the frost.


Corrected entry: It has been said before on this site that apparently we or Lex would not have heard the helicopter land, as it could have come from the other direction (even though the echo would have been bounced all around the high mountains), but as she was so close to the top (and the helicopter was not there a few previous shots back) surely some surface snow, from the landing helicopter, would have been blown over the edge landing on her?

Correction: In fact you can see snow coming over the edge above her in the scene after she says "Let me guess, he's suing us again?" This should indicate the possibility of a helicopter landing over her.


Corrected entry: In the scene where they first get into the Antarctic, you can hear strong winds in the background, though snowflakes fall down really smooth, like there is no wind at all. (00:14:25)

Correction: That's not the sound of wind. It sounds more like thunder. The sound is made when the laser beam shot from the Predator's mothership hits the atmosphere and creates the tunnel in the ice.


Correction: Not all icebreakers have rounded prows; there are two main types. The type with a rounded prow slides up on top of the ice and lets its own weight shatter the ice, and the shape of the hull then pushes the ice aside under the remaining ice. The type with a sharp prow have reinforced prows to cut the ice; thicker ice is smashed through by repeatedly ramming it. These types tend to leave more ice fragments behind them than the other type. It should be noted that the shot of the icebreaker's prow in the film was actual documentary stock footage of a real icebreaker.

Corrected entry: There is no explanation as to what initially causes the heat bloom that is detected by the satellite or how this is supposed to lure people to the area when it is presumed that this would be detected even though it is way under ground, and who or what knows that humans have reached the level of technology to detect things from space?

Correction: The heat bloom is caused by the power generators in the pyramid firing up. In case you missed the first two Predator films, the Predators have been visiting Earth on a fairly regular basis to hunt - they could hardly miss the presence of orbital satellites and, with their advanced technology, would be able to figure out their capabilities with ease.


Corrected entry: The predators return to Earth every hundred years to train. If this is the case, then surely everyone would know about them, as the story is bound to have been passed down through generations. They say in the film that it was an honour to sacrifice yourself, so that the hunt could begin, so surely there would be some people who would want to continue the tradition?

Correction: When Sebastian tells the story about what he's learned about the Predators and the humans that worshiped them he says "But if the hunters (Predators) lost, they made sure nothing survived", in other words something went wrong and the Predators wiped out everything, killing those who would be able to continue the tradition.


Corrected entry: When the crew are standing on the ship, their breath is not visible, even though it is supposed to be cold.

Correction: On the ship, they are wearing light clothes, which means that it must have been warm, otherwise they would have been wearing heavier clothes.

Corrected entry: The roof of the Water tank that drags the alien queen to the watery depths breaks open to reveal that the tank is clearly empty (and not filled with oil as a previous correction suggested) Which if it was empty the tank would not sink to the ocean floor but rather float on the surface.

Correction: It definitely would: as the roof is broken, the whole thing would get filled with water and sink in a short time, just like ships do.

Corrected entry: Near the end, Predator and Lex Woods escape the pyramid area via a lift and the Mother alien is just behind them. Seconds after they crash land on the surface, the mother alien is emerging from ice. How can the mother alien travel such a long tunnel within seconds without any lift while the entire pyramid area was getting nuked?

Correction: The Alien queen is ahead of them and has plenty of time to ascend the tube under her own power - it's the other aliens that are behind them.


Correction: The Predators return to site in the Antartic every 100 years to train the younger Predators, not to hunt. The mature Predators are the ones that hunt and are the ones you see in Predator 1 and 2.


Corrected entry: When Weyland uses his asthma puffer as a flamethrower he is kneeling on flat ground, but when he gets killed he rolls down a row of stairs which weren't there before and are thinner than the original stairs.

Correction: The Predator actually pushes him over the flat area and down the stairs (which where indeed there the whole time) after it kills him. As for the stairs, there is no change in size or thickness.

Corrected entry: When the Predator cuts off the Alien's head and gives it to Lex to use as a shield, why isn't there any acid in the head? There should be at least a little left.


Correction: Actually, the Predator only gives her the skull. The rest of the "internal" parts of the head was removed. This is more clearly shown (explained) in one of the deleted scenes. Besides, without fully knowing the biology of the Aliens, it is safe to assume that there isn't much acid blood in its skull. Clearly shown when one of the other Aliens has its head sliced in half, there wasn't any acidic reaction.


Corrected entry: When Grid kills Celtic by shooting his inner teeth/tongue at Celtic's head, you can see it punching a hole through his helmet, right in the middle of the forehead. A second later when Celtic's head falls back lifeless, the forehead is shown and hole is no longer there and the helmet is still intact.

Correction: It's not certain that Grid killed Celtic by punching his tongue through the middle of his helmet. It may have gone through his eye and come out rather close to the middle at the back. This might be the reason why the movie focuses on the reflection of Grid's tongue in Celtic's eyes.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the group first arrives at the whaling village Lex says that the pyramid is directly beneath the whaling outpost. Later they find the drilled hole leading to the pyramid, which starts in the outpost and is said to be at a 30 degree angle. Obviously if the tunnel angles away from the village the pyramid isn't directly underneath.

Correction: If the entrance is at the edge of the village, which seems to be somewhat spread out and angles towards it, it would wind up being close enough for Lex's statement to be reasonable.

Continuity mistake: Early in the movie the female protagonist "Lex" Woods is climbing an ice waterfall. The scene shown from a distance reveals a steep ascent above the ice, but in the next scene, she reaches a large area flat enough for a helicopter to land upon. (00:03:40)

More mistakes in Alien Vs. Predator

Sebastian de Rosa: I think this is a manhood ritual. The humaniod ones, they've been sent here to prove that they're worthy to become adults.
Alexa 'Lex' Woods: You're saying, they're, what, teenagers?

More quotes from Alien Vs. Predator

Trivia: The line "You are one ugly m*****" that Lex delivers to the Alien when she kills it before the exit through the shaft, is the same that Major "Dutch" Schaefer said to the Predator in the 1987 film.

More trivia for Alien Vs. Predator

Question: What happened with the plot used in Predator I and II about they hunt only in places with a hot weather?

Answer: The pyramid was in a tropical climate at the time of its construction, but Yautja are sticklers for tradition so continued to use it as the climate changed.

More questions & answers from Alien Vs. Predator

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