The Fog

Visible crew/equipment: At the bar, Nick says to Liz "I'll be right back" and there is an immediate cut to the front of the lighthouse. Just before the fog begins to roll in you can see a crew member on the left side of screen moving around. It looks like he was signalling for the fog to be poured in. (00:53:24)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: At Stevie's house, when Mrs Kobritz comes in with shopping, she tells Andy to answer the telephone and the shadow of the camera/operator is visible on the wall (behind the plant) as it moves to follow Andy to the telephone. (00:45:21)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: When Dan (the weatherman) calls Stevie to tell her the fog bank has shifted direction there is a shot inside the weather station where the camera moves in slowly on Dan and you can see its shadow on the equipment it passes by. (00:20:35)

Jack Vaughan

Continuity mistake: When the windows on Nick's truck are smashed, Elizabeth has protective gloves on when she covers her face from the glass, they are then gone when the truck comes to a halt.

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Elizabeth Solley: Listen, I never hitchhiked before. I just really want to be careful. Can I ask you something?
Nick Castle: Sure.
Elizabeth Solley: Are you weird?
Nick Castle: Yes, I am. Yes, I am weird.
Elizabeth Solley: You are weird. Thank God you're weird. The last one was so normal, it was disgusting.

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Trivia: Writer-Director John Carpenter appears in the film as Bennett, Father Malone's assistant, at the beginning of the movie.

Jack Vaughan

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Question: I was wondering if there was supposed to be any connection between the six original conspirators and the victims one hundred years later? Obviously Father Malone was a direct descendant of one of the conspirators, but what about the other five? I thought maybe it was about roles, like a priest, three fishermen, a weather man and an old lady, maybe? Or was it just any six people who had to die? That doesn't seem to make sense because the zombies were going to kill Stevie and her son and the people at the church. Maybe they would have stopped after six were dead, I don't know. I also doubt that the six who died were all relatives of the six conspirators, what are the odds of the three fishermen all being relatives of the conspirators and being on the same boat? Anybody got any ideas?

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: From what I've gathered from listening to the DVD commentary there is no connection between the six that must die and the original conspirators (Father Malone aside). I've always found it quite silly that fog, which is seen roaring down the streets of town, seems hell bent on getting the main charaters and not bothering anybody else in the town.

If one reads the novelization of the film, it's revealed that the six were descendants of the original six conspirators. Although it wouldn't apply to the movie, it's an interesting plot point.


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