Antonio Bay is about to celebrate its centenary when Father Malone (Hal Holbrook) biscovers a journal by his ancestor, which reveals that the money to start up the town was stolen from a wealthy leper named Blake and his companions. the town founders then sunk the Leper's ship and, aided by a very thick fog, stole the gold. 100 years later, Stevie Wayne (Adrienne Barbeau) finds a terrifying message on an old Timber saying "The six must DIE".
meanwhile, out on the ocean, a fisherman's boat occupied by three men is engulfed by a supernatural fog. the terror has begun...
Answer: Six lives for the six members who betrayed them a hundred years ago.
'But Stevie wasn't connected to the six conspirators.
The ghosts didn't care about their victims' lineage.
Jukka Nurmi