The Matrix Reloaded

Corrected entry: When Morpheus is pulling the Keymaker off Trinity's motorcycle and onto the truck, he sticks his sword into the side of the truck and stands on it to reach him. However, he sticks the blade in vertically, so the edge faces the ground. Given that the sword cut easily through the greater part of the Twins' vehicle, shouldn't his weight be enough to force that strong, sharp blade down the side of the truck? (01:32:10)


Correction: Debatable, as while he does stick it vertically, the blade is also pointing upwards, meaning the blunt side is facing the ground, and would be a lot harder to force through the metal.

Corrected entry: This happens in the scene where Neo fights the Frenchman's henchmen. Together, the henchmen shoot hundreds of bullets at Neo, which he stops with his hand. However, when they begin to fight hand-to-hand the bullets are no longer seen on the floor. The bullets reappear later on in the scene.

Correction: If you watch the fight scene as things are broken and falling to the ground you can see the bullets.

Corrected entry: In the freeway scene, when the 2 agents smash the 2 truck together head on, the trucks crumple like a can, and then the trailers do the same. This would not happen, as the trailers are approx. 4 feet behind the truck. At best they would have some damage to the nose, and then jacknife off to the side.

Correction: This is the Matrix; the semis crash however it would want them too. Remember in the first movie when the helicopter crashed into the high rise building, the glass windows rippled all the way to the edges before exploding outward; same concept here.

Corrected entry: During the highway chase scene, Trinity and the Keymaker jump from an overpass onto the bed of the tractor-trailer carrying the motorcycles. The shot of their jump shows the truck passing under them, moving considerably faster then they are - however, the next shot shows them landing on their feet squarely and not falling backwards. This would have required them to be moving forward as fast as the truck - to have jumped out from the overpass with a forward velocity equal to the truck's - something that the previous shot shows they did not do.

Correction: Since they are in the matrix and they know that not all the real world rules of physics apply in the matrix that is something that could happen.

Corrected entry: In the hallway right before the Keymaker is shot, there are several close-up shots of Agent Smith as he is talking to Neo. At this time, you can see the camera lens in the reflection of Smith's sunglasses (the camera is really close to Smith's face, so you have to look closely, but it's there).


Correction: No, thats his eye.

Corrected entry: When Agent Smith transforms one of the rebels into another Smith, several times during the movie and the original we see characters reading the screens in the real world and being able to tell that there is an Agent, so presumably the operator could tell that the rebel was transformed into an Agent, so why didn't he hang up so Smith couldn't get out?

Correction: That's making the assumption that every operator knows everything at all times. No operators knew what Smith was until Neo said that it was an Agent. The operators just knew that it was something different.

Corrected entry: When Neo is fighting the Smiths with the metal pole in the playground, there is one part where Neo and Smith are holding it and it bends as if it were plastic.

Correction: You can reason that this was intentionally done by Neo to help him fight Smith.

Corrected entry: A lot of people might not agree but watching the big rave / dance scene in Zion just did not seem right to me. 250,000 Sentinals are drilling their way towards the city and will hit their target in less then 72 hours. The humans have nowhere to run. Does this seem like a good time to have a party? Wouldn't it be more prudent to prepare the city's defenses or even be working on more of them? I wouldn't care how motivating Morpheous's speech was, I'd be more worried about the machines then my dance routine.

Correction: This is an opinion rather than a mistake - plus he does a very good job of portraying the machines as nothing to be afraid of, given their inability to attack Zion in the past, and inspiring everyone to shed their fear.

Corrected entry: Throughout both the Matrix, and Reloaded, we see that it takes at least five seconds or more for a normal person to "transform" into an Agent. Yet on the Freeway chase, one Agent transforms from a human into an agent with his arm stretched out ready to fire in about a second, the time it takes to pass an obstruction.


Correction: Not quite so. On Matrix, when Neo is running away from agents, he runs thru some house department and gets thru a kitchen. There's an old woman with a kitchen knife on her hand, when Neo continues running he listens the knife hitting the door frame and when he turns back he sees an agent instead of the old lady. This transformation took also a fraction of a second. The Matrix can transform people into agents very fast indeed. We just don't know what affects the speed - possibly the weakness of the "host" mind.

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie, someone mentions that the door to the 'Source' is on a floor of the building that cannot be reached by elevator or stairs. Yet when Trinity decides to go into the Matrix, Link tells her to go to the 65th floor. How would she be able to get there without elevator or stairs?

Correction: She's pretty resourceful. She could have found a way to get to the roof and then down from there, for instance.


Corrected entry: In the chase scene, one of the cars (perhaps the same one above that's missing the gas tank?) that flips end over end is missing its drive shaft.

Correction: The car, an Olds Aurora, has no driveshaft as it is front-wheel drive.

Then what is the shaft tunnel for?

The Matrix Reloaded mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the freeway chase scene when one of the agents jumps onto the hood of the first car then jumps off, the car flips, then a second later as the car is still flipping you can see the gas tank and transmission have been removed. (01:23:45)

More mistakes in The Matrix Reloaded

Niobe: I remember. I remember you used to dance. I remember you were pretty good.
Morpheus: There are some things in this world, captain Niobe, that will never change.
Lock: Niobe!
Morpheus: Some things do change.

More quotes from The Matrix Reloaded

Trivia: Monica Bellucci's dress is some what see through. You can see that she isn't wearing underwear. (01:05:10)

More trivia for The Matrix Reloaded

Question: Whatever happened to the Twins that work for the Frenchman? They do not appear at all in "Revolutions," or at least not as major characters.

Answer: Well, they get defeated. They probably weren't killed, as they reverted to Ghost form (and were still alive when they did it, as they were screaming) which would repair any damage they sustained, but i can't imagine them being willing to go back to the French guy, if he's as powerful as he's made out to be. They're probably just in hiding somewhere.

Gary O'Reilly

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