The Deer Hunter
Movie Quote Quiz

Michael: You wanna play games? All right, I'll play your fucking games.

Michael: You okay?
Linda: Did you ever think life would turn out like this?
Michael: No.

Michael: Stanley, see this? This is this. This ain't something else. This is this. From now on, you're on your own.

Stan: What do you think of her, Michael?
Michael: I don't know.
Stan: No, come on. On the level. On the level.
Michael: I don't know.
Stan: Is she, is she beautiful? Is she beautiful? Is she?
Michael: Truth?
Stan: Yeah.
Michael: No.
Michael: Well, do you think she's intelligent?
Stan: No.
Michael: Neither do I.

Michael: Come on, Nicky, come home. Just come home. Home! Talk to me. You just talk to me. Nicky. Nicky.

Angela: It's such a grey day.

Bingo Caller: I-sweet 16, I-18, then you become a man. Let's go men. G-60 and those boys who can't help themselves, please, buddy, help them too. Oh, will you dance with me. G-47 - but, I'm still satisfied with what I've got. That wonderful life I've lived. Think it over, buddy boys and I'll give you O-61.

Army Doctor: Chevotarevich, is that a Russian name?
Nick: No, it's an American name.

Stan: How does it feel to be shot?
Michael: Don't hurt. That's what you wanna know. And how it's been, doing OK.
Stan: Yeah, same thing. Nothing's changed. I'm getting more ass than a toilet seat and Axel here, he's getting fatter than ever.

Nick: I don't think about that much with one shot anymore, Mike.
Michael: You have to think about one shot. One shot is what it's all about. A deer's gotta be taken with one shot.

Michael: Every time he comes up, he's got no knife, he's got no jacket, he's got no pants, he's got no boots. All he's got is that stupid gun he carries around like John Wayne.

Michael: I feel a lot of distance, and I feel far away.

Michael: Holy shit, you know what those are? Those are sun dogs. It means a blessing on the hunter sent by the Great Wolf to his children. It's an old Indian thing.

Nick: You trying to look like a prince?
Michael: What do you mean, 'trying'?

Bar Girl: Okay, what you like to call me now? What you like to call me?
Nick: Linda.

Julien: When a man says no to champagne, he says no to life.

Michael: I'll tell ya one thing, if I find out my life had to end up being in the mountains, it'd be all right, but it has to be in your mind.
Nick: What? One shot?
Michael: Two is pussy.

Nick: Did you hear about the happy Roman?
Man in Locker Room: Yeah.
Nick: He was "glad he ate her."

Michael: A deer has to be taken with one shot. I try to tell people that but they don't listen.

Factual error: The boys go deer hunting somewhere in the Appalachians, but the geology is all wrong. That scene is in North Cascades National Park in Washington State. In addition, the "deer" they are hunting is a Red Stag. Not typically found in the Appalachians.

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Suggested correction: Part of the scenery is the North Cascades, including the first mountain shot, Mount Baker, south of the Canadian border.

Someone notes that "Red Stags are not typically found in the Appalachians." In reality, there are no wild red stags in the Eastern US, or anywhere in the US, or in North America, or even in the Western Hemisphere. Red stags are native to most of Europe, the Caucasus Mountains region, Anatolia, Iran, and parts of Western Asia. It also inhabits the Atlas Mountains of Northern Africa.

Thank you! Growing up in Pennsylvania and hunting deer since the age of ten - The use of the Red Stag in the last scene always bothered me. No trained White Tails, I guess. Great movie other than that.

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Trivia: During the helicopter stunt, the runners caught on the ropes of the suspension bridge and as the helicopter rose, it threatened to seriously injure both Robert De Niro and John Savage. The actors gestured and yelled furiously to the crew in the helicopter to warn them. Footage of this is included in the film.

More trivia for The Deer Hunter

Chosen answer: The whole phrase is "di di mao", which basically mean go now, or hurry up.


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