Kill Bill: Volume 1
Kill Bill: Volume 1 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When The Bride cuts Sophie's arm off you see her get covered with blood. In the next shot, however, there is considerably less blood on her top and it is in a different pattern. (01:11:20)

Kill Bill: Volume 1 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When The Bride and Vernita Green are in the kitchen, Vernita mentions something like "I've got to fix my daughter's cereal." Notice when she says this, The Bride is holding her mug with the handle facing Vernita, when the shot changes, it is instantly facing The Bride - something which cannot be achieved this quickly.

David Mercier

Kill Bill: Volume 1 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the anime sequence after O-Ren Ishii has drawn the sword out of Boss Matsumoto, the blood is splashing out of him, and up on her face. But the amount of blood on her face keeps changing. (00:40:00)


Revealing mistake: When Gogo is fighting the bride, misses and hits herself with the mace, as she falls backwards onto the table, you can see the stunt double's hairy legs. (01:16:10)

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More trivia for Kill Bill: Volume 1

Question: In the scene where The Bride is trying to get Hattari Hanzo to make her a sword she mentions a "former" pupil and he changes his mind, writing on the window Bill. What did Bill do to upset Hattari Hanzo?

Answer: Bill used Hattari Hanzo's teachings for evil, instead of belief and self defense.

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