Plot hole: There's no way Jason could decapitate Blake's father the way he did without also decapitating Blake, who was sitting next to him sleeping.
Suggested correction: Maybe he set him up that way? His father did leave before this happened after all.
Plot hole: Right before the second boy gets killed he wakes up after having a dream of Freddy and sees his dad sitting next to him. When the boy taps his dad lightly his head falls off and we then see Jason standing there. In order for this to have happened, Jason would have had to unbutton the dad's shirt, chop his head off, put it back in place, and rebutton his shirt without getting any blood anywhere on the body and without the dad putting up a fight. Also Jason waits until after the boy wakes up and sees his dad dead before killing him. Wouldn't Jason just kill him in his sleep like he does to the girl in the cornfield later on in the movie?
Suggested correction: Maybe Jason set up the dad to freak out Blake. His dad left him on the porch and we don't see Jason actually kill him.
But this is not the way how Jason works - he doesn't play games as Freddy does; the moment he sees the person, he just kills. Killing of Blake and his dad was way off Jason's Modus Operandi.
Other mistake: Towards the end after the kids wreck the van, Kia points to a sign for Crystal Lake. That's where they are supposed to go but they go the other direction, away from Crystal Lake.
Suggested correction: They were still heading for the camp, which is where the fight takes place.
Revealing mistake: When Freddy drops the large boiler on top of Jason during their fight in the warehouse, the boiler is made of cardboard or some other lightweight material because it doesn't land very hard and it even bounces a bit.
Suggested correction: It is also a dream which means anything can happen.
Freddy was trying to kill Jason. Why would he drop something on top of Jason that was too light to crush him?
Other mistake: Jason drowned in 1957 yet Stubbs says he drowned in the 1930's.
Suggested correction: Stubbs actually mentions that Jason drowned in 1957. He said it while he was talking to the teens at the table.