The English Patient

Plot hole: Why wasn't Almasy's journal burned in the plane crash along with most of his skin?

Plot hole: It's unusual for Juliette Binoche's nurse to have a beautiful blue dress on when she retires with "her" patient to the abandoned monastery. Maybe it was an artistic homage by the film's director to her marvelous leading role in the movie, "Blue." However, given the unstable situation in post-war Italy, shouldn't she still be wearing her British khaki Army uniform?

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Willem Dafoe is conversing with another male British agent as the German paratroopers invade, a British female worker passes him as he is about to go down the flight of stairs. As he reaches the ground floor, she passes by him again as she goes up the same stairs he just came down - seemingly far too quick to be possible.

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Hana: There's a man downstairs. He brought us eggs. He might stay.
Almásy: Why? Can he lay eggs?
Hana: He's Canadian.
Almásy: Why are people always so happy when they collide with someone from the same place? What happened in Montreal when you passed a man in the street? Did you invite him to live with you?

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Trivia: When Almasy returns to the cave, he is wearing a German Wehrmacht issue tunic. From a distance, his outfit looks like German Army. However, looking closer, it is completely without insignia (other than plain privates's shoulder insignia). Makes perfect sense that the German Army would most likely not give him a piece of regulation uniform. If this is intentional, it shows perfect sense for detail.

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